Friday, December 27, 2019
Flannery O’Connor’s short stories “A good man is hard to...
Flannery O’Connor’s short stories â€Å"A good man is hard to find†and â€Å"Revelation†share many similarities. While â€Å"A good man is hard to find†is about a family that goes on a vacation that ultimately results in all of their deaths. â€Å"Revelation†is about a woman who is very judgmental and looks down on people. In the end both characters have revelations that contrast with who they are and how they portray themselves to the world. The protagonist in ‘Revelation†is Mrs. Turpin, and she depicts herself as a woman who is classy, respectable and is above all of those who are in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. Mrs. Turpin thinks that she is superior because she judges others based on social standing and believes she is high on†¦show more content†¦Turpin’s standards in her eyes. The readers can see through Mrs. Turpins thoughts and views how brutal and harsh she really is for example, when Mrs. Turpin is talking to herself and asks herself a question â€Å"If Jesus had said to her before he made her, there’s only two places available for you. You can either be a nigger or white trash, what would she have said?†Mrs. Turpin answers with â€Å"All right, make me a nigger then- but that don’t mean a trashy one. And he would have made her a neat clean respectable Negro-woman, herself but black.†(416). The grandmother in â€Å"A good man is hard to find†is very similar to Mrs. Turpin as well. The grandmother claims to be a lady, but she is really a manipulator, she wants everything to go her way. For example when she brings the cat along for the vacation trip despite Bailey not wanting to bring it along. Also when the grandmother manipulates the kids into wanting to go see a plantation by saying that it has a secret panel. â€Å"There was a secret panel in this house†, she said craftily, not telling the truth but wishing t hat she were.†(408) â€Å"The horrible thought she had had before the accident was that the house she had remembered so vividly was not in Georgia but in Tennessee.†(409). The grandmother remembers that the house was somewhere else however; she â€Å"decided that she would not mention it†(410). Both characters in the end have revelations that are complete opposite of who they are. In â€Å"Revelation†Show MoreRelated OConnor Character Traits Essays1033 Words  | 5 PagesOConnor Character Traits In Flannery OConnors short stories, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Revelation, and Greenleaf, the main character in each share similar traits. Though the grandmother, Mrs. Turpin, and Mrs. May differ from each other in many aspects, there are three notable traits that each clearly possesses. Each of these individuals is highly conscious of their own social status, is socially prejudiced, and is extremely racist. Each of the women is revealed as being highlyRead MoreCosmology and Southern Gothic2051 Words  | 9 Pagesdid we get here,†deals with cosmology, the study of the universe. No one knows for sure how the universe works or how we got here, but many Southern Gothic authors, such as Flannery O’Connor and Edgar Allan Poe, use their literature as a way of expressing their beliefs about the clockwork of the universe. These authors use their dark and grotesque fictional stories to make sense of where we, as humans, stand in the universe. In The Violent Bear it Away, O’Connor uses Francis Tarwater, a miracleRead MoreEssay on A Good Man is Hard to Find: The Cross of Two Spiritual Paths2192 Words  | 9 Pagesanecdote continually permeate the text of Flannery OConnors short stories. As exhibited in the aforesaid account, each man, by asking Jesus to bestow his grace upon him, possesses his own chance for salvation, but only one of the men actually seizes this opportunity; this closely resembles the final scene in which the two man characters of this Flannery OConnor classic also encounter this opportunity for deliverance. In A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery O Connor by utilizing the characterizationRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesthat may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a short story. Events of any kind, of course, inevitably involve people, and for this reason it is virtually impossible to discuss plot in isolation from character. Character and plot are, in fact, intimately and reciprocally related, especially in modern fiction
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Stop Infant Mortality And Recidivism Reduction Act Of...
The bill selected for the purpose of this legislative analysis is titled the Stop Infant Mortality and Recidivism Reduction Act of 2016, and is also recognized by the abbreviation SIMARRA Act. The bill number is 5,130 in the House of Representatives, and has no related bills in the Senate. The SIMARRA Act is a federal bill that was last referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations for further review and analysis. Scope of Problem The problems at hand that the SIMARRA Act bill is proposing to address, involves child welfare issues, women’s health concerns, and a lack of protection and healthcare needs for these women and their unborn children within the criminal justice system. According to the bill, it has been propositioned to enhance the welfare and public health for incarcerated pregnant women and mothers by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Federal prison system, by establishing a pilot program of critical-stage, developmental nurseries in Federal prisons for children born to inmates, with risk needs assessments, and risk and recidivism reduction (H.R.5130, 2016). The bill is intended to focus and alleviate the lack thereof adequate care, stress, and hazardous health practices that incarcerated mothers are experiencing with their infant babies, while also monitoring the health of these women. Both the mothers and infants are affected in these situations because th e health of the mother has substantial
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions
Question: Discuss about the Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to elucidate aspects of positive or scientific approach used for conducting accounting research. Addition to that, the study defines the major features that give rise to human behavior aligning with accounting settings (Crawford and Lepine 2013). The present segment augments presenting set of ontological and epistemological assumptions for conducting scientific research used for several feasible intellectual projects. Entire assignment takes into consideration the assumptions made but turns out to be wrong, absurd and illogical. Therefore, it has been noted that accounting was defensible and difficult in managing the aspects in the upcoming years. It is thereby important for understanding the level of progress as well as logics as required by using both types of research such as quantitative and qualitative (Wier, Stone and Hunton 2015). Synopsis of the article The name of the article taken for the assignment is Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research (Dunmore 2011). This particular article clearly explains the auditing practices and recent current issues prevailing in the field of accounting. The extent to positive accounting theory had been analyzed by achieving the level of success aligning with model of natural sciences. Addition to that, Positive Accounting theory is one of the emergent theories that had been subject to most of the critics (Wier, Stone and Hunton 2015). On summarizing the article, it is found that choice theory perspective relates with PAT methodology at the time of difficulty. It is the point where theory gets replaced by older ones with a perspective in gaining higher predictive power. It is thereby necessary in developing a theory with high predictive power because standard theory is used at initial stages of development of a particular theory (Waymire 2014). The current article examines the positive or scientific approach concerning for positive accounting research (Palmer et al. 2014). This means it requires proper understanding of how best to make progress in due for Popper acquisitions by using both research methods such as quantitative methods and qualitative methods. This paper explains that qualitative researchers use several theories and not any kind of hypothesis that are tested as well as improved at any forms. These are purely observed through use of lens whereby observational findings can be easily viewed by the researchers. Quantitative researchers, on the other hand, takes into consideration logic of hypothesis testing as it is less rigorous in nature after comparing it with Popper prescription (Miller and Power 2013). Research Question Explain the prevailing concept of Positive Accounting Research? How Positive Accounting can make ways for enhancing causal relationships with human behavior? How Kuhn Description does enables normal science connecting with accounting research? Theoretical Framework As opined by Dunmore (2011), there is one empirical question that needs to be understood regarding comprehensive causal theories used for human behavior and bringing limitation with the application of theories. This reveals the fact where there has been research on extensive areas by considering situations where people concerns with interpretative research like study of human emotions. There are various empirical study concerning theories such as Positive, Ontology and epistemology after correlating with one other. Therefore, researchers make ways in observing the imperfections after presenting the social activities after constructing actions that needs to be independent in perfect form (Messier 2016). As rightly put forward by Dunmore (2011), some of the aspects that needs to be taken into consideration is the scientific research as it include data collection methods such as quantitative or qualitative. There are even some of the theories that suggest data accumulation after viewing at the induction after making proper assumptions. It is required in understanding the logic supporting some of the evidences because of Popper. This reveals the fact by making the testing predictions of innovative theories at the time of conducting observations in difficult situations. It is the situation where there are various old and new theories used for undertaking innovative predictions. Therefore, there has to be some of the fact governing from disproved theories and models at the same time (Macve 2015). As opined by Dunmore (2011), Popper makes the suggestions concerning emerging of new theories at the time of invention of observed irregularities as well as proved observations. This reveals the fact where there needs to be any inductive observations made especially in case of process that is purely creative and imaginative by making use of empirical data. It takes into consideration two theories in spite of single theory at the same time. Addition to that, it concerns with falsification of making inoperable assumptions arising from some of the theoretical predictions. Therefore, some of the theories are used for understanding the anomalous tracks especially of Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft (Khan et al. 2016). As rightly put forward by Dunmore (2011), it has been viewed that sciences gets influenced by unique scales especially from macro as well as mid-range activities in given condition. Addition to that, it help in testing the descriptions used for understanding the cause and effect relationships after making contribution of various accounting aspects. As far as qualitative positive research is concerned, it takes into consideration the qualitative sciences such as botany, geology and zoology as viewed from previous studies as the case of Darwin theory of evolution. There are some of the mistakes that are concerned with social sciences because it assumes aspects like positive and quantitative research in the positive course of action (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). As opined by Dunmore (2011), some of the purpose are mentioned for understanding the aspects of qualitative positive research as given in the accounting literature. In other words, this means gathering of data that will properly guide in enhancing the preliminary actions at the time for conducting quantitative measurements. It requires sorting out ways after proper context of audit pricing research in the most appropriate way. The main purpose of the assignment has been in conducting regression analysis on how can an auditor conduct pricing in the audit report. It is essential in collecting information in form of data after determining the tender bid and differentiating the behavioral pattern. This can be done after presenting the strategies after taking audit partners after attaining high success rates at the time of winning with audit traders (Jindrichovska and Kubickova 2015). Therefore, most of the audit firms will conduct the essential regression equations. The main purpose of the paper is to examine the positive approach concerning with accounting research activities (Deegan 2013). Addition to that, Positive accounting research act as a wider part in governing the intellectual projects by conducting scientific research by augmenting causal and effect relationships. This reveals the fact that the article explains the streams of critical accounting research after falling from the arguments as mentioned in the topic. This majorly explains the setting of accounting aspects after understanding the real cause of human behavior in a given complex business organization. Therefore, the article clearly defines the advantages and limitations of positive accounting research after research on intellectual projects based on given ontological and epistemological assumptions at the same time (Crawford and Lepine 2013). Significance and Limitations of the article On critical analysis, it has been found that the present article is significant because it is a watered down version by Popper logic (Miller and Power 2013). In other words, this article helps in measuring the test statistics usage and gaining proper understanding at the same time. This help in bringing certainty of actions as well as comparing it with other concept of null hypothesis. There has been elimination found after viewing at the shift analysis that brought conventional significance by a positive threshold of p as 0.00001. This reveals the fact of re-attribution from real positive aspects at the time of accepting the statistical findings by keeping strong evident facts (Christensen, Nikolaev and Wittenberg?Moerman 2016). It is important to understand the fact where there are actual distinct motives behind replicating the previous studies like predicting whether original results augment within the sampling error (Bebbington, Unerman and O'Dwyer 2014). This reveals that exploration of limits help in understanding the application behind finding the previous research findings for making future study by the researcher. In this, it is understood that there are several significant factors used in the study that can align perfectly with the hypothesis testing. This means literature aspects constitute 5% or even less than 1% used for creation of no statistical issues of any types. It is necessary in evaluating the level f significance by bringing the misstated figures at the time of searching for regression specifications and publishing specifications as far as possible. It is recommended for the author in working diligently by taking into consideration the alternative proxies and other important functional f orms (Beattie 2014). This should take into consideration some of the econometric assumptions used for reporting the research attributes in an overall manner. Therefore, there are some of the significant data results that are either false or positive that needs to be compared after replacing the work (Miller and Power 2013). On analysis, some limitations are found out from the article that needs to be reduced by the researchers (Ball 2013). One of the limitations is the disappointing level of progress at the time of conducting the positive accounting research. This was done by making ways for implementing the ad hoc quantitative models after proper reduction methodologies. This was a negative effect and displayed negative sign of relationship connecting both the given variables. Addition to that, it has been found that elaborate models should be used for conducting the analytical research in well-designed form. There is one reliable way that will help in establishing better measurement of concepts used for previous studies after comparing re-invention for proper course of action (Christensen, Nikolaev and Wittenberg?Moerman 2016). This means reliable measures will help in proper auditing activities as it will give rise of high level of complexity at the time of making estimation for the given parameters from the previous studies. This article takes into consideration the testing process in case of theoretical aspects of accounting. Some of the measurement bases are mentioned in the article by explaining the resources used and other constraints for future analysis purpose (Jindrichovska and Kubickova 2015). There are various need for implementing extensive replication of activation after proper validation process at the time of hypothesis testing activities. It is essential to consider the fact where there is need for making a shift focusing on attributes for testing the hypothesis at the time of predicting the parameters used from previous studies (Jindrichovska and Kubickova 2015). This reveals understanding the level of confidence after proper intervals for making the comparison with the actual theoretical aspects from the previous studies. Addition to that, this study augments significant aspects starting from zero and then equalizing the level of confidence interval after gaining additional information. There is a proper need for data archival for making the measurement of certain vital concepts after testing the hypothesis theories (Christensen, Nikolaev and Wittenberg?Moerman 2016). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded by saying that the paper clearly takes into consideration the ontological and epistemological assumptions used for research purpose. Addition to that, it mainly enables understanding the current practices of accounting research used for operating the research programs in the most appropriate way. This reveals that the study undertakes some suggestions as given by researchers using quantitative method for researching the course of actions. It is further essential in implementing the appropriate theoretical models that needs to be specific and vulnerable at the same time used for detailed testing purpose. On analysis, it has been noted that a better measurement bases is essential that can be used for testing the theoretical models by the researchers. There are even several concepts that are needs to be applied by using proxies as well as interesting concepts by augmenting proper reliable relationships. There should be attention required fo r making the choice regarding present functional forms after maintaining linear relationships between the unique concepts found out by the researchers. Reference List Ball, R., 2013. Accounting informs investors and earnings management is rife: Two questionable beliefs.Accounting Horizons,27(4), pp.847-853. Beattie, V., 2014. Accounting narratives and the narrative turn in accounting research: Issues, theory, methodology, methods and a research framework.The British Accounting Review,46(2), pp.111-134. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Christensen, H.B., Nikolaev, V.V. and Wittenberg?Moerman, R., 2016. Accounting information in financial contracting: The incomplete contract theory perspective.Journal of Accounting Research,54(2), pp.397-435. Crawford, E.R. and Lepine, J.A., 2013. A configural theory of team processes: Accounting for the structure of taskwork and teamwork.Academy of Management Review,38(1), pp.32-48. Deegan, C., 2013.Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Dunmore, P.V., 2011. Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research. Available at SSRN 1955419. Jindrichovska, I. and Kubickova, D., 2015. Czech accounting academia and practice: historical roots and current issues.Accounting and Management Information Systems,14(2), pp.328-361. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Khan, T., Khan, T., Gray, R. and Gray, R., 2016. Accounting, identity, autopoiesis+ sustainability: A comment, development and expansion on Lawrence, Botes, Collins and Roper (2013).Meditari Accountancy Research,24(1), pp.36-55. Macve, R., 2015.A Conceptual Framework for Financial Accounting and Reporting: Vision, Tool, Or Threat?. Routledge. Messier Jr, W., 2016.Auditing assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Miller, P. and Power, M., 2013. Accounting, organizing, and economizing: Connecting accounting research and organization theory.The Academy of Management Annals,7(1), pp.557-605. Palmer, P., Pournara, M., Espinosa, D.I. and Palmer, H., 2014. Decision making and the national intelligence model: No accounting for decision bias.Australasian Policing,6(2), p.2. Waymire, G.B., 2014. Neuroscience and ultimate causation in accounting research.The Accounting Review,89(6), pp.2011-2019. Wier, B., Stone, D.N. and Hunton, J.E., 2015. Retraction: Does Graduate Business Education Contribute to Professional Accounting Success?.Accounting Horizons,29(3), pp.745-745.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Who Really Killed the Electric Car an Example of the Topic History Essays by
Who Really Killed the Electric Car? The electric car has been a ray of hope in solving the worlds emission problems since a huge amount of carbon dioxide and air pollutants come from vehicles. The birth of the electric car has been involved in a lot of controversy since it was removed from the streets faster than it was built. General Motors initially held a strong interest in developing these cars they called the EV1 but all of a sudden decide that they want to end the project. The car company may have been the one who built the new electric car but it is also the one who killed it. Need essay sample on "Who Really Killed the Electric Car?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Even if General Motors will never confirm it, the decision to scrap all the manufactured EV1s is a result of business interests. GM knows that pursuing the electric car will have negative impacts on the traditional car industry. If ever the electric car becomes an economical and efficient mode of transportation, it will replace the conventional cars on the road leading to the fall of the fossil fuel car. It will cannibalize sales of conventional cars. The absence of an engine in an electric car means less replacement parts and maintenance costs for drivers. This will in turn affect profits coming from the sale of car parts. For instance, the EV1 has a regenerative braking system which protects it from wear and tear; this will cause the industry to lose money from the sale of brake parts which is a very profitable industry in itself (Sony). Although we cannot be certain, we can also speculate that mutual understandings with oil companies may have also affected the 180-degree turn made by GM. Apparently, it is clear that GM took the EV1 vehicles from the roads to the crushing facilities because of hidden agendas (Edmunds). Even as the batteries may have some flaws, GM would not destroy all these vehicles which cost them billions since it would be a complete waste of good funds. More so, denying the petition of some drivers to buy the cars for $1.9 million is questionable since if GM had no hidden agenda in getting the EV1 off the roads, it would sell these electric cars for whatever profit it could make instead of incurring great losses from destroying it (Germain). From this, we can ascertain that GM hopes to earn more with the EV1 off the road. The car company took things into their own hands handing out the corporate decision to destroy the cars after identifying the negative financial implications the electric cars will have on the companys future. The batteries used in the EV1 may be flawed in some ways but this is not a reason to completely abandon the project since it is still in its early stages. The batteries were not poorly performing as opposed to what the car company claims. The initial lead-acid battery could cover 60 to 80 miles of distance with one charge. Later on, the EV1 was able to cover 100 to 120 miles with the NiMH battery (Sony). The lack of demand for the EV1 is another issue why the production of the electric car was put to a halt (Germain). Further research into developing better batteries that cover greater distance and greater speeds would solve a lot of issues. Government and private efforts to forward research on such areas would have the electric car a more viable alternative than it already is. Years later, GM came up with a type of fuel processor that extracts hydrogen from gasoline to use as fuel. It would appear that GM was not vent on eliminating oil in the automobile industry. Rather, it came up with something that would still use oil for fuel (Autoparts Report). GM also been argued that the electric car will not reduce emission levels since it is only diverting the emissions away from the vehicle and into the power plants since the power plants still make use of fossil fuels much of which is coal which produces more emissions compared to oil (Germain). While this is true, the world needs to address the need to switch to renewable energy sources and eliminate dependence on fossil fuel. In this way, emissions will be totally eliminated and not just be diverted into another smokestack. In fact, one of the first automobiles did not run on fossil fuels. It ran on electricity. Also, not all locations get electricity from fossil fuels. It is not the battery that killed the electric car. Neither is it the consumers, or the oil companies. It is not the government. It is not the resource board. It is not the hydrogen fuel cell. It is its very own creators that destroyed it. Works Cited Autoparts Report. GM Demonstrates Onboard Fuel Processor That Extracts Hydrogen From Gasoline. 15 August 2001. BNET. Edmunds. Who Killed the Electric Car? We're Not Sure Anyone Did. 2008. Germain, David. Who Killed the Electric Car? is a timely doc. MSNBC. Sony. Who Killed the Electric Car.
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