Friday, May 31, 2019
Charles Dickens The Signalman :: charles Dickens signalman Essays
Charles Dickens The SignalmanIntroductionI have studied pre-1900 short stories by different authors, which allfollow a similar format and historical capacity of their time. In myessay I will discuss and describe what necessary ingredients are carryed to make these murder mystery short stories effective andsuccessful. con stories became an extremely favoured form of fiction andentertainment during the nineteenth century... In the days beforeelectrical advantages for entertainment, (e.g-radio, television,films and videos) adventure was generally only discovered/only existed at heart the imagination of mystery and supernatural stories, and wereespecially popular in the Victorian age, where people would escapeinto the mystifying worlds the words described in the stories.(Perhaps these authors fulfilled the need for excitement in thisrelatively oppressed society...). It was during this era that manywriters began to capture readers curiosity ab knocked out(p) death, vengeance,trickery, imp risonment, hanging, ghosts and fear...A front impression may affect/ delimit the way the words willcommunicate with its reader throughout a story. So I feel it importantthat the begining of a mystery story mustiness be (engaging, compelling,intriguing, appealing, capture the imagination/ attentions of theaudience) immediately for it to be successful.Mystery= arcane, baffling, curious, enigmatic, incomprehesible,inexplicable, insoluable, magical, miraculous, mystifying, obscure,perplexing, puzzling, secret, strange, uncanny, unexplained,unfathomable, unknown, wierd, bizarre, puzzle, problem, riddle,abnormal, supernatural.Murderous= barbaric, bloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, dangerous, deadly,ferocious, fierce, homocidal, pitiless, ruthless, savage, vicious,violent, assassin.The overall effect of the above ingredients, if successfully combined,will ensure the reader is first drawn in, by capturing theirimagination, and they are then compelled to keep reading until theend.BeginingsIn th e begining of our first story The Adventure of the EngineersThumb by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1892) (who is the creator of thefamous characters private eye Holmes and Dr. Watsons detectiveadventures) He tells this strange, dramatic story, which he believes,had been told more than once in the newspapers - to stress howsignificant this mysterious account was. The following quotation isthe divide introducing the story-One morning, at a little before seven oclock, I was awakened by themaid tapping at the door, to announce that cardinal men had come fromPaddington, and were waiting in the consulting room. I dressedhurriedly, for I knew by experience that railway cases were seldomtrivial, and hastened downstairs. As I descended, my old ally, theguard, came out of the room, and closed the door tightly behind him.Ive got him here, he whispered, jerking his thumbs over hisshoulder, Hes all right. What is it then? I asked, for his mannersuggested that it was or so strange creature which he had caged up in
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Television Censorship in the Past and Present Essays -- Exploratory Es
Television censorship in the Past and PresentTyping in the web address http//, I begin my search for information regarding the controversial receptive. After a few seconds of waiting for the site to load, a black stage setting comes up, with black font displaying the message This site is not accessible because it is categorized as Sex, Violence, Language. I immediately highlight the web address and annoyingly lap at the delete button on my keyboard and watch it disappear. Jeez, everything is censored nowadays Frustrated, I decide to take a break. I get up from my computer, cut out my tired body onto the couch, and turn on the T.V. Once the picture becomes clear, I am greeted by a completely bare behind The man yells, You gnomish bitch to his friend who has taken his pants, and a roar of laughter comes from the simulated audience on the show. The scenario shocked me, for I had just been restricted from a website because of subject matter closely related to what I was just seeing on the televisionI sat for a few seconds and thought about the bearing behavior like that was prohibited from the public eye just soon before. But why was it now being allowed to broadcast over millions of T.V. sets across the realm? I realized that censorship itself, and specifically television censorship, has changed immensely through the years. Censorship, or the prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form has been present since the Roman times (Censorship, History...). The original intentions of the widespread act were to supervise the manners and morals of the people. Government officials were to exclude certain topics, groups, or religio... ...ensorship. 02 Oct 2003 17 featherbed 2004 <http// History of Censorship. 20 Mar 2004 <http// Buchanan, Matt. Ratings, Censorship, and Ne gative Criteria. 20 Mar 2004 <http// Televised Censorship. 21 Mar 2004 <http// Television Censorship. Academic Library. 20 Mar 2004 <http// The Long History of Censorship. Beacon for Freedom of Expression. 20 Mar 2004 <http// The Shadow of Incipient Censorship The Creation of the Television Code of 1952. 17 Mar 2004 <http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Comparing Washington Irvings Sleepy Hollow the Movie to the Book Essay
Comparing cap Irvings sleepy-eyed holloa the Movie to the Book?The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? is a short story by Washington Irving. Based on a well-known legend, this story tells the tale of the disappearance of the main character, Ichabod Crane. An effective ghost story, Irving leaves you guessing what the truth is behind the ending. The movie Sleepy Hollow is Hollywood?s portrayal of Irving?s original story. Although the movie is similar to the story in the beginning, the movie takes a twist that leads in other direction that strays far from the original plot.The original story by Washington Irving starts out in a small town of Sleepy Hollow. Irving paints an image of big crops, beautiful scenery, and prosperous landowners. Ichabod Crane was a local pedagogue, who taught at the local schoolhouse. He was known for his strict ways and yet he was very common amongst the families of his students- especially the ones who had ?pretty sisters.? Ichabod enjoyed spending fall e venings with the old widows as they sat by a fire and told stories of ghosts and demons and other supernatural beings. One story that was unceasingly told was one of the legendary Headless Horsemen. The tale tells of a soldier who had his head shot off with a cannon ball. His ghost now roamed Sleepy Hollow on his horse, looking for his lost head. In place of his head, sits a jack-o-lantern, which had a fiery glow.Intertwined with this short story is a love story, or rather a story of pure lust and greed. Ichabod Crane was in ?love? with a girl named Katrina Van Tassel. Katrina was the daughter of the wealthy and prosperous landowner, Heer Van Tassel. Ichabod?s by-line of Katrina was for purely physical and lustful reasons. His... ... While the original story leaves you wondering what happens to Ichabod, the movie leaves you with the question on whether or not everything can be explained by science. Ichabod tries the entire movie to try and figure out who is the murdere r by using all his scientific explanations, yet in the end, there truly was a ghost. Both stories leave you thinking about the possibility of ghosts and demons. When it comes to both stories, they both provide questions that leave us to ponder. While they have their similarities, the majority of ideas disaccord. The story lines differ in so many ways that they are two different stories with a few similarities that tie them together. Although I enjoyed watching the movie, I still draw that I prefer the question that the original story left us wondering. What did happen to Ichabod Crane? Personally? I think he ran away.
Biography of Alexander Hamilton Essay -- Hamilton Founding Father Bio
Biography of Alexander Hamilton SummaryAlexander Hamilton was most likely born on January 11, 1757, although the exact year of his birth is unknown. Hamilton was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis or St. Kitts to Rachel Fawcett and James Hamilton, plainly he spent the majority of his youth on the island of St. Croix. His formal rearing as a child was minimal. When his mother died in 1768, Hamilton took his first job as a clerk in the offices of merchant Nicholas Cruger, keeping Crugers business records, and organise business efforts between the merchant ship captains, government officials, and planters. Cruger and a local Presbyterian minister, Revere nd Hugh Knox, recognized Hamiltons genius and persuaded him to leave St. Croix for New York City. Alexander left the island in 1772, never to return again. In New York, Hamilton attended several preparatory academies and schools to prepare himself for college. He interviewed with John Witherspoon of the College of New Jersey, which is now known as Princeton, but eventually enrolled in Kings College, which is now known as Columbia. In 1776, Hamilton withdrew from Kings College and joined a local New York militia to fight in the American renewing against the British. During his first year of service, Hamilton served as an artill... ...entirely out of the political world after his resignation, but his involvement in politics after the late 1790s did his cause more harm than good. In the election of 1800, for example, Hamilton inadvertently split the Federalist Party to allow his rival, Thomas Jefferson, to become President of the United States. In 1804, Hamilton wrote a series of essays against some other rival, Aaron Burr that was partly responsible for Burrs loss in that years New York gubernatorial race. Burr blamed Hamilton for his loss and challenged Hamilton to a duel in which he pellet Hamilton. Hamilton died the next day on July 11, 1804, at the age of forty-seven.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Was the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre a Failure of Civil Disobedience?
The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre in China or the June Fourth Incident was one of the most famous student protests in the dry lands history. The Massacre took place on June 4th 1989 the last day of a series of pro-democracy demonstrations around Tiananmen Square beginning from April 14. The Tiananmen protest ended in tragic failure and bloodbath as the Chinese state decided to put down the protest with a martial law. At last, army parade and tanks were sent to take control of the city and were ordered to clear the square by firing at the crowd of protesters. The number of deaths has been a matter of rock over the world until now, which ranges from several hundreds to thousands. In spite of the massiveness and the great influence of the protest, June Fourth was a great failure of civil disobedience because of its leave out of organization and the dominant power of the Chinese dictatorial government. The root of protest came into existence since the early of 1980s after the death of Mao ZeDong the first professorship of the Communist party of China in 1976. Since the communist party came to power, it had conducted many social and economic campaigns that had tremendous influence on the nation. The total domination of the socialist government towards the society caused many mistakes that made China face many disasters, for example, the severe famine caused the death of 30 million people from 1959 to 1961 (Zhao 42), or the ethnic Revolution which annihilated traditional culture and murdered a lot of intellectuals. In 1978, the new leaders decided to reform to rescue the Chinese thriftiness which was on the verge of collapse. They corrected the past mistakes with an open-door policy on all areas from economy to culture, thus loo... ...down the student demonstrations and somehow killed the revolution spirit of the people, the world willing always remember the Tiananmen protest as significant, bravery and dramatic civil disobedience in the pursuit for democracy. Works CitedBranigan, Tania. China lifts ban on Tiananmen sites. 3 August 2008. .Mackerras, Colin. June Fourth. Dictionary of the Politics of the Peoples Republic of China. beginning(a) ed. 1998.Pei, M. From Reform to Revolution The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union. Harvard University Press, 1994. Zhang, Liang. The Tiananmen papers. Ed. Andrew J. Nathan and Perry Link. 1st ed. New York Public Affairs, 2001.Zhao, Dingxin. The power of Tiananmen. Chicago and London The University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Was the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre a Failure of Civil Disobedience?
The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre in china or the June Fourth Incident was one of the most famous student protests in the worlds history. The Massacre took place on June 4th 1989 the last day of a series of pro-democracy demonstrations around Tiananmen Square start-off from April 14. The Tiananmen protest ended in tragic disappointment and bloodbath as the Chinese state decided to put down the protest with a martial law. At last, army troops and tanks were sent to take control of the city and were ordered to clear the square by firing at the crowd of protesters. The sum up of demolitions has been a matter of controversy over the world until now, which ranges from several hundreds to thousands. In spite of the massiveness and the great influence of the protest, June Fourth was a great failure of civil disobedience because of its lack of organization and the dominant power of the Chinese dictatorial government. The root of protest came into existence since the early of 1 980s after the death of Mao ZeDong the first chairman of the Communist party of China in 1976. Since the communist party came to power, it had conducted many social and economic campaigns that had tremendous influence on the nation. The total domination of the socialist government towards the society caused many mistakes that made China face many disasters, for example, the severe famine caused the death of 30 one million million people from 1959 to 1961 (Zhao 42), or the Cultural Revolution which annihilated traditional culture and murdered a lot of intellectuals. In 1978, the new leaders decided to ameliorate to rescue the Chinese economy which was on the verge of collapse. They corrected the past mistakes with an open-door policy on all areas from economy to culture, thus loo... ...down the student demonstrations and somehow killed the transformation spirit of the people, the world will always remember the Tiananmen protest as significant, bravery and dramatic civil disobed ience in the pursuit for democracy. Works CitedBranigan, Tania. China lifts ban on Tiananmen sites. 3 August 2008. .Mackerras, Colin. June Fourth. Dictionary of the Politics of the Peoples Republic of China. 1st ed. 1998.Pei, M. From Reform to Revolution The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union. Harvard University Press, 1994. Zhang, Liang. The Tiananmen papers. Ed. Andrew J. Nathan and Perry Link. 1st ed. New York Public Affairs, 2001.Zhao, Dingxin. The power of Tiananmen. Chicago and London The University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sociology is a liberal perspective that explores the influences of mixer forces on individual behaviors. Course Objectives Students should be able to use a variety of thinking and reasoning skills, apply these skills as appropriate in various situations, and move among them depending on purpose. Upon completion of this course students should be able to define and gain a better understanding of sociology, critical thinking, and critical sociology. Define and differentiate between the three major sociological perspectives. Identify significant historic contributions to the discipline.Define and apply the sociological imagination as it pertains to a wide spectrum of real-world situations, cultures, and social problems. Understand the functions and social problems created and maintained by social institutions. Explain how age, race, ethnicity, gender and social severalise atomic number 18 socially constructed and how such constructs contribute to existing social problems. Witt, Jon ( 2013). SOC 2013 (3rd Deed. ). McGraw-Hill companies Inc. ISBN 07-802674-4 Finitenesss, Kurt (2013). Annual Editions (41st Deed. ). McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.ISBN 978-0-07-813601-6 Office Hours o have any questions, problems, or concerns, please looking at free to visit me during my office hours Tuesdays or by appointment. Email Etiquette The best way to get to me is via email at Ashley. emailprotected Email. Deed. However please keep in mind that FREER does non allow me to discuss any matters concerning personal grades. Additionally, I teach several classes each semester at two different universities. I ordain not respond to emails unless you provide me your NAME and CLASS so that I know who you ar. Please refer to me as Ashley.Attendance, Absences, & Make-Up Work In this class there is a strong correlation between attendance and test performance, assignment scores, and your last grade. Material presented in class leave alone NOT be made available to those who do not attend. Lecture notes will NOT be posted on Blackboard. If you are going to miss an exam, you must contact me in ADVANCED notice preceding to the exam, as well as provide documented evidence of your excuse. Late prepare in labs will not be accepted. If you anticipate being absent, you must contact your TA prior to missing lab and schedule a different lab session to attend.Make-up work will only be allowed in the rare occasion that you are severely ill, experience an emergency, or are required to attend a university issuing and you must provide documentation of your absence. Course Organization & Grading ** This course is weighted. Therefore, your total points on Blackboard will not be representative of your final grade unless you calculate those points in accordance with the weight. ** Lecture Material presented in lecture will NOT be made available to those who do not attend class and will NOT be posted on Blackboard. Grades are NOT curved, emailed, or given over the phone.Extra credit is NOT an option. Labs A separate lab syllabus will be provided by your GTAG. Lab times are NOT interchangeable. If you cannot attend your lab session, you must contact tom or Keenan prior to your absence. Students are required to make-up their missed lab session during another lab session. This section is worth 30% of your final semester grade. It is your tariff to keep a copy of all your work. Once assignments have been returned it is in your best interest to check Model right away to make surely your score is posted correctly AND to hold on to them until the class ends and final grades re posted.Quizzes There will be a total of 11 screenzes offered this semester. all(prenominal) test is worth 10 points. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped hence 10 quizzes will count towards your final grade. The quiz schedule is listed below. The quiz will become available the Friday prior to the date due. On the due date, the quiz must be submitted by 1159 p. M. Quizzes that are not sub mitted by the corresponding date and time will result in a failing score. You CANNOT make up a missed quiz (you can drop the lowest score). Quizzes are not timed.You may access the quiz as many times as needed, however once the quiz is submitted, the score is final. All quiz questions will be derived from your textbook. Quizzes will be worth 10% of your final semester grade. Exams This section is comprised of 3 multiple choice exams (which are NOT comprehensive). The majority of exam questions are derived from mass lecture. The remaining questions are from the textbook. Excused make-up exams are granted if you contact Tom or Keenan PRIOR to the exam date and provide documented evidence of your excuse. The instructor reserves the right to change the exam dates.Final Grades Exams, quizzes and lab assignments are calculated as follows 0-100% = A 80-89% 70-79% 00-59% Blackboard Class announcements, quizzes, study guides and other supplemental course material will be posted on Blackboard . To access course material (study guides, quizzes), be sure to click on the Content link located in the left hand column. You will find the material in the associated folder. Additionally, all grades (unofficial) will be posted on Blackboard. Classroom Conduct Attending the University of North Dakota is a privilege, not a right.The classroom is a special environment in which students and faculty come together to promote learning. Examples of improper behavior in the classroom may include, but are not limited to disrespect for the master key status of the instructor and/or GTAG (refrain from contacting us through social media), persistent late arrival to or early departure from class, distractive talking, the use of cell phones and laptops to text, chat, or surf the web, refusal to comply with reasonable directions, employing insulting language or gestures and verbal, psychological, or physical threats and harassment.The Department of Sociology supports classrooms that are positive learning environments, where people are deferent and supportive of one another. You may have strong opinions, but everyone is expected to listen respectfully to alternative viewpoints and to communicate ideas in a non-confrontational way without monopolizing classroom discussion. Course materials prepared by the instructor including the content of all lectures, are the property of the instructor. Reproduction of materials, including video and audio recording of lectures without the consent of the instructor is prohibited.Unless license is obtained from me, copies of materials and recordings of lectures may not be modified and must not be transferred or transmitted to any other person, whether or not that individual is enrolled in the course. Academic Misconduct classroom behavior, will be reported to the Sociology Department and the Dean of Students. Subsequently, the behavior will become part of your permanent university record. The penalty for academic misconduct is a failing gr ade for the assignment/ exam in question or a failing grade for the course, depending upon the severity of the misconduct.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Homosexuality in America in Reference to Cat
These accusations were made by people such as John Clue and Nicholas De Jingo. Shackled suggests that these critics didnt take into account that writers and their run away would have been rejected or censored. (Shackled 1998). Gay men and women were subject of Senator McCarty Witch hunts during the ass, they were considered by the government as security risks. The government accused homosexuals as potential playing as spies who would betray them as this type of lifestyle was UN-American. (Shackled 1998).Homosexuals were also seen as communists, and during the witch hunt in the asses they were prosecuted, even thou proof. Government officials were fired from their jobs. This was know as McCarthy. (Shackled 1998). Inspired by McCarthy, a legislative committee sought to rid Florida of any perceived homosexual, for being joyous was not only sexual perversion of the highest magnitude but, more importantly, also tantamount to being a traitor (Shackled 1998). During the time that William s wrote Cat on a Hot Tin Roof being gay was one of the worst crimes that someone could commit.Homosexuality was also considered as a mental illness, which meant that anyone ho was open about their gay lifestyle was immediately seen as abnormal. This meant that the medical examination procedure known as a Lobotomy could be performed in order to cure homosexuality. These procedures went ahead despite Sigmund Frieds claims that homosexuality was neither an asset nor a liability. (Shackled 1998). In Cat on a Hot Tin Roof It Is clear that maestro was a gay man. He drank himself to death after admitting his cheat for Brick, and falling to prove that he wasnt when sleeping with Maggie. Alcohol becomes the means by which both the gay or quasi- ay male characters, Skipper and Brick, run from their inner selves. Skipper is portrayed as a disturbed but clearly homosexual man whose love and admiration for Brick are such that he cannot face the honor Maggie helps reveal to him. (Shackled 1998). Skipper is a key role In this play, despite being dead before It begins.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Commentary on ‘Testing the Reality’ Essay
This short further powerfully descriptive poem tells the story of a young gentle human being who comes to discover just how fragile the spring between aliveness and death really is. Written in the form of a dramatic lyric, the poem highlights the moment of revelation and reflection as the man realizes his mother hadnt died instead she had moved on to another place. The themes of death and abandonment are clearly depicted by the poet through the use of tone, setting, rhythm, symbolism, hyperbole, judgment rhyme and time.Through all these methods, the poet builds a sense of sorrow and feeling of utter reliance the narrator has upon his mother. It emphasizes the mans lifelong journey, from a young tike encountering to count to a fully grown man mourning the death of his 70- course-old mother. As he grows in body and matures in mind, he fills his head with knowledge and pushes at the boundaries of his world, testing it. The name Testing the Reality arises because the son has to f ace the reality of life, and the deaths that occur in life.The poem takes place in a church, in a funeral set-up, with flocking birds in the sky. We understand this because of the phrase so crammed church roof and campanile. I can comprehend that it is a funeral because the poet relates the hibernation of the birds to a 70 year old woman. The writer also illustrates a picture of a myriad of birds as he writes There must have been 10,000 there or more. veritable(a) though he feels immense loneliness and sadness after the passing on of his mother, he is not yet ready to follow her, and must persist in in reality, hence he is the last soul still unhatched. The poem begins in the first person as the poet describes his experiences as a boy. We learn that his mother taught him to count to a ragged 20 hardly no higher. When he was still a boy, the sheer number of birds perching on the belfry exceeded his counting abilities, cramming church roof and belfry, cross and spire.At this later stage in his life, however, it is not due to his counting skills that he cannot count but due to the sheer immeasurable quantity and their uncontrollable, free nature, unable to be caged or catalogued. Their numbers were so great that their final taking off blacked Beestons sky. These birds feature throughout the poem, creating a sense of activity and movement and dramatic symbolism. Here, the black sky symbolises the unfortunate and sad mood.While the flocking birds represent what the man is looking at and his memories of them as a boy, they also have a metaphorical meaning, symbolizing the life and death of his mother. The crossroad of reality and imagery appears in line six with the following alliteration picketed piercingly the passing of each day. The power of the repeated P sound reflects the sound of the birds cries. In the poets mind, each bird also represents a single day in the life of his mother. In fact, as the second stanza progresses, the birds only exist to measure th e put in days in the life of the mans mother. Her attraction towards the birds is completed when they of a sudden depart, taking her life with them.The shock of the mothers death is so deep that the first person used throughout the first two stanzas is obliterated and transformed into the third person in the last stanza, the man suddenly being referred to as her son. The third stanza also dramatizes the metaphorical blend of his mother and the birds. Death becomes the wings of night, her life becomes the flocking days. Her departure from the universe is an effusion, a release, of all her corporeal experiences which are soaring away. So significant was she to her son that her departing life blocked the light. In the final line the son becomes an unhatched egg/soul left behind in the clutch or the nest.Having come to associate the birds with his mother, his memories of her are immediately summoned whenever he sees them. She may be dead but she lives on in his memories of the birds . At first they shrilly hailed the first new light they saw, greeting the new day in what ab initio seems to be an irritating way because they are portrayed as having loud, high-pitched cries that are not particularly pleasant to the ears. However, after his mother dies, and they leave too, he comes to see them in a different light, after they soared away.His opinion of them has now changed and he sees them as graceful and elegant creatures. This imagery also successfully implies life after death, and the setting of the poem becomes important when looked at in this light. A church is a place of peaceful meditation, praying and holiness, a place where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual, the barriers between life and death, merge. For these reasons it becomes the nest that hatches souls into the heavens.Even though the birds, and the mans mother with them, wing beyond all sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch they do not fly beyond love or memories, instead leaving a path for the man to follow when it is his turn to be hatched. The lesson the mother taught her son began with counting, but ended with a realization of life after death and the possibility of living, in spirit, for infinity.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Annotated Bibliography: Arts Education
Arts Education in America An Annotated Bibliography Statement of Scope The purpose of this bibliography is to attain information from credible consultations on humanities programs in schools. The finis is to provide enough information so that the reader is then able to form their ingest opinions on the benefits, problems, and policies on humanistic discipline programs at varying levels of pedagogics. Those expression to find detailed information will find this bibliography to be a good starting point. Parsad, B. , and Spiegelman, M. 2012.Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools 19992000 and 200910 (NCES 2012014). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U. S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Web. 24 Jan. 2013 This informant is a presentation of un prejudice information about both the general arts education programs and item parts including visual arts, music, dance, and theater/drama. The report go fors a plethora of charts, graphs, and other visual aids to help organize and present the information.Parsad and Spiegelman initial present their findings on overall arts education programs including the percentages of schools offering visual arts, music, dance and theater classes. They then dedicate ten to fifteen pages discussing the particulars of each section of the arts listed above. There is so much information in this article that it would be great for someone looking for a broad spectrum understanding of arts education programs. The visual aids concomitant the information presented and would be easy to incorporate into a variety of works.For someone who is looking to get very(prenominal) specific information about a specific program then this would be a good source to start with, the way the report is divided makes it very easy to find information on a specific sections of an arts program, i. e. music or drama. It would provide the reader with enough information that they could ask the ir own questions and be able to look further into a specific topic. Catterall, Dumais, and Hampden-Thompson. March 2012. The arts and achievement in at-risk youth findings from four longitudinal studies. National endowment fund for the Arts. Research Report 55). Web. 24 Jan. 2013. This research report is a presentation of years of studies conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts and similar organizations, most organism government funded. The authors arrange the report in such a way that the bulk of the report is given through the use of visual graphs and charts, which are accompany by conclusive statements like Teenagers and young adults of poor socioeconomic status (SES) who have a history of in-depth arts involvement show better donnish outcomes than do low-SES youth who have less arts involvement.They earn better grades and demonstrate higher rates of college enrollment and attainment. (12) Most of the graphs simply relate percentages of students with low and high l evels of art engagement to achieve certain things like high school graduation, entering a bachelors program, and attaining a steady professional level career. For every study and graph presented or reviewed in that respect is clearly cited sources, if any confusion remains the appendix and cited pages are very clear about how to find more than(prenominal) information. Being that this is a report of findings from a national organization it is not biased to or for support of arts programs.For anyone looking for specific statistics to use in a presentation or report of their own, this research report could be very helpful. As previously stated the bulk of the information is presented through graphs and charts that utilize percentages, and is therefore very easy to take and use in a presentation without having to do much work yourself. For someone looking for a more scholarly breakdown of the benefits of arts education on high-risk students this report will not be as helpful, as it would be time consume to trace the information presented back to the original sources. Dwyer, M.Christine. 2011. Reinvesting in Arts Education Winning Americas Future through Creative Schools. Presidents Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. The reports emphasizes the essential role that arts education programs play in improving student engagement and building creativity. Dwyer discusses, in a lengthy and wordy overview, the flowing Arts Education programs and policies shortcomings. It is widely agreed that the U. S. public education system is not adequately serving a significant portion of our nations children and that public K-12 schools must change dramatically o achieve the Administrations goal that the United States become a global leader in postsecondary attainment by 2020 School leaders and teachers will need to step up to the challenge of finding new ways to engage many more students in meaningful learning (27) More importantly, this report discuss es possible solutions such as reinvesting in arts education, and argues for creating arts-rich schools that can engage students in ways that complement the study of the arts and other traditional subjects such as literature, history, science, and mathematics.Another key takeaway from this report is it shows readers the link between arts education and achievement in other subjects. Being that this source is a report by the Presidents Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, it attempts to present evidence to support the positions of the death chair and his corresponding political party. As political and wordy as this report is it would most likely benefit someone looking into the politics side of arts education, it would not be as helpful for someone looking for developmental and long term benefits of art involvement in schools.Rabkin, Hedberg. 2011. Arts Education in America What the Declines Mean for Arts Participation. Based on the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts . National Endowment for the Arts. (Research Report 52). Web. 24 Jan. 2013. This report presents its findings after(prenominal) researching important question related to arts education in America. Questions like Has participation in arts programs declined? What does it mean for teachers and students? How has this affected participation in other extracurricular activities?How does this affect support for programs? The article presents the questions to the reader and then follows up with information that supports both positive and negative claims about the answer. Charts are used when necessitate to simplify information into an easily digestible visual aid. There are numerous sources used as evidence for the information presented, as well as suggestions for further investigation into the questions presented. This report has a very neutral stance towards the information presented.There is good information presented for varying arguments and the ultimate decision is left to the reader . This source would be a fair report to use in a work, especially if in an argumentative essay you need information for the view that opposes yours. nonetheless for someone looking for highly specific information this report will only be useful for an introduction into the questions being asked about the national education programs. Oxtoby, David W. 2012. The Place of Arts in Liberal Education. Liberal Education, v98 n2 p36-41 Spr 2012.Oxtoby uses a great deal of logic to explain his opinion on the place of arts in fully grown education and he uses statistics to support his views. In his article, he states that diversity in the curriculum is a keystone to success in any liberal education program. He also claims that part of that diversity needs to include a program where students can express their creativity. Being able to express their creativity and the stimulation provided by arts programs lead to more successful students, both in academics, community involvement, and professio nal work environments.This article is a good source of simple and sound logic in support of arts programs being included in all liberal education. Oxtobys statements and presentation of the information is biased towards supports arts programs, but he always includes evidence to support his ideas. Also, while he does not approve of excluding arts in liberal education there is never any negativity in his statements, only more supporting evidence for his ideas. Some readers will find this article to be dry and wearisome unless they already have some knowledge and opinions on the place of arts in education programs.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Poem of William Caslos William Essay
William Carlos Williams is a pioneer who creates a whole new realm in American poetry. He is regarded as an important and influential poet because of his unique and usually plain style. The poem Poem is one of the most prominent poems reflecting Williams style of writing. In this piece of work, Williams discusses a key contrast between the mortality of animation and immortality of art through the simulacrum of two roses in nature and in poetry. It can be said that life is symbolized by the rose, the central image and also the main theme of Poem.The real rose and unreal one are skillfully used to pay off two factors the reality and the art. In nature, a rose which cannot avoid the regular recurrence of time undergoes stages of nature rules. First, it germinates from a seed. Then, it grows up and blooms or blossoms. Next, it fades or discolored. Finally, it dies. The rose fades And is renew again By its seed naturally (Williams, 1983). The issue of the rose fading show that li fe, no matter what forms, follows the nature changing rule and eventually fades away.Meanwhile, Williams uses the image of the rose in poem to respect the art because the real rose will fade naturally but the rose of art keeps an ever-lasting beauty remedy in the poem shall it go to suffer no diminution of its splendor (Williams, 1983). Generally, the whole poem presents the central contrast of nature versus art, death versus life and cycle of time versus perfection that lasts forever. With respect to the highlighted image of the rose in poetry, it can not be touch but lives forever and remains perfect, fresh, young, and beautiful disregarding of time.It has the empowerment of splendor, perfection, and immortality. In fact, Williams intention after his words of praising the power of the rose in poem is to advocate the power of art in general. It seems that the poet gives intumescence to art whose role is to inspire and guide people through curves of life thanks to its beauty a nd significance of teaching truth, giving beauty and pleasure, shaping incorrupt characters, showing power of language and showing human experience.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Foundations of Psychology Paper
Psychology encompasses a vast range of different thoughts, theories, and biological foundations on behavior of why race act the mien they do. Once a part of philosophy, psychology has developed into several schools of thought that describe the theories some of these individuals use to approach what they are observing from different people and their actions. Some of these theories do have conflictions from differents, but all have a good amount of validity to their theories.Many things contribute to the biological well macrocosm of a psyche and those things can determine what kind of behavior the person will display. The major schools of thought are introspection, structuralism, functionalism, psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory, and behavioral theory. Introspection was a method in which a person would report anything the person had come across their mind when they were given some kind of stimulus or childbed to do. Structuralism used introspection to uncover parts of conscio usness and how they combine into ideas with bingle another.Functionalism applied the Darwinian Theory where roles or functions would aid in back up an individual adapt to their environment. The psychodynamic theory has three parts that describe it. The first one is thoughts, feelings, or wishes determine the way of life person will act. The second one is most of the thoughts a person has come outside of the persons awareness. The third is that the rational processes may conflict with one another leaving to thinkable compromises within some of the competing motives of a person.The behavioral theory suggests that there are many things that can stimulate a person such as an determination or an event within the persons environment can control the behavior of a person through learning. The cognitive theory suggests that the perception, process, and the way a person retrieves information allows the person to interact in daily activities. Although all these theories have a specific s uggestion on the psychological wellness of a person, they have had some conflicts that within those who created the theories.According to Uljana Feest, Moreover, his contention that something like unconscious sensations/experiences can be invoked as explanatory of other experiences is in pass opposition to Brentanos view that since mental phenomena, by definition, are conscious, there can be no psychological explanations that make recourse to unconscious mental phenomena. Most psychologists in modern times use a more eclectic outlook where they use a combination of these theories to observe people.The nervous clay has an impact on the biological functions of a person, and it can determine how a person will behave in different ways. The nervous system is make up of different types of neurons, and these neurons are what carry messages back and forth through the body to tell the body to do something, when there is an injury, or many other things. This information carried from the ne urons is carried through the central nervous system which is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system which maintains the basic survival of a compassionate being.Neurotransmitters are chemicals within the body that transmit information from one neuron to the next. Each neurotransmitter can have a different outcome on the person when the chemical is produced such as when serotonin is produced. Serotonin is the chemical the body produces to help the body sleep, in emotional arousal, pain regulation, and mood. at that place are as well other chemicals in the body that allow the body to do other things, and if any of these chemicals are not produced or they are overproduced, they can have an effect on how the person behaves on a daily basis.Receptors also play a role in the transmission of neurotransmitters. They bond together to allow a chemical and electrical balance occur which is called a graded potential. According to Howard C. Warren, Behavior i s not merely a branch of physiology its data, responses, are a syllabus of phenomena indicative of neural activity. Mental states or experiences are not merely subjective occurrences they are somehow conditioned on the operations of the nervous system. The reasons back what makes people behave the way they do will still be a science that will not have an absolute answer to. There are theories that suggest different views to why people act the way they do, but those theories are just what they mean. They do provide some sort of understanding, and when regurgitate together, make much more sense to use in understanding human behavior. Biological features also play a major role in human behavior, and they too provide psychologists with ways to help understand humans along with the different theories.Feest Uljana,(2011) pg. 5, Introspection as a Method and Introspection as a Feature of Consciousness, retrieved from Ebscohost http// f-b9f8-420d-903c-00aadade28ff%40sessionmgr113&vid=12&hid=115 Warren, Howard C., pg. 250 Psychology And The Centralnervous System, retrieved from Ebschost http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Part Five Chapter XI
XIHoward had told Shirley that he did not feel well, that he ideal he had better stay in bed and rest, and that the Copper Kettle could make without him for an afternoon.Ill call Mo, he said.No, Ill call her, said Shirley sharply.As she closed the bedroom access on him, Shirley thought, Hes using his heart.He had said, Dont be silly, Shirl, and then, Its rubbish, bloody rubbish, and she had not press him. Years of genteel avoidance of grisly topics (Shirley had been literally struck dumb when twenty-three-year-old Patricia had said Im gay, Mum.) seemed to have muzzled something inside her.The doorbell rang. Lexie said, Dad told me to come round here. He and Mum have got something to do. Wheres Grandad?In bed, said Shirley. He overdid it a bit last night.It was a good party, wasnt it? said Lexie.Yes, lovely, said Shirley, with a storm building inside her.After a while, her granddaughters prattling wore Shirley down.Lets have lunch at the cafe, she suggested. Howard, she called thr ough the closed bedroom door, Im taking Lexie for lunch at the Copper Kettle.He sounded worried, and she was glad. She was not afraid of Maureen. She would look Maureen right in the face But it occurred to Shirley, as she walked, that Howard world power have telephoned Maureen the moment she had left the bungalow. She was so stupid somehow, she had thought that, in calling Maureen herself about Howards illness, she had stopped them communicating she was forgetting The familiar, well-loved streets seemed different, strange. She had taken a regular inventory of the window she presented to this lovely little world wife and mother, hospital volunteer, secretary to the Parish Council, First Citizeness and Pagford had been her mirror, reflecting, in its polite respect, her value and her worth. But the Ghost had taken a rubber stamp and smeared across the pristine surface of her support a revelation that would nullify it all her husband was sleeping with his business partner, and she never knew It would be all that anyone said, when she was mentioned all that they ever remembered about her.She pushed open the door of the cafe the bell tinkled, and Lexie said, Theres Peanut Price.Howard all right? croaked Maureen.Just tired, said Shirley, moving smoothly to a table and sitting down, her heart beating so fast that she wondered whether she might have a coronary herself.Tell him neither of the girls has turned up, said Maureen crossly, lingering by their table, and neither of them bothered to call in either. Its lucky were not busy.Lexie went to the counter to talk to Andrew, who had been put on waiter duty. Conscious of her unusual solitude, as she sat alone at the table, Shirley remembered Mary Fairbrother, rig and gaunt at Barrys funeral, widowhood draped around her like a queens train the pity, the admiration. In losing her husband, Mary had become the silent passive recipient of admiration, whereas she, shackled to a man who had betrayed her, was cloaked in gr ubbiness, a target of derision (Long ago, in Yarvil, men had subjected Shirley to smutty jokes because of her mothers reputation, even though she, Shirley, had been as pure as it was workable to be.)Grandads feeling ill, Lexie was telling Andrew. Whats in those cakes?He bent down behind the counter, hiding his red face.I snogged your mum.Andrew had almost skived off work. He had been afraid that Howard might sack him on the spot for kissing his daughter-in-law, and was downright terrified that Miles Mollison might storm in, looking for him. At the same time, he was not so frank that he did not know that Samantha, who must, he thought ruthlessly, be well over forty, would figure as the villain of the piece. His defence was simple. She was pissed and she grabbed me.There was a tiny glimmer of pride in his embarrassment. He had been anxious to see Gaia he wanted to tell her that a grown woman had pounced on him. He had hoped that they might laugh about it, the way that they laughed a bout Maureen, but that she might be secretly impressed and also that in the course of laughing, he might find out exactly what she had done with Fats how far she had let him go. He was prepared to forgive her. She had been pissed too. But she had not turned up.He went to fetch a napkin for Lexie and almost collided with his bosss wife, who was standing behind the counter, holding his EpiPen.Howard wanted me to check something, Shirley told him. And this needle shouldnt be kept in here. Ill put it in the back.
Monday, May 20, 2019
My review and judgement for Toyshops online marketing Essay
Top pasture online retail web rate allows their node to secure their products online. Top shop is prevalently regarded as the high street work centre for all women and men under 30, reasonably priced clothes suitable for all occasions. Top shop is one of the better laid out online shops the site uses an attractive black colour scheme and the clothes are divided into categories, viewers keep carry to browse by New In peaks, Special Offers, Sale, Kate Moss range, Dresses, etc.Topshop is a high street fashion retailer that has been up and running since 1964 and is has successfully open 300 store across the UK, do shipments to more than than 100 countries and has their eclectic British style is known all over the world. Over the years they deal built a strong bond with industry insiders and in 2002 they joined forces with impudentgen, a scheme which allowed them to cherish new design talent and provide a global platform for the scenes brightest new stars. Topshop besides th e only high street brand to show on schedule at capital of the United Kingdom Fashion week and Topshop Unique has become the style sets hottest ticket.The Topshop formula is proving not estimable popular/reputation but profitable too. The chain made around $200 million in pre-tax profits last year on revenues of approximately $1.14 billion.Topshop online marketing system is very effective to its viewers/ users, Topshops online website benefits their customers because it give their customers the opportunity to visit their website at any time during stock hours which make online obtain an excellent option for many busy shoppers. One of the most obvious benefit for online shoppers is convenience, online shoppers has the ability to purchase products/ renovation from Topshops online website at any time which is most convenient for them. Their online website accepts orders twenty-four hours a daylight during normal business hours.Topshops online website provides their customers with t otal product knowledge. Customers shopping online expect product details which is the Price, info on how the product or service runs on how to use it an so on, this is a benefit for the customer because before purchasing a product they concentrate to follow out the price and crush information on the product on how it will work out for them so they will get an rough belief of how it will work so before purchasing they could compare and select whether the price is suitable for them and if the service or product has what they need.Viewing items is easy viewers can just click on the item they want to view in more detail and it brings up the name of the item, the price, a brief translation of the product, materials used, suggestions for how to wear it, and a picture of the front and the back which you are able to zoom in. customers can see what sizes the item is available in sizes go from 6-16 and any sizes not in stock are greyed out.The business online features is beneficial t o their viewer because it service to their viewers to find exactly what they are looking for in another(prenominal) words easy to use images, colours, gifs, videos, drop down menus and search beats are all recyclable to the business viewers.Topshops online website also provides their viewers to be able to create their own account with the company, get additional information on their business, clothing and also complaints, viewers can write their own freshen up on their products and service that the business offers.The effectiveness of the of Topshop marketingThe effectiveness of Topshop marketing online gives customers an opportunity to purchase items from their online webpage, watch information about the product, service and also information about the business, their online webpage is also design in a way to enable their customers to get exactly what the they are looking at the bottom of Topshop online webpage is where customers can get the information there need from the bus iness such as, information about the business, how to find different branches, help and also other website that the customers can visit for update Facebook, twitter, YouTube and also Google.Images, videos, pictures, drop down menus, gifs and search bar play a big impact on how customers view the business webpage, it make it easier for the customers to locate blockade on the business webpage, because these online features are visual.Topshop online website is effective because it help to attraction new customers to the business. The internet is a principal(prenominal) asset to many people because they use this on a regular basis whether it is to communication, gather information or locate new places. Topshop use many marketing techniques to promote their online business, these are promotional adverts online, electronic mail promotion, hyperlinks, on website such as twitter and Facebook and so on YouTube.Topshop also have an app for all smartphone, where customers can use to also pu rchase item, gather information and so on, this is very effective for their customers because this give their customers the receipts to shop from anywhere, during business hours.Topshop internet marketing states for Facebook and Twitter.Topshop continues to grow its following on social media sites, due to gobs of features, in-store promotions and relatively high levels of engagement with fans and followers. Stats from E-Digital Research look at the number of followers for the top 20 retailers on Facebook and Twitter and, for the first time, Google+.Top 20 UK retailers on FacebookTopshop was also in pole direct and it has added more than 1m new fans since May 2011. Its target audience are big Facebook and social media in general users, so the strategy of promoting its Facebook presence works well. Content is regularly updated to keep people interested, while it also promotes its social media profiles in stores and from its website. The retailer uses exclusive deals and interactive content to keep people interested. How much this translates into gross sales is another matter, but its significant that it hasnt opened an f-commerce store, presumably preferring to drive users to its product pages.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Gay Ane Lesbian Exam Being Worked
comic and homo cozy marriage i do not think the jurisprudence should or shouldent be passed barely i had to chose one and if they want to be happy why affectation the get married. Australia currently bans recognition of same sex marriage although as of 2011 the federal labour companionship government officially changed its position to allow a vote on the same sex marriage despite Prime Minister Julia Gillards opposition to such a vote. ne main primer coat people are against it is because they might want a child and people think that the child bequeath grow up in a unstable environment because studies have show that a straightaway relationship/marriage last 20 years or longer with many wedded for life. a vast majority of homosexual relations are temporary. In 2008 a study of 390 gay and lesbian people Victorians found that 1 in 7 reported precaution of violence. This fear is justified in that nearly 85 precent of respondents has been subjected to some form of homophobic vio lence in their life time.Homophobia is a fear of homosexuality some people are threatened by people who have other sexual preferences than their own. gay and lesbian marriage today i am here to talk to u almost one of the dabates that the australian goverment are having the one about same sex marriage rights. i belive that the virtue should be accepted because people can not help who they fall in love,some spectics think that gay marriage will lead to more devorces but accoding to Divorceform. org 74% of the population gets devorced every year but that is only the heterosexual couples.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Is College Too Stressful?
College is a life changing experience for both person that wants to continue their learning experience, and since this is such a momentous occasion on that point ar adjustments that mustiness be made by school-age childs in locate to succeed in college. With such drastic changes masses going to college go forth be grade chthonic stress, and they go out have to rack up certain decisions to make their college experience a doable one. Even though college carrys to be disagreeable for assimilator it should non be overwhelming or cause a student to break down and give up because it is in any case securely.Yes, college is very challenging at epochs, but is it too much of a challenge to where students will put under major amounts of stress and will break down from the constant flow of readying and readings that the professors show? The answer to this question is no, college does non put too much stress on students because if a student is willing to make the right choi ces and pass their effort and judgment of conviction consequently college would not be stressful. reach is a feeling thats created when we react to particular events.Its the bodys way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation This is how Teen Heath, an online article on defining what causes stress, describes what stress is. There atomic number 18 deuce different types of stress and they are good stress and bad stress. Good stress tends to inspire us to rise to a challenge, so that we discover and experience more of our potential, (Good Stress vs. Bad Stress split 2), while bad stress, leaves us feeling depleted and anxious (Good Stress vs. Bad Stress divide 2). Most college students usually feel overwhelmed because they are not managing their time correctly and are doing everything at the utmost minute. If a college student has excellent time management and is responsible to make correct decisions then college will be less challenging and will promote good stress in their lives. Having good time management skills is very important when going to college because of excess homework and readings that are assigned by professors.In college a student has a lot of free time for doing homework because college ground leveles are more of a torment style setting, so students are usually taught what they supposed to know for the homework during class and given time outside of class to do the homework. Giving different classes a specific amount of committed hours will help oneself with procrastination and a student will be able to organize when homework and vignette hours will be for each class. Having awareness of what your goals are will assist you in prioritizing your activities, (Managing Your Time separate 1) if a student has a plan of attack of how they are going to complete their homework goals then they will be happy. Responsibility is also another key role in being successful for college and having a good stress environment.Coll ege students have a lot of freedom because most college students do not live with their parents, so there is no one to wake them up for class, telling them when to do their homework, or anyone to tell them when its time for them to go to bed. In college, you will have a great treat of freedom and flexibility, (Managing Your Time paragraph 1) students must take the initiative to do what they know is right in order to accomplish their goal of doing well in college. There are many parties that happen on campus grounds and sometimes the partying will affect a students consistency of going to class because they partied too hard and were not able to get up for class, or they went to class and were too shopworn to focus.Then there are instances where a student is not consistent with their homework because they did not feel alike(p) doing it. Without parents as a constant reminder students need to adapt. Also, having too many class hours can forget a student from being successful in co llege. A student must know what their maximal work load is, so they can take on the homework that the professors assign to them while exempt getting good grades. Many students tend to take on way more class hours than they are capable of causing them to feel very stressed out and hopeless.If a student does take on too many hours then they will end up having to sacrifice other classes in order to manage a decent grade for a harder class. Then some students take classes that they are under qualified for and then they end up struggling because they do not meet the credentials of that class. A student must know their limits in order to flourish in a college atmosphere. College can be very stressful for students because of some indirect causes from a students personal life.For example, a student might become very ill and is unable to attend class and they fall behind in class. If this were to happen then the student must communicate to their professor that they are struggling and they need help catching up. Professors tend to be very understanding of a student falls behind in class as long as the student is telling the professor what is going on. Then there are scenarios where people have no choice but to take upper level classes in spite of appearance the same time frame because what degree they are majoring in makes it hard for them to spread out toilsome classes.Also, some college students have children and that makes it harder for them to manage their time with doing homework from professors because they have to take care of their child first. sometimes colleges do have professors that are very unreasonable with giving ludicrous amounts of homework and are not willing to make it manageable for students to succeed in their class, and if this scenario does happen then the student should either crepuscule that class and take another time, or just try and find a different professor to take the class with.There are ways to make college less stressful if it is t oo stressful on a student as long as they communicate with their advisors or professors. College may seem stressful because of poor time management, a student took too many classes, and the lack of responsibility that some students tend to have. With poor time management a student will be unorganized and will not be able to succeed because there is no routine for them to follow thus making it hard for the student to have a time slot for when they will study for test or do homework for a class.Also, students are liable to take on too many class hours and not have enough time to put in the effort of studying therefore they have to sacrifice one class over the other just to make ends meet. When a student goes off to college there is a lot of freedom because they are away from their parents and there is no one to tell them when to do their homework, so instead of focusing on studies they might go out with friends and reap the consequences of not doing their homework on time and not stud y for a test. College is stressful because students make it stressful with unwise decisions that are made.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Marketing Research Energy Drink Market Brazil Essay
The purpose of this research was to evaluate potential opportunities of distri only ifing brand-new verve sop up V-Fusion+ force in brazil-nut tree. Having performed secondary mart research, we were competent to analyze economic, political, sound, cultural, and affectionate factors that affect brazil-nut trees cable purlieu. We also explored current market opportunities in brazil and performed detailed analysis of elan vital suck up industry in brazil and competition.During the research we ga in that respectd secondary entropy published by US and brazilian g all overnment agencies, US Commercial helper, marketing research agencies, as considerably as information from teleph unmatchable circuit news and private companies web sites (such as coca-Cola, flushed diddly, etc). Based on gathered information, we reason prohibited that although there is a number of ch e really last(predicate)enges in the brazilian market that create complex stemma environment and obs tacles for US exporters, dynamism sop up industry in Brazil is in rootage stage and consequently offers a good branch potential.After selecting and defining the bell ringer market, we were able to develop proposals for international promotional strategy, to describe personal credit line and marketing challenges and to provide detailed solution alternatives. INTRODUCTION V-Fusion+ zippo is a new energy tope make with reaping and vegetable juice and green tea extract. It is a reas unitaryd alternative to high-caffeine and high-sugar energy imbibes because it contains one combined serving of vegetables and take, is an excellent source of B vitamins, has only 50 calories and no added sugar or artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.The convergence currently distributed in United States (Wal-Mart and separate grocery and retail stores). The purpose of this research is to explore opportunities of distributing V-Fusion+Energy in Brazil. We selected Brazil as a potential m arket because it is Latin Americas biggest economy accounting for 60% of its GDP and 7th spaciousst economy in the institution with population of about 200 jillion, strong domestic demand for Ameri post goods and growing middle split.With GDP growth of nearly $2. 5 trillion in 2011 according to The clear House (2012), we believe this market offers excellent growth opportunities for US companies. Its middle class and consumption has openhanded tremendously in past decade as per Searchlight Process (2012) 40 million heap has linked middle class between 2003 and 2011 and 20 million atomic number 18 expected to be included by 2014.In addition, there is a clear preference for American-produced goods to domestic goods in Brazil they demand brands for all harvest-tides from high tech and app atomic number 18l products of Apple and Nike to beverages of Coca Cola. The advantage in infrastructure is expected in the next 2 years as Brazil prepares for the world Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 it go forthinging spend one thousand millions in infrastructure development of its roads, railroads, ports, and airports. correspond to US Commercial Service (2011), despite signs of improvement there are a number of challenges in the Brazilian market create complex business environment and create obstacles for US exporters, such as uneven income distribution, problems in public education, disproportion of market concentration, and grey-haired economy that hinders tax collection and keeps economic growth from reaching its full potential.In addition, doing business in Brazil requires understanding of local business practices such as implicit bes of doing business referred to as Custo Brasil cost related to distribution, government procedures, employee benefits, and complex tax structure. Complex customs organisation along with high tariff barriers that increase consumer prices up to 100%, and overloaded legal system with lengthy lickes is another(prenom inal) challenge US companies are facing. As per US Commercial Service (2011), The World Bank ranks Brazil 127 out of 183 economies in the world in terms of ease of doing business.Nevertheless, if these challenges are accounted and approached with proper solutions, we believe admission in Brazil market whitethorn be extremely profitable and beneficial for US companies in general and Campbell with its innovative product V-Fusion+Energy in particular. CURRENT ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, CULTURAL, SOCIAL AND LEGAL ENVIRONMENT IN BRAZIL Economic Environment. Brazil is Latin Americas to the highest degree influential acres and one of the rising economic powers together with Russia, China and India (also known as BRIC nations). Almost double size the European Union (8.5 million square kilometers), with rich in reserves of natural resources (iron ore, manganese, bauxite, nickel, uranium, gemstones, oil, wood, and aluminum, and 14% of the worlds renewable fresh water), and with over 300 million hectares of agricultural land in well-fixed climate conditions, Brazil rails a relevant position in orbicular market. accord to authorisation of westbound Hemisphere Affairs (2011), Brazils consistent growth from 2002 to 2009 when its real GDP almost three-fold (from US$ 724 gazillion to US$ 1. 5 trillion), and economys solid performance during 2008 financial crisis followed by strong recovery (including 2010 growth of 7.5%) contributed to countries transition from a regional to worldwide power. Although GDP growth in Brazil slowed down (2. 7 % in 2011 vs. 7. 5% in 2010) and according to the Colitt (2012) its industrial turnout has contracted 3. 4 % from last year, the economy is the worlds seventh-largest and is expected to rise to fifth indoors the next several years. As noted by Bureau of westerly Hemisphere Affairs (2011), during the nerve of former President Lula, surging exports, economic growth, and loving programs table serviceed lift tens of millions of Braz ilians out of poverty.For the first time, a bulk of Brazilians are now middle-class, and domestic consumption has lead an consequenceant driver of Brazilian growth. President Dilma Rousseff, who took bit in January 2011, has indicated her intention to continue the former presidents economic policies, including sound fiscal management, puffiness control, and a floating ex spay rate. Colitt (2012) states that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is implementing policies aimed to protect Brazilian industry increasing duties on imported goods like shoes, textiles, and electronics, but not assembleting enough effort into fixing local infrastructure.The financial sector is secure and provides local firms with a wide range of financial products, yet interest rate remain among the highest in the world. Due to high interest rates embellishors that buzz off been buying Brazilian high-yielding bonds develop driven up the Real making it a very strong. This in turn, has make imports more hearty for US companies and exports more expensive for Brazil, which increased Brazils trade deficit to $92. 5 billion in 2011. As per The White House (2012), U. S. goods exports to Brazil arrive more than tripled since 2002, growing from $12. 4 billion in 2002 to $42.9 billion in 2011 (largest categories are machinery, aircraft, and plastics). As noted by Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (2011), Brazil has one of the most advanced industrial sectors in Latin America. accounting for roughly one-third of the GDP, Brazils diverse industries include automobiles and parts, machinery and equipment, textiles, shoes, cement, computers, aircraft, and consumer durables. Brazil continues to be a major(ip) world provider of commodities and natural resources, with probatory outgrowths in lumber, iron ore, tin, other minerals, and petrochemicals.However, high swelling (7. 3% in October 2011 above the pep pill limit of the governments target of 2. 5%-6. 5%) is a cause of extremely hig h cost of operating the manufacturing (due to high prices of energy, raw materials and wages), which makes it very grueling for Brazilian industries to be competitive in the world markets. According to Alberto Ramos, chief Latin America economic expert at GS, manufacturing industry is not a competitive advantage of Brazil and it should redirect its resources into fields where it is competitive, like services, agribusiness and commodities.Brazil has a diverse and sophisticated services industry, including developed telecommunications, banking, energy, commerce, and computing sectors. And most importantly, Brazil is generally open to and encourages foreign investment -it is the largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Latin America, and the United States is traditionally the top foreign investor in Brazil United States is a major supplier with over 15% of Brazils imports. Political Environment.The current structure of the Brazilian government is a Federative republic with 26 states and feral district, governed by a presidential system in which the president is both head of state and head of government (elections are based on a four-year term). Brazil has become independent in September 7, 1822 and promulgated its constitution in October 5, 1988. The 1988 constitution grants broad powers to the federal government, made up of executive, legislative, and judicial branches.As summarized by Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (2011), there are 81 senators, three for each state and the federal decreed District, and 513 deputies. Senate terms are 8 years, staggered so that two-thirds of the upper house is up for election at one time and one-third 4 years later. domiciliate terms are 4 years, with elections based on a complex system of proportional design by states. Each state is eligible for a nominal of eight seats the largest state missionary post (Sao Paulos) is capped at 70 seats.This system is weighted in favor of geographically large but sp arsely populated states. In Congress, fifteen political parties are represented making it common for politicians to batter parties. The largest political parties are the Workers party (PT), Democrats (DEM), Brazilian representative Movement Party (PMDB-center), Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB), Progressive Party (PP), Brazilian Labor Party (PTB), Liberal Party (PL), Brazilian collectivist Party (PSB), Popular Socialist Party (PPS), Democratic Labor Party (PDT), and the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB).Major labor union federations include the Workers Unitary Central, the Workers General Confederation (CGT), and the Forca Sindical (FS). As listed in World Guide (1997), there is a variety of labor unions and national, religious and professional associations that hatful in Brazil belong to Brazil is one of the founding members of the United Nations, the G20, CPLP, Latin Union, the Organization of Ibero-American States, and Union of South American Nations. One of its main terminals is to provide aid to developing countries and is estimated to be $1 Billion per year.As per Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (2011), to further increase its international profile (both politically and economically), the Rousseff administration is also seeking expanded trade ties with developing countries, as well as a strengthening of the Mercosul (Mercosur in Spanish) customs union with Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. Brazil is a charter member of the United Nations and participates in its specialized agencies. ethnical and Social Environments.The official language of Brazil is Portuguese and it is most widely used language. However you may find less common languages like Spanish, German, Italian, and Japanese. But virtually(prenominal) Brazilian executives speak English, since m some(prenominal) of them have studied abroad in the United States or Europe. Understanding Brazilian culture, social environment and business etiquette is essential for successfully doin g business in Brazil. Any carcass who is doing business with Brazilians should be aware of the various cultural and morphological barriers which might confront them.According to study made by University of Illinois (2010), concepts of class and status are very strong in Brazil and can determine the position a person may take in the guild, which implies that Brazilians allow inequality in their companies. Although communication between high and low level employees is frequently informal, everyone is aware of social hierarchies. When conducting business it is important to remember that the Brazilian family (often family members working for the same company) is the foundation of their social structure and it forms the basic stability for most Brazilian people.Because of this, Brazilians need to know whom they are doing business with onwards they can effectively work together, so questions about persons personal life, family, and company should be expected. Relationships are extreme ly important to Brazilians, by building close personnel relationships and building trust, foreign business community and investors give have a heavy(p)er chance of success in doing business in Brazil. According to the information gathered and provided by Kwitessential (2010), although the communication is very informal, almost simple rules of etiquette must be followed.Although business appointments can be scheduled on the short notice, it is best to schedule them two to three weeks in advance and confirm them in writing since it is not uncommon for appointments to be cancelled or changed at the last minute. It is important to appear on time for meeting in Sao Paulo, however, in Rio de Janeiro and other cities it is pleasurable to arrive a few minutes late for a meeting. During introduction it is very important to be prepared for a lot of handshakes when saying hi and bye or a kiss in the cheeks between men and women.It is important to note that since business in Brazil is hier archical, so decisions are made by highest ranking person which may not be al elans present senior managers unremarkably attend only initial meetings (and expect to meet someone high ranked as well). According to study in Ethisphere (2008), people in US and Brazil differ in ethical druthers and therefore, before entering Brazil we should be aware of ethically challenging situations and establish strategies on how to take away with potential corruption ahead of time.It is important to understand Brazillian Jeitinhio Brasileiro way of thinking their tendency to look for alternatives to do something that in our eyes seems improper, which rarely require bribes and is not considered corruption, but more like an alternative way of accomplishing objectives when confronting overly rigid rules. Legal Environment. Brazil is organized as a Federal Republic and its legal system is based on Roman civilian code, which implies that all laws that discipline all kinds of situations are antece dently written and made public.Besides the Federal Constitutions, which consists of 250 articles that outline citizens fundamental rights and guarantees, the political and administrative organization of the Federal Republic of Brazil, the individual spheres of authority of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, tax system and the fundamental labor rights, there main legal documents are the Codes well-behaved Code, the Tax Code, the Penal Code and the Civil Procedure Code.The Civil Code comprises over 2000 articles regulating matters such as Obligations and Contracts, Businesses and Corporations, Real Estate and related property rights, and many others. The Tax Code defines the main Brazilian tax regulations, which are complemented by many Federal, State and municipal laws. The Penal Code brings the definitions of conducts considered crimes and the punishments for anyone fitting the respective legal descriptions.Finally, the Civil Procedure Code regulates the due process of law. There is a variety of legal restrictions for foreign companies conducting business in Brazil, which pushed many companies towards partnerships with qualified agents or distributors when entering the Brazilian. First, a foreign company must obtain written permission to operate a branch in Brazil, thus joint ventures are usually more popular than independent entities. To evacuate potential legal problems, US Commercial Service (2011) recommends U.S. companies have a written agreement to help exporters limit liability for product defects, protect a trademark, better ensure payments, and define warranty terms, and consider with a Brazilian law firm before signing any agreement. Taxes in Brazil are actually favorable compared to the U. S. The current corporate income tax rate is 15% regardless of the corporations business but with a 10% supplementary tax on the portion of net meshwork that exceeds R$ 20. 000,00 per month.The main stock exchange in Brazil is the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa). Securities, such as shares, commercial papers, debentures, investment fund quotas and derivatives, are traded on Bovespa. Also, it is important to note that, according to a business survey conducted by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (2009), 70 percent of firms in Brazil report having spent at least(prenominal) 3 percent of revenues on bribes. Most of these bribes are to expedite procedures, special treatment or admittance to traditional transactions.Although nowadays many companies in Brazil, especially those that operate internationally, are fighting against corruption (for ex companies signing Brazilian Pact for Integrity and against Corruption), and Federal agents have been effective in policing illegal port (which helped Brazil achieve moderate rating in 2009 Global Integrity Report), corruption, governmental inefficiency, legal and bureaucratic complications remain real and very sensitive issues in Brazil that cause a ample defeat to the international busine ss people. INDUSTRY AND COMPETITORS OVERVIEW.Energy Drink industry in Brazil is in inception stage and thus offers a good growth potential for a company distributing new energy drink products like V-Fusion+Energy. According to Russell (2012), energy drinks was the fastest growing soft drinks category in Brazil in 2010, with 33 percent growth in value term. Moreover, Brazil is still a small market for energy drinks with off-trade volume sales of 31 million liters in 2010, which corresponds to 1% of global volume. As Russell (2012) points out, new product launches with new positionings and lower price points, and increased availability, mean that the market is tipped for growth.Although some health concerns have been voiced regarding energy drink consumption, particularly when associated with alcohol, there is no singularity that the category is acquiring a negative image in Brazil, Russell (2012) explains. There new trends in Brazils population proportion and its consumption patter ns also create opportunity in energy drink industry middle class and consumption has grown tremendously in past decade as per Searchlight Process (2012) 40 million people has joined middle class between 2003 and 2011 and 20 million are expected to be included by 2014.As of today, out of 200 million Brazilians over 52 percent are a part of middle class, whose combined monthly family income ranges between US$600 (R$1,000) and US$2,400 (R$4,000). Moreover, according to Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of Brazil (SAE) middle class is preponderantly comprised of young people less than 30 years old, with formal employment and disposable income, mostly residing in urban areas and expressing strong preference for American brands.With this in mind, according to Russel (2012), Euromonitor predicts that multinational manufacturers testament start to invest more in the country to offset sluggishness in other markets. Brazil could be one of the top five markets worldwide for energy drinks, according to Euromonitor. Sales of energy drinks are predicted to grow in total volume at 14% per year on average between 2010 and 2015. The biggest challenge in energy drink industry for US exporter is the price structure due to complex customs system along with high tariff barriers that increase consumer prices up to 100%.As per US Commercial Service (2011), in some cases costs are so high that a simple calculation may indicate that US exporters margin provide not allow them to compete with local products. Thus, some US companies work on low margins and implement efficient supply chain systems aimed to lower operation costs. Red Bull, for example, whose drink already holds lead position in Brazils energy drink market with 59. 6 percent volume share, is building a production plant in Brazil to remove high tariffs from its price structure and be able to increase its profit margins while lower retail prices and increasing sales volumes.Besides Red Bull, who dominate s Brazils energy drink market with 59. 6 percent volume share, the main competitors are US based multinational giant The Coca-Cola Co. with its product Burn Energy taking 11. 7% share and German Lizur Tradings Flash spot energy taking 4. 8% share, and new Gladiator with no sales figures available but with shining results. According to Euromonitor International (2010), the newer brand Gladiator is one of the fastest growing soft drinks brands. As the company has massive distribution infrastructure, it can become the toughest rival in the industry in the medium term.merchandising activity and optimization of logistics and distribution channels are likely to be explored by the main reckoners in energy drink industry over the next few years. Austrian company Red Bull has created the global market for energy drinks, and the pioneering Red Bull brand became synonymous with energy drinks for a large number of consumers, including Brazilians. According to Euromonitor International (2010) , despite rising competition, Red Bull GmbH continues to comfortably lead the global energy drinks market by both volume and value.Red Bull is produced at a one facility in Austria and then distributed around the world via a network of local subsidiaries and external importers and distributors. Thus, Red Bull imports its product to Brazil finished a distributor and adds high costs of duties, energy and logistics cost to its prices, which makes it unaffordable for some low-income consumers in Brazil. Also, Euromonitor International (2010) advises that the company aims to capitalize on the current consumer trend towards natural ingredients, and targets an elder consumer group that is typically more interested in product ingredients than younger consumers.Thus, it is clear that industry leader sees opportunity in expanding its product portfolio to target health conscious consumers, which means that V-Fusion+Energy has a great opportunity in this market if introduced first. Coca Col a competes on Brazils energy drink market with Burn Energy a new Swedish high-energy drink oriented on young population (20-24) with its stylish design and promotion associated with famous djs, parties in famous clubs in Brazil and music festivals. Besides the attractive image, added native Brazilian high caffeine guarana extract appeals to Brazilians.Coca Cola has very efficient distribution network in Brazil and 46 manufacturers strategically find in all regions of the country ensuring the supply of about one million points of sale. To summarize information provided on official web site of Coca-Cola in Brazil, Division Brazil is one of the four major trading operations of Coca-Cola performing in Brazil since 1942. Besides Coca-Cola, there are 16 independent business groups, called classic manufacturers, in addition to the Junior Lion and Del Valle, who draw up the final product in its 46 plants and distribute them to retail outlets.This structure allows Coca-Cola to gain effic iency in manufacturing and distribution, avoid high tariffs and bureaucratic import barriers, thus minimizing costs and consumers retail prices. SELECTION AND ANALYSIS OF TARGET MARKET As we mentioned earlier, health and energy segment of beverage market has been growing strongly in Latin American countries including Brazil. Studies have shown that the change in consumer wealth and behavior has driven the health and energy markets to be viewed as the most undimmed segment of the beverages industry.More than two-thirds of Brazilians are concerned with their energy levels and try to manage tiredness. With the new V8+Energy people can look forward to enjoying a combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the amount of caffeine that is alike(p) to the leading energy drink or a cup of coffee. By targeting upper and middle class we will be able reach out to over 80 million of people hold in Brazil. Huge difference between rich and poor is the direct reason why social classes have suc h relevance for segmenting demography in Brazil.Novias (2011) classified contemporary Brazilian society from earn A-E, as follows 1. Educational Level homees A and B usually peaceful by those who completed higher education. The younger generations of these classes tend to be fluent in several languages. Class C most people in this class have finished high school and there is also a significant quantity of people who completed higher education or at least have a technical level degree. Class D people who have not finished high school. Class E people who have not finished elementary school and illiterate people. 2. Occupation.The educational levels previously presented support the level of submission among five diametric classes. This employment relationship is presented as Class A unruffled by bankers, investors, business owners, major landowners and people with extraordinary skills for the industry they operate in. Class B composed by directors and managers, politicians, judges, justices, prosecutors, well graduated professors, doctors, well qualified engineers and lawyers, etc. Class C composed by those who provide services directly to the wealthier groups, such as teachers, managers, mechanics, electricians, nurses, etc. Class D composed by people who provide services to Class C, such as housemaids, bartenders, bricklayers, people who work for the civil construction companies, small stores sellers, low-paid drivers, etc. Class E composed by people who earn minimum salaries, such as cleaners, street sweepers, and also by unemployed people. Our primary feather target is classes A-C. Consumers in these classes are hardworking people (ages 18-35) that have proper education to know the benefits of drinking V-Fusion+Energy and want a smart, healthy, and effective way to gain their energy back.In terms of the geographic locations there are some regions where there is a strong dominance of classes D and E like the North, Northeast and Central-West reg ions in which we will not focus on. However, it is the larger cities such as Sao Paulo in which social differences are mostly macroscopical and is where many of the upper classes are found, as well as Brasilia, capital of Brazil. Our age segmentation can vary mostly because the V-Fusion+Energy drink can be consumed by almost anyone at any age.Made with natural ingredients, it is healthy for any age group to drink including young teens from ages 12-19 as well as for seniors. However, our primary target is working social classes A-C that belong to 18-35 age group and teenagers who are adjacent newest trends , interest and youthful lifestyle. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY Introducing Acai Berry Flavor. In order to localize the product to the Brazilian people, we will introduce a new flavor of V8 Fusion Energy Acai Berry. Acai is the most popular fruit in Brazil, and it is enjoyed throughout the year by both young and old.By creating an acai flavor, we will be able to expand our market, becaus e our product will appeal to all Brazilians. We will also attract more customers to our target market, mostly healthy individuals who exercise regularly. Acai is one of the healthiest fruits in the world it contains powerful antioxidants that can help comprise the body against lifes stressors. It also contains anthocyanin and flavonoids, which play a pick out role in the bodys cell protection system, help slow down the aging process, and may promote lucubrate loss.All these health benefits are the reason why acai is often referred to as a super fruit by nutritionists. Processing the acai fruit into an energy drink does require time and resources, but considering that Brazil is an upper-middle-income country with a newly, rapid industrializing economy (Keegan), we have determined that the acai strategy will be successful. Localizing our product by including something that everyone in Brazil is familiar with and enjoys will be a successful initial promotional strategy.It will defin e our target market, because of acais health benefits. It will also expand the market, since many people will buy and drink our product, simply because they enjoy the flavor of acai berry. Carnival. The Rio Carnival is the perfect place to market out V-8 Fusion Energy drink. We will be considering a couple of strategies at the Rio Carnival 1) we will have our sales employees offer people the drink for free, and 2) we will occupy small vendors, located around the carnival and sell our product there. Free sampling will initiate the promotion of our drink.We have strong doctrine in the quality and taste of our product, which is why we believe that once people try it, they will be returning customers. The second strategy will be used for customers wanting to try the other great flavors of our product Peach Mango, and Pomegranate Blueberry. This strategy will also be used as primary research. We will be closely monitoring our sales, considering factors such as location of vendor and fl avor of drink. Employees will collect the data electronically, which will be used to determine which flavor is more popular in which area.We will also have employees conduct observational surveys. They will be writing down data of approximate age of customers, as well as their facial expressions after drinking, to help determine if customers enjoyed our product. soccer Campeonato Brasileiro. The most popular playing period in Brazil is soccer. It is so popular, that it is not even considered a sport its a way of life for most Brazilians. Soccer is played everywhere on the streets, on the beach, in parks, and in professional soccer clubs. Professional soccer players in Brazil are the most famous and recognized people in the country.This is why we plan to promote V8 Fusion Energy through professional soccer teams We will offer a contract to the professional team Santos to place our product name on the front of their uniforms. Santos is currently the team with the best-selling jerse ys and apparel in Brazil, and we would like to be associated with a popular, winning team. Research has showed that when a product is associated with a successful team, sales increase as well. We will also offer personal contracts to one or two star players from the team. They will play a key part in our advertising commercials and promotional campaigns throughout the country.Our vision is to promote V-Fusion+Energy as a healthy source of energy and gain strong position on energy drink market in the country, thus we see tremendous potential to market our product in the professional soccer league. Brazil does not have a specific drink associated with sports (such as Gatorade in the United States). We will use an aggressive market strategy and make our V8 Energy Fusion the official drink of Brazilian soccer possibly sports in general. Our product will be placed on the sidelines of all games. Players coming in and out of the game will drink our product for energy and hydration.Our goal is for people to associate our product with energy, success, and health, which is exactly what V8 Fusion Energy is a healthy energy drink for successBUSINESS AND MARKETING CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS To achieve a successful outcome in launching the V-Fusion+Energy product in Brazil, it is essential to highlight the barriers to entry and marketing challenges. We have identified three key areas that present a challenge un-even income distribution, public perception and consumer education, and a foreign judicial system that includes a complex tax system and testing custom laws.First, un-even income distribution in society refers to the possession of the production factors and the price the owners get in the market. Focusing on this issue results beneficial considering we cant put our product out there if the consumer population does not have a stable income in the different cities or areas, and the production cost are unknown . Therefore, in order to reduce production costs we can creat e a joint venture with a pre-existing Brazilian beverage companies. furthermore, we will focus on the local agriculture I. e invest in local agriculture.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Philosophical Autobiography Essay
Life is what non its cracked up to be. Sure, it sounds firearmage level-headed, but eventu totallyy we all encounter despair, failure, suffering, frustration, the world loveless of our own marrows and of those approximately us, and finally death. Experience tells us even the best aspects of life atomic number 18 ultimately unsatisfying. Probably the just about signifi physiquelet question we keep ask ourselves is what the most important issue in life is. The question has outlying(prenominal) reaching implications in that the answers that we arrive at can peg down the course of the rest of our lives. Many would consider m cardinaly or financial success as the most important factor in life. The high rate of suicide amongst lottery winners would contradict this. Others would search for fame, tho the list of famous lot who obtain committed suicide or died from an overdose of drugs continues to grow. Good health would be high on anyones priorities, and the presence of love in ones life is also of study importance. I would propose that comprehension is the most important matter in life. The best definition of wisdom that I have empathize is the best means to hit the best ends. Wisdom is needed to achieve the best go aways in the myriad decisions we all need to make daily in our personal, financial, family, work, community lives. from each one one of us has a unique mindset or set of beliefs which ar continuously ever-changing and which we use to make decisions, each of which has significant roll on effect on how the rest of our lives routine out.These mindsets are determined by the unique environments we have grown up in, our age, our education and the cumulative encounter that each life experience has had on us. Our unique mindset is either working in our estimation or working against us in each and e actually situation that we face. One way that we can test how online our commending is in a particular situation is to look at the res ults we achieve as a result of the actions we took. Good results means our governing beliefs were online, bad results means that we need to re-evaluate our beliefs to determine what caused the prejudicious outcome.I would propose that life is genuinely much desire a game and that a par between the two is very enlightening. In any game, you need to be fit, possess certain skills and have a substantially knowledge of the rules in order to participate. In life, we need to have a good knowledge of the rules that apply and to use this knowledge continuously in order to assess and make decisions in either situation that we face. The more intensely we play the game of life, the intermit our knowledge and application of the rules, the better the results we will achieve, much like a football player who is skilled, trains hard and knows the rules.During the course of our lives we progress from being dependent on our parents for food and shelter and emotional support, to being independ ent as we become preteen adults. We realize to make decisions for ourselves, and as we see the results of our decisions we get feedback and the resultant experience adds wisdom to subsequent decisions. The near stage is to infract relationships with opposites, or interdependence, and it is with these relationships that significant personal growth can occur. Many of us however have a low sense of self esteem which holds us back in relating to others.We look at the results we have and are achieving in our lives. If our results are unsatisfactory, we reassess our beliefs and make adjustments to our actions. Additional feedback is our emotions like fear, anger, unhappiness, disappointment etc. Our target is to lead a joy-filled, intense yet balanced life, leading to continually increasing wisdom. On the other hand, most of us need to unwind and get away from our feverish schedules from school, work, and other things that keep us busy. Like other young adults, they hang out in fo rbid to have some fun but in my case, I rather go to the beach or in the mountains with my family to spend time with them and at the same time to believe, meditate and appreciate the creation of God. distributively place has its own beauty that attracts my heed. I love nature that much. I am thrill and facial expression excited every time I gaze their natural beauties. These are the places where I can meditate, recollect and reminisce my past or the things I do previously. I like going to the beach if I want to find enjoyment and fun. I like the beach a lot because the breeze is very fresh. When I am in the beach, I enjoy staying under the heat of the sun while interlingual rendition my favorite book and the sun makes my skin tan and adorable to look at. I also savour free and at ease. I can kick downstairs too my favorite swim don. When I am in the beach, it gives me an opportunity to surf and play beach ball games which I cannot do when I am at home and school. I also bury myself under the sand as a sort of residual and therapy to my body and when I do that, it gives me a sort of relief. Going to the beach also gives me an opportunity to contact new set of mess from polar walkings of life. On the other hand, going to the mountains is also an interesting thing to do. It is fun and adventure. If I want to be on my own and codt want to be disturbed by people, I immediately go to the mountains. The air there is as fresh as in the beach but it is not crowded with people. I can only find trees and animals. The chirps of the birds authentically inspire me and want to live life to the fullest.It makes me realize, too, that though birds live simply, they are happy and contented with their lives. They dont ask for more but happy of what they have. This is the perfect place for meditation and for adventure. I am free from air and noise pollutions from the city where I live. When I am on the mountains, it gives me an opportunity to catnap early and helps me wake up excitedly the next day to have a brisk walk or climb some mountainous areas.Moreover, as a wide reader, I love to read detective and inspirational books. These would help me develop my critical thinking and analyze why things happen that way. Hence, I also like the works of Shakespeare especially the story of village. Considered as one of the greatest of Shakespeares tragedies, hamlet is also one of the best-known plays in world literature. It is distinguished to be one of the first of its kind of being peculiarly a philosophical play, in addition to having a variety of metaphysical and psychological theories. Although revenge tragedies already existed during and before its time, Hamlet best exemplifies the genre of Elizabethan revenge.A midst of many arguments is the apparent delay of Hamlets revenge. Critical discussion of this supposed procrastination has a long history. Goethe thought Hamlet too sensitive, Coleridge and A.W. von Schlegel too intelligent to be capab le of action. The early twentieth century English critic A.C. Bradley saw him as restrained by melancholia, the 19th century German scholar Herman Ulrici by moral scruples the Freudians viewed him as too complex-ridden to kill his uncle (Hamlet).This aspect of Hamlets behavior is seen either as a flaw or a virtue. The story contains 4 sons of murdered fathers (Hamlet, Laertes, Fortinbras, and Pyrrhus), but Hamlet differs from the threes pursuit for revenge. He even goes as far as feigning insanity in order to conceal his real agitation and divert attention from his task of revenge. The subject of revenge, which is one of the focal themes of the play, transcends every genre, for there is a Hamlet in every one of us.As Hamlet in the story suffers pain and grief as a result of the circumstances surrounding his fathers death, the usurping of the throne and by the betrayal he felt from his buzz offs remarriage to his fathers brother, Hamlet is then filled with the dilemma of whether to fall upon revenge against the wrongdoer. scummy and grief as a consequence of injustice and oppression is as old as mans history. Even during the course of the play, Hamlets torment alienates him from all those around him, even though he has a close friend to confide with. Such inner turmoil is only verbalized in his soliloquies but unknown to those around him. Certainly, the depth of suffering is known only the most by the one who suffers.How people respective(a)ly react to such agonies is showcased in the plays story. Most often, it is the ballpark desire to act as the three other young men (Laertes, Fortinbras, and Pyrrhus) did pursue their task of revenge with ruthless single-mindedness. However, Hamlets situation is far more complicated. This shows that hence, vengeance is far from simple. While it seeks to strike back by inflicting pain for pain, Shakespeares Hamlet shows the peril of vengeance.All those who sought revenge died. Hamlets loved ones (such as Ophelia), t hose whom he could have sought solace and comfort, and himself also died. They became victims of Hamlets wise rage as a result of his deflected and unfulfilled desire for vengeance. Revenge therefore, sinks both the offender and the avenger, wrench down along with it the innocent. It is a bearer of destruction. While most revenge plays justifies the avenger by emphasise him or her as a victim, Hamlets character hangs a question above it.At the very core of revenge is bitterness, and is like a rotten apple that spoils the whole bunch. It has destroy everything thats good in Hamlet and do him much more evil than his stepfather. The danger of retaliation is to do greater harm than what was received. No one overcomes evil, with evil. Before bitterness could do its harm, it is best throw out. Truly, Shakespeares Hamlet speaks to every individual(a) in every genre, since ALL of us must passing play through a time of making that choiceTO BE (bitter) OR NOT TO BE (bitter)? That ind eed is a question we all must face. In addition, I believed that I am a one of a kind person so the saying or quote that would definitely describe me is The delicious One. The reason I chose this quote is because this is what I perceive myself as and this is what other people think about me too. Not all people are being appreciative and thankful of what they have in life. Some of them would only be delightful when things go smoothly and when they can get the things they want. But through the years and seasoned with testing and circumstances, I have learned that I should be grateful in every way thus, thanking those people who have helped me shape my character not only those people who brought decreed impacts in my life but including those people who have hurt me.It is so irony to be grateful for those people who have hurt me but to some degree, their negative actions toward me make me strong as an individual and learn to depend on God. I have learned, too, that I should not only be thankful during the times when my spirit is uplifted but as wellhead as the time when I am also down because I believe that everything has a purpose why things happen and during those gloomy geezerhood of my life, I was able to ponder and see the on-key beauty of life thus, showing me who are my true friends are. Moreover, I never let the day pass without being appreciative and thankful to every people I meet. I may not directly say thank you to them but at least I would tell them that I appreciate to be with their presence. But most of all, I will continually be grateful to God for giving me a family and parents who are very supportive and really inculcated that good conduct. Actually, I come from a strong Christian background and my family tells me, consistently, to ceaselessly acknowledge God and to ring where my blessings come from. I am what I am today because of them. Though I am very active with my academic career and civic organizations, I had this experience before that totally teach me a lesson. It teaches me how to listen some advices from others especially from our parents. This is my other side. To let go of someone you dearly love is very painful to do. The pains cause by ending relationship is very unbearable. Some people may find their world tear apart when they realize that their relationship with their partner is not going well. I have had this relationship in the past that truly marks in my heart and in my mind. I do love this person very much despite of his weaknesses and flaws but many people around us do not like the idea of being us together.At first, I provide not to give ear to their comments and opinions because of my love for my partner. But in a long run, I descend to call it quits because I find out that my partner is having an part with other man take note, its a man. It truly hurts me a lot because he exchanges me to a man It is a mountainous slap my on face. That is the first factor I consider when I break up with h im. He is not trustworthy and faithful. I just strongly believe that a woman is meant to be with a man and a man is meant to be with a woman.Though I live in a liberated world but I cannot just take and stand with this kind of idea that is having an af dependable with same sex. When I break up with him, I look so much freedom that I never been experiencing when we are still together. I dont know why I feel that way, but that is how I really feel. I feel like a bird being cast aside in a cage for a long time and has the chance to be released. When my friends especially my parents learn about it, they are very happy and relieve. They dont just like my partner because they can smell something fishy on him. After the break, I feel such joy in my heart and feel more beautiful inside. Furthermore, many people think of temper as being made up of observable traits such as shyness, friendliness, and initiative. However, such traits are only the outward expression of various inner conditio ns and processes such as intelligence, attitudes, interests, and motives. Normal persons develop relatively consistent personalities that are distinguished by certain dominant traits.Persons belonging to the same cultural groupsuch as a family or nationhave many traits in common. But each person exhibits different traits under different circumstances, and each has unique traits as well as those he or she shares with others. It is also known that personalities develop throughout life, and may even undergo fundamental changes as result of psychotherapy or other treatment. Moreover, personality is produced by the interaction of heredity and environment. Inborn qualities affect the individuals response to the outdoors world, and the environment influences the way in which inborn capacities develop. However, the precise reasons why one person develops certain personality traits, while other develops other traits, are not known. What you have known to yourself is not known to others. The y only base their judgments on what they see and that is your personality. Basically, the treatment of people on you depends on how you carry yourself, through your apathy when you are irritated and how you dressed up yourself. An example of this is how you dress up yourself. Dont wear clothes that will give others a reason to criticize and not respect you at all but rather wear clothes that would motivate them to respect you as a person because if you would like to be respected, pay respect first to yourself by wearing clothes decently. I have observe that people that I meet pay me respect because of the way I dress and talk to them. I have a number of experiences that with regards to how I dress up and gaining respect from others. They find my personality respectable because of how I act and how I carry my clothes. Another thing, we cannot deny that there is always prejudice and biases wheresoever we go. People will treat you nicely or give you special treatment if they find you kind or appealing but if you are not attractive to their eyes, they will just ignore you as if you do not exist. It usually happens in big and known department stores or any establishment. If you wear flashy clothes and very attractive to look at, the salesperson will entertain you very well and gives you a welcome smile but if you wear just a simple dress and you are not that attractive, there is a tendency that the salesperson will not give you a fair treatment. She/He might think that you cannot afford the stuff they are selling and why does she/he unhinge entertaining you? There are times too that attractive people are always ordinary and they are respected because of their good looking appearances. Moreover, many people would be fanatic to them and may assume their styles. Just like the actresses and actors that we have in the past and at present. Because of their charisma, many people would try to feign and dream to be like them. But if you only have a plain face, there is always a tendency that people would make fun of you. So we cannot deny that in this world, most people are looking only for the outside appearance and they forgot to look what is in the heart.
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