Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Child Labor Essay Example for Free
Child Labor Essay Child labor in the Philippines has been a problem since the early twentieth century. However in 1946 the Philippines claimed its independence from American Rule and became a Republic. This allowed the Philippines to make their own child labor laws. One significant law was the power of the Secretary of Labour to grant a special work permit for the employment of a child whose employment is otherwise prohibited. This allowed any child to work. In the years 1953 and 1960, the Philippines ratified three international conventions adopted by the International Labour Organization, relating to child labour. These conventions made laws that prohibits the employment of children in industry during night time, fixes the minimum age of employment for industry at 15 years but allowed younger children to be employed in undertakings in which only members of the employers family are employed, provided that such work are not dangerous to the life, health or morals of the children employed, and required the medical examination of children as a pre-requisite to employment and their subsequent re-examinations (Aldaba, 2004). Even with these laws in affect child labor continues to be a problem in the Philippines. Poverty is the main reason due to which children under the age of 18 years are compelled to work in dangerous and life threatening conditions. The work that the children have to do range from agricultural, to production, to service trades. These dangerous conditions consist of environmental, chemical, ad physical hazards. Children in agriculture are exposed to heavy loads, chemicals used for fertilizers and pesticides. Factory child workers risk other injuries and death from accidents caused by modern machineries and from the lack of protective mechanisms (The Philippine Campaign). These all seriously affect the lives of these children. (Aldaba, 2004) While many people believe the issues of child labor in the Philippines are due to political or economical issues, they are actually do to social issues. There are long standing work and ethical traditions that are followed within Filipino communities. One centuries old tradition is that children are impelled to work from an early age because they must work to compensate as much as possible for the economic burden that they put on the family (The Philippine Campaign). This shows that despite laws preventing child labor, Filipino communities feel that it is ethically important to have children work. Another reason why children work is the failures in the education system(The Philippine Campaign). Instead on mandating that all children must go to school, the Filipino government allows the families to decide. Most families would rather have their children working and bringing in an income, than going to school. (Aldaba, 2004). These sorts of social factors can be seen throughout the rest of the world. In many countries (Costa Rica, Thailand, Sri Lanka), the minimum working age is lower than the required age of compulsory education (Child Labor). So like in the Philippines, these children are encouraged to work rather than pursue an education. When impoverished children are allowed to work legally, they will often abandon school to better their familys condition (Child Labor). This also correlates to the long standing Filipino tradition of children having to work to lessen the burden they put on their families. Just like in the Philippines, social issues of child labor are prevalent throughout the world. (Aldaba, 2004).
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Thomas Jeff. Outline Essay -- essays research papers
                                                       Lenora Spahn                                                        9/22/00                     Thomas Jefferson I. Thomas Jefferson      A. Born- April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, Va.      B. Died- July 4, 1826 II. Background      A. Educational- College of William and Mary (1760-1762), 5 year apprenticeship           studying law under George Wythe.      B. Occupational-           1. Began to practice law on his own: representing small scale planters from           western countries involving land claims and titles.           2. House of Burgesses, elected 1768: Opposed all forms of Parliamentary                     taxation and supprted nonimportation resolutions against British trade                regulations.           3. Committee of Correspondence, 1773: Served as a makeshift Central                Government for colonies and advocated that colonies refuse to pay any duty           leveled by Parliament.           4. Virginia Convention in ... ...          through congress.      F. The Non-Intercourse Act, 1809: basically just a moderate version of the Embargo Act. X. Major Conflict      A. The major conflict was foreign trade and the trade embargoes and naval troubles that      the United States had with Britain and France caused the most influential decisions           Jefferson was forced to make. XI. Major Inventions and Technological Advancements      A. Fulton’s Steamboat,1807: Robert Fulton's side-paddled, steam-powered riverboat           made its first commercial voyage in Clermont.      B. In 1806, David Melville attempted the construction of gas street lighting in Rhode           Island. XII. Overall rating of the President      Thomas Jefferson is one of the most eagerly embraced Presidents in American history due not only to his Thomas Jeff. Outline Essay -- essays research papers                                                        Lenora Spahn                                                        9/22/00                     Thomas Jefferson I. Thomas Jefferson      A. Born- April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, Va.      B. Died- July 4, 1826 II. Background      A. Educational- College of William and Mary (1760-1762), 5 year apprenticeship           studying law under George Wythe.      B. Occupational-           1. Began to practice law on his own: representing small scale planters from           western countries involving land claims and titles.           2. House of Burgesses, elected 1768: Opposed all forms of Parliamentary                     taxation and supprted nonimportation resolutions against British trade                regulations.           3. Committee of Correspondence, 1773: Served as a makeshift Central                Government for colonies and advocated that colonies refuse to pay any duty           leveled by Parliament.           4. Virginia Convention in ... ...          through congress.      F. The Non-Intercourse Act, 1809: basically just a moderate version of the Embargo Act. X. Major Conflict      A. The major conflict was foreign trade and the trade embargoes and naval troubles that      the United States had with Britain and France caused the most influential decisions           Jefferson was forced to make. XI. Major Inventions and Technological Advancements      A. Fulton’s Steamboat,1807: Robert Fulton's side-paddled, steam-powered riverboat           made its first commercial voyage in Clermont.      B. In 1806, David Melville attempted the construction of gas street lighting in Rhode           Island. XII. Overall rating of the President      Thomas Jefferson is one of the most eagerly embraced Presidents in American history due not only to his
Monday, January 13, 2020
Baroque Period
Baroque was the artistic period dating from 1600 to 1750 in European history. Derived from the Portuguese word barocco, Baroque literally means an ‘uneven pearl. ’ Often compared to Hellenistic art, Baroque artists discovered emotions and used strong contrasts of light and shade showcasing continued motion in their works. Cunningham L. S. & Reich J. J. (2006) state that: It is not surprising that the term baroque, originally used to describe the extravagant European art of the seventeenth century C. E. , is often applied to the art of the Hellenistic period.The artists responsible for these innovations created their works for a new kind of patron. (p. 77) Baroque was born in Italy. From the Renaissance period of symmetry, monumentality, balance and odd forms, the Baroque period was characterised by bold, curves and asymmetrical themes in paintings and buildings. Heinrich Wolfflin, in Principles of Art History: the problem of the development of style in later art (1932; t ranslated 1950, Page 14), explained the differences between the art of the 16th and 17th centuries stating that â€Å"baroque (or, let us say, modern art) is neither a rise nor a decline from classic, but a totally different art.†It also reflected the growth of monarchies as such a style suited the aristocracy who thought of integrated structures. Intense spirituality, realism of daily life, and psychological exploitation depicted in works of art and sculptures are highlights of Baroque art. Cunningham L. S. & Reich J. J. (2006) explain that: During the Baroque period, artists were attracted by extremes of feeling – sometimes these strong emotions were personal.Painters and poets alike tried to look into their own souls and reveal by color or words the depths of their own psychic and spiritual experience. The desire to express the inexpressible required the invention of new techniques. As a result, baroque art placed great emphasis on virtuosity. Sculptors and painter s achieved astonishing realm in the way in which they handled their media. Stone was carved in a way such as to give the effect of thin, flowing drapery, while seventeenth-century painters found ways to reproduce complex effects of light and shade.(p. 359) Some of the main representatives of baroque art are Michelangelo Merisi-Caravaggio (Portrait of a Courtesan-1597), Annibale Carracci (River Landscape-1595), Agostino Carracci (Lamentation of Christ-1606), Rembrandt (The Jewish Bride-1666), Nicholas Poussin (The Plague at Ashdod-1630), Georges De La Tour (The Fortune Teller-1620-1621) Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez (Prince Balthasar Carlos-1635), Peter Paul Rubens (Mercury and Argus-1638), and Jan Vermeer (The Artist in his Atelier-1670).Like art, Baroque architecture too progressed from renaissance in Italy. Curving facades, oval shape, triangular areas between rooftops, tips scrolls and gilded and double curves with luxurious materials and ornate decorations were emphasized upon instead of symmetry. The most famous work is the Palace of Versailles, France (built by Louis XIV) which was a symbol of wealth and power. Baroque architects used marble, gilt and bronze in their works.Ceilings used illusionism where paintings were done and looked like engravings for expressing emotions. The main representatives of Baroque architecture were Gianlorenzo Bernini (Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, 1645-1652) and Francesco Borromini (Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, 1640-1650). The late Baroque era was known as Rococo (1700-1780). In this era, the sculptors obtained unified spaces, created decorative schemes and emphasized on structural elements (Church of the Carmine, Turin, Italy, 1732, by Filippo Juvarra).Baroque style moved out of Rome and split in two different forms – The Roman Catholic countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria and South Germany) and Protestant regions (England, Netherlands and rest of northern Europe). The Catholic countries were inclined towards fre er and active surfaces thereby appealing through the senses, whereas the Protestant countries were more restrained and developed a quiet monumentality. As it migrated, Baroque style underwent changes in different countries according to the traditions, preferences and outlooks. In France, the architecture was geometrical, formal and precise merging with the Rococo style.Dutch painting was sober and detailed; and Dutch architecture was affected by political and commercial events, thereby emphasizing on beauty and nature of the middle class. Germany continued with its alpine wood crafting tradition in sculptures. The Baroque style moved towards extravagance in Spain and Latin America. In the latter half of the 18th century, baroque transitioned to romanticism which was ‘the age of enlightenment. ’ References: Cunningham L. S. & Reich J. J. (2006). Culture and Values: A survey of the Humanities. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Terms and Ideas Notes of the Native Son†by James Baldwin - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 508 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Abstract This paper has explained two concepts that are evident in the essay â€Å"Notes of the Native Son†by James Baldwin. The two concepts that were addressed were: The concept of racial discrimination which African Americans have been subjected to. Also, there is a concept of relationship as depicted between the Baldwin and his father. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Terms and Ideas : Notes of the Native Son†by James Baldwin" essay for you Create order The ideas that are drawn by Baldwin is that the traits of bitterness that people have towards another race are inborn characteristic and therefore they cannot be avoided. The second idea is that traits of bitterness towards someone’s races are caused by the fear that people have towards something that is â€Å"different†â€Å"Notes of as Native Son†James Baldwin in â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†presents an essay that explores his heritage of being a black man and the various type of challenges that he undergoes in his life. He views the issue of being a black person in America as equivalent to a stamp on the forehead that cannot be hidden away from the public. In this essay, I will explore at least two ideas and two concepts in regard from the essay. He discusses the concept of racial discrimination in the essay through the remarks he made that all African Americans are subjected to similar challenges on the basis of their colour. Baldwin believes that the fever of the discrimination has also already recurred, and will continue to recur until the day he will die (Schwarz et al., 56). He perceives his race as something that hinders him from living a full life and makes him feel he is against the world. Another concept that is salient in this essay is the concept of the relationship between Baldwin and his father. It is difficult to mention whether Baldwin’s father played a crucial role in his life or not. On several occasions, he lamented that his father’s temper was so great that he cannot even remember when they were happy seeing their father is coming home but instead they enjoyed when their father was away. His father lacked an ideal figure of a good father. His temper made him to be unable to create contact with other people including his own family. There are several ideas that are evident in the essay. The bitterness that Baldwin explains is intended to bring an idea that the traits of bitterness towards a certain race are an inborn characteristic that is inevitable (Stadter, 89). He claimed this â€Å"bitterness†killed his father and it is likely going to kill him was an idea that the feeling of hatred that Baldwin was feeling cannot be attributed to his father’s temper but it was an inborn reaction towards those who discriminated him. Another idea that is salient in the essay is when Baldwin concludes that all the â€Å"bitterness†that is depicted by men towards another race is permeated in the souls of men of different races. He believes that people fear something â€Å"different†and this is the cause of racial discrimination to all the African Americans.
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