Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Reald World of Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Reald World of Management - Assignment Example The theory ‘X’ has been commented on greatly in the scholarly field in that it assumes that human beings are inherently lazy by default and as such does not like working (Stewart, 2010, p.1-2). The resultant of this in the real world is the devising of control mechanisms and supervisory tools to be used within organizations by the management. The reasoning of the theory is that people work because of coercion or by enticement through material gains without which the persons are determined to avoid working; therefore, the ambition of workers to engage in productive activities is boosted or controlled by enticements. This implies that management within this theory’s framework have to use coercion and threat in order to get work done or have general compliance by the workers. It is therefore concluded that all employees go out for their personal gains and, force or some sort of coercion must be sought in order to realize cooperation by the workers. However, a critica l evaluation of the theorem as is applied within the real life context proves differently in that people vary in the matters of personal drive and motivation; the generalization of this theory is erroneous because not always does workers require being extrinsically motivated. Personal drive and intrusive values go a long way in determining the productivity of individual persons as unlike the proposition by the theory. Moreover, a critical weakness in the explanation of this theory is noted in that it fails to explain the motivators of management personnel, as they are equally persons who would equally illustrate the same traits as other employees. The theory is thus seen as a tool effective in explaining the relationships within... This essay approves that nevertheless of critical concern between the current scholars are the applications of these theories in the real life situation s as they are seen to be highly probable through academics by rather inapplicable when in real life scenarios. This paper has concentrated in the analysis of the management theories as they have been in use through real life application as well as through the academics. This paper makes a conclusion that the theory ‘X’ has been commented on greatly in the scholarly field in that it assumes that human beings are inherently lazy by default and as such does not like working. The resultant of this in the real world is the devising of control mechanisms and supervisory tools to be used within organizations by the management. The theory is taken to imply that employees take pleasure in engaging their physical as well as mental capacities as they carry out duties assigned and as such take work to be as a natural duty. The challenges of bureaucracy in management are studied in theory ‘Z’. The power distance theorem on the other hand was developed to explain the value of cultural relations in management and the employees. The contingency theorem revolves around understanding the spectacular traits of individual leaders that use to motivate and inspire the employees. The effectiveness in applying the theory is thus only evident withi n the academic spheres as against within the corporate working scenarios.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Subjective assessment Essay Example for Free
Subjective assessment Essay The overall assessment of the market may not reflect its true form. But looking at it more closely, it would seem that the subjective part of the analysis agrees with the objective part for a number of reasons. Firstly, the market demand for Denmark is considerably large, couple this with the lower tax than any of the countries it would really seem to be of the best choice. Spain, on the other hand, poses the highest task, with a considerably large market loaded with substitutes that may hinder the proliferation of the products of the distillery in question. Northern Ireland would logically be a good choice, if we don’t take in mind that, the market would have to be loaded with competitors on each other’s throats. It would be market suicide to try to penetrate a market full of veteran companies that may swallow the company’s products in one of their marketing campaigns. Decision Alternatives †¢ The first alternative with the marketing of these products is to offer the public a bargain of selling two bottles at the same time with a slightly lower price of the two bottles. Accompanied by massive publicity that includes radio commercials and even television commercials, The method would work two-ways: point-of-sale, information that the consumers would get in the retail shops would be the same as the ones that would be heard in the radio and television. Secondly, information dissemination. With the massive publicity, the company gets to introduce their new products that would somehow make an impact on the viewers’ or listeners’ choice. †¢ Taking adavantage of your strengths would be the second alternative to be considered. Previous experience dictates that the market has treated the company nicely when it came to mail order purchases. If you would be able to make the necessary adjustments in your mail order service in the host country, then you would be able to gain a share of the market. Advertising is important and should therefore be taken into consideration. The mail orders can be accompanied by leaflets that tell of the company’s other products and invitations to go to the distillery and see the Visitor’s Shop. The Visitor’s Shop was the provider of the profits before, it might the provider again. †¢ Discount offerings would be the third alternative. This allows us to offer the products in slightly lower introductory prices so that the public may taste your product for lower prices. This proves to be a good and bad mood at the same time. The competitors may lower their price, forcing you to lower your price even more, at profits’ expense. Or you could get a significant share of the market if the public gets satisfied with the offer, and especially satisfied with the products offered. †¢ The final alternative would be advertise heavily and rely solely on the marketing effects of your strategies. This would be a big gamble on the company’s part as they would spend and incur costs at an increasing rate. The rate of spending, however, may not be accompanied with positive results as the distillery would then depend on the reactions of the public on their advertisement. A positive effect would be a partial gain in your market share and hopefully improve your market position. A negative effect, however, would entail additional costs without pay-offs. Although advertising is never a bad investment, for a small company like that of The Olde Distillerie cannot afford to lose largely on its first attempt to enter the market. Final Decision The alternative that should be considered is that of the second alternative. This alternative not only gives profit for the organization but this could be the initial move that a new company may have. This initial move can be the first of the series of ideas that may spawn from the initial move. Improvements on the idea, additional perks, or just plain advertising would be the next moves that would be coupled with the strengths of the company. Furthermore, the strengths of the company are the same strengths that may help them survive in a new market. A different market that may hurt or help them. Contingency Plan If ever that the final decision alternative would not be effective, The Olde Distillerie may take the first alternative, the bargain of two bottles. This gives a sense of cheapness to the drink but would also be seen as an opportunity for the public to try something new. A small discount on this account may be explored further so that they may find new ideas to their marketing strategies. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Amerique, Remy (2006), The Macallan(R) Single Highland Malt Breaks New Global Advertising Creative Campaign, http://www.marketwire. com/mw/release_printer_friendly? release_id=58696category=, accessed November 7. Anonymous (2006), The History of Scotch Whisky In More Detail, http://www. scotch-whisky. org. uk/, accessed November 17. Anonymous (2006), Ireland (Information on the Irish State) : Land and People, http://www. irlgov. ie/aboutireland/eng/landandpeople. asp, accessed November 7. Anonymous (2006), Press Release: SUCCESSFUL WHISKY INDUSTRY VITAL TO SCOTTISH ECONOMY SAYS HENRY MCLEISH, http://www. scotland. gov. uk/news/1999/11/se1461. asp, accessed November 17. Anonymous (2006), The Scotch Experience: Scotch Whisky Statistics, http://www. scotchdoc. com/tsd/education/stats. html, accessed November 7. Anonymous (2006), Whiskys reputation under threat, http://www. scotchwhisky. net/news/threat. php, accessed November 7. Anonymous (2006), whiskey, http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9076785/whiskey, accessed November 17. Anonymous (2006), Whiskey Rebellion, http://www. britannica. com/ebi/article-9340307, accessed November 17. Anonymous (2006), Denmark, http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-33928/Denmark, accessed November 17.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
College Candy Making Success That Much Sweeter Essay -- Drugs
As the saying goes, â€Å"Desperate times call for desperate measures.†American college students of the 21st century have been forcefully subjected to highly competitive environments due to a multitude of external factors. As of late, the prescription drug, Adderall has become the drug of choice for ambitious college students, and has earned the title of being today’s college candy and academic steroid. First introduced and approved by the U.S. FDA, Adderall became the common treatment for those suffering from ADHD and narcolepsy. The drug is considered a schedule II stimulant, falling in the same category as cocaine and codeine due to its addictive nature (Tran). Nicknamed â€Å"addy†by college students, Adderall and its effects have been proven to be advantageous to many seeking to maximize work productivity; the drug keeps students energized and engaged in their studies for hours on end (N.S.). As reported by the U.S. Department of Human Health and Human Se rvices, â€Å"among persons aged 18 to 22, full-time college students were twice as likely to use Adderall non-medically in the past year as those who had not been in college at all or were only part-time students†(U.S.). What essentially persuades a college student to take Adderall non-medically? A student’s competitive environment may be an influential factor. The issue of Adderall abuse among college campuses is concerning due to the dangerous short and long term effects in which many of its users are unaware of. An analysis of Adderall usage among college students will be performed in order to determine what can be done to prevent Adderall abuse in college students. Upon examination, it was found that the competitive nature of college campuses in California is resultant of both ec... ...Health and Human Services, 7 Apr. 2009. Print. 02 Dec. 2011. Anonymous. â€Å"Adderall Abuse on College Campuses.†Personal Interview. 22 Nov. 2011. Tranh, Pharmacist Lam. â€Å"Adderall Abuse on College Campuses.†E-mail Interview. 19 Nov. 2011. Mai, Cassandra. "Adderall Abuse on College Campuses." Personal interview. 19 Nov. 2011. Moore, Elaine A. The Amphetamine Debate: the Use of Adderall, Ritalin, and Related Drugs for Behavior Modification, Neuroenhancement, and Anti-aging Purposes. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &, 2011. Print. N.S. "Prescription Stimulants Are Big on Campus." Science News.169.21 (2006): 334. JSTOR. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Rampell, Catherine. "Many With New College Degree Find the Job Market Humbling." New York Times [New York] 18 May 2011. Print. "U.S. Approval for Adderall XR to Treat Adults†- MedNews. 18 Aug. 2011. JSTOR. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A term that many of us dont think about on a day to day basis, because we have enough to eat. However there are many In the world who lack even enough food to sustain a healthy life and many people end up dying of starvation. 3. Deaths In Children Under Five 4. Hunger In the U. S Hunger Is growing to be a serious problem In the united States. In 2006 35. 5 million people do not have access to enough food to sustain a healthy lifestyle. The people in the united States who represent the common face of hunger would surprise many.An elderly couple struggling to pay medical bills; a single parent trying to support his/her children; all the way to a child at school who can't focus because they didnt have enough to eat the day before. 5. Hunger in the World In the year 2007, 923 million people where undernourished. With about 900 million of those people residing in developing countries. Each day 16000 children die from hunger-related causes, one child every five seconds Countries in which a large portion of the population battles hunger dally are typically poor.And do not have the enefits of things Ilke soup kitchens and food stamps. And there Is simply not enough being done by us to assist these countries In there need. 6. 7. However a group was formed to combat this hunger, this group Is Bread for the World. 8. History In the year 1972 a group of Protestants and Catholics met to determine how people of faith could influence U. S policies regarding hunger. under Reverend Arthur Simon, the group began to grow. With in the fist year they had recruited more than 500 people and have continued to increase their numbers. ? 9. How we can help 10.Offering of letters Each year Bread For the World hosts a critical legislative campaign known as the Offering of Letters. People throughout the country write letters to Congress, In support of an hunger fighting legislation. Many people place these letters In their churches offering plates as a offering to God, their citizenship ref lecting their stewardship. 11. On Campus Bread for the world has currently founded a Student Coalltlon of over 300 campuses, where they add their voice to the ause of addressing World hunger. The Bread for the World Coalition gives students the tools they need to help end world hunger.The students, write, call, and visit members of congress to get the message heard. Community service organizations, human rights groups and other Justice-minded organizations take action by writing letters after a community service project or during a Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. 12. The Media Bread for the World believes that the media contributes to many victories won by world hunger organizations. By simply informing your local newspaper/ news station of a hunger problem in your community you can help bring awareness to the situation and get more people to help. ? 13. What Bread for the World has done†¦ 14. The Farm Bill The farm bill affects the life of every person who eats In the united States, especially those who suffer from hunger. Bread for the World thought the farm bill can provide better and broader support for U. S. farmers, strengthen communltles In rural America, nelp nungry people In tnls country anora a sumclent nd nutritious diet, and support the efforts of small-scale farmers in developing countries to sell their crops and feed their families.So Bread for the World had thousands of people write letters to congress getting many modifications to the bill made. 15. The ONE Campaign Bread for the World is a founding member of the One Campaign The ONE Campaign is a movement to rally Americans to respond to the global emergencies of extreme poverty, hunger and AIDS. 16. Other Hunger Organizations Action Against Hunger directly delivers emergency aid and longer-term ssistance to people suffering from the dire consequences of natural disaster or man-made crisis.Their mission is to save lives by combating hunger, disease, and the crises threatening the lives of helpless men, women, and children. Church World Service is a coalition of 36 Protestant, Anglican, and Orthodox communions in the U. S. , cooperating worldwide in programs of long-term development, emergency response and assistance to refugees. CWS is perhaps best known among anti-hunger activists for sponsoring the annual 2,000 CROP WALKS throughout the U. S. that have been raising funds and awareness to fght hunger for more than 30 years.Food First †formally known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy †seeks to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger by awakening people to the possibility of social change and their own power to bring it about. United Methodist Committee on Relief presents practical solutions to the problems of hunger, human rights and world peace by aiding refugees, providing relief in disaster areas, and confronting the challenge of world hunger and poverty. ? 17. What it all comes down to†¦Bread for the Worlds final messag e is that there is enough food in the world to alleviate hunger. Its Just what we choose to do with the food and money that we need to change. Our problem is equitable distribution. Hunger is a political condition. Which can be amended. Each year 13 million dollars on excess dog food that goes to waste. If we simply allocate some of the money that goes into things that we all don't truly need, we can help end world hunger. And save the lives of millions Hunger A term that many of us dont think about on a day to day basis, because we have enough to eat. However there are many In the world who lack even enough food to sustain a healthy life and many people end up dying of starvation. 3. Deaths In Children Under Five 4. Hunger In the U. S Hunger Is growing to be a serious problem In the united States. In 2006 35. 5 million people do not have access to enough food to sustain a healthy lifestyle. The people in the united States who represent the common face of hunger would surprise many.An elderly couple struggling to pay medical bills; a single parent trying to support his/her children; all the way to a child at school who can't focus because they didnt have enough to eat the day before. 5. Hunger in the World In the year 2007, 923 million people where undernourished. With about 900 million of those people residing in developing countries. Each day 16000 children die from hunger-related causes, one child every five seconds Countries in which a large portion of the population battles hunger dally are typically poor.And do not have the enefits of things Ilke soup kitchens and food stamps. And there Is simply not enough being done by us to assist these countries In there need. 6. 7. However a group was formed to combat this hunger, this group Is Bread for the World. 8. History In the year 1972 a group of Protestants and Catholics met to determine how people of faith could influence U. S policies regarding hunger. under Reverend Arthur Simon, the group began to grow. With in the fist year they had recruited more than 500 people and have continued to increase their numbers. ? 9. How we can help 10.Offering of letters Each year Bread For the World hosts a critical legislative campaign known as the Offering of Letters. People throughout the country write letters to Congress, In support of an hunger fighting legislation. Many people place these letters In their churches offering plates as a offering to God, their citizenship ref lecting their stewardship. 11. On Campus Bread for the world has currently founded a Student Coalltlon of over 300 campuses, where they add their voice to the ause of addressing World hunger. The Bread for the World Coalition gives students the tools they need to help end world hunger.The students, write, call, and visit members of congress to get the message heard. Community service organizations, human rights groups and other Justice-minded organizations take action by writing letters after a community service project or during a Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. 12. The Media Bread for the World believes that the media contributes to many victories won by world hunger organizations. By simply informing your local newspaper/ news station of a hunger problem in your community you can help bring awareness to the situation and get more people to help. ? 13. What Bread for the World has done†¦ 14. The Farm Bill The farm bill affects the life of every person who eats In the united States, especially those who suffer from hunger. Bread for the World thought the farm bill can provide better and broader support for U. S. farmers, strengthen communltles In rural America, nelp nungry people In tnls country anora a sumclent nd nutritious diet, and support the efforts of small-scale farmers in developing countries to sell their crops and feed their families.So Bread for the World had thousands of people write letters to congress getting many modifications to the bill made. 15. The ONE Campaign Bread for the World is a founding member of the One Campaign The ONE Campaign is a movement to rally Americans to respond to the global emergencies of extreme poverty, hunger and AIDS. 16. Other Hunger Organizations Action Against Hunger directly delivers emergency aid and longer-term ssistance to people suffering from the dire consequences of natural disaster or man-made crisis.Their mission is to save lives by combating hunger, disease, and the crises threatening the lives of helpless men, women, and children. Church World Service is a coalition of 36 Protestant, Anglican, and Orthodox communions in the U. S. , cooperating worldwide in programs of long-term development, emergency response and assistance to refugees. CWS is perhaps best known among anti-hunger activists for sponsoring the annual 2,000 CROP WALKS throughout the U. S. that have been raising funds and awareness to fght hunger for more than 30 years.Food First †formally known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy †seeks to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger by awakening people to the possibility of social change and their own power to bring it about. United Methodist Committee on Relief presents practical solutions to the problems of hunger, human rights and world peace by aiding refugees, providing relief in disaster areas, and confronting the challenge of world hunger and poverty. ? 17. What it all comes down to†¦Bread for the Worlds final messag e is that there is enough food in the world to alleviate hunger. Its Just what we choose to do with the food and money that we need to change. Our problem is equitable distribution. Hunger is a political condition. Which can be amended. Each year 13 million dollars on excess dog food that goes to waste. If we simply allocate some of the money that goes into things that we all don't truly need, we can help end world hunger. And save the lives of millions
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Immigration Outline Essay
About 40% of illegal immigrants enter legally and then overstay d. Crime rate viii. .2011 saw 396,906 deportations ix. 216,698 had been convicted of crimes x. 44,653 convicted of â€Å"drug-related crimes†xi. 35,927 convicted of driving under the influence xii. 5,848 convicted of sexual offenses xiii. 1,119 convicted of homicide III. Impacts: d. Economic xiv. They pay $7 billion in social security e. Law inforcement and expenses xv. costs $90 a day to keep them in detention facilities xvi. Identity theft is sometimes committed by illegal immigrants who use social security numbers belonging to others xvii. f. Enviorment xviii. 45 abandoned cars on the Buenos Aires refuge near Sasabe, Arizona and enough trash that a volunteer couple filled 723 large bags with 18,000 pounds of garbage over two months in 2002. â€Å"[132] xix. Illegal immigrants trying to get to the United States via the Mexican border with southern Arizona are suspected of having caused eight major wildfires in 2002. The fires destroyed 68,413 acres (276. 86 km2) and cost taxpayers $5. 1 million to fight g. National security xx. out of the 48 al-Qaeda operatives who committed crimes here between 1993 and 2001, 12 of them were illegal aliens when they committed their crimes, xxi. seven of them were visa overstayers, xxii. four of the 9/11 terrorists. Were illegal immigrants xxiii. llegal immigrants within the United States have attempted to carry out other terrorist attacks as well. IV. Democratic view on Illegal immigration: h.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Blaschkos Lines and Invisible Stripes on Human Skin
Blaschko's Lines and Invisible Stripes on Human Skin Unless you have one of a number of skin diseases, you may not realize you have stripes, much like those on a tiger! Ordinarily, the stripes are invisible, though you can see them if you shine an ultraviolet or black light over your body. What Are Blaschko's Lines? The Lines of Blaschko or Blaschkos lines make V-shaped stripes down your back, u-shapes on your chest and stomach, simple stripes on your arms and legs, and waves on your head. The stripes were first described by German Alfred Blaschko in 1901. Blaschko was a dermatologist who observed pigmented patterns in people with certain skin diseases. The patterns are also visible in people with chimerism. A chimera begins as two cells that have different DNA from each other. As these cells grow and divide, they contain slightly different instructions on how to produce proteins, including pigments. The lines dont follow blood vessels, nerves, or lymphatic vessels, believed instead to reflect the migration of embryonic skin cells. Under ordinary conditions, skin cells are programmed to produce the same amount of pigment as each other, so the stripes arent noticeable. The slight differences are more obvious under the higher energy of ultraviolet light. Other animals besides humans display Blaschko lines, including cats and dogs. How To See Your Human Stripes Whether or not you can view your own human stripes depends on your natural skin pigmentation and the type of UV light you use. Not all black lights are sufficiently energetic to make the lines visible. If you want to try to view your own stripes. youll need a dark room and a mirror. Shine the black light over exposed skin and look for the pattern. Conditions Where Human Stripes Are Visible Several skin disorders may follow Blaschkos lines, making them visible. These conditions may be inherited or acquired. Sometimes the stripes are visible throughout life. Under other conditions, they appear and then fade. While its possible for the whole body to be affected, many times the lines only appear on a single limb or region. Here are some examples of skin conditions associated with Blaschkos lines. Congenital Skin Disorders linear sebaceous naevus (lifelong)unilateral naevoid telangiectasia (lifelong) Acquired Skin Disorders lichen striatus (one to two years)linear psoriasis (one to two years)linear scleroderma Genetic Skin Disorders Conradi-Hunermann syndromeMenke’s syndrome How Are Blaschko's Lines Treated? If Blaschkos lines were simply stripes, treatment might be as simple as applying make-up or a drug to fade the pigment. Sometimes Blaschkos lines only affect skin pigmentation. However, the marks associated with skin conditions may present as dermatitis, with papules and vesicles. In some cases, corticosteroids may improve skin health. Treatments that reduce physical and emotional stress and address the underlying cause of the condition may also help.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Blacks in the Cities essays
Blacks in the Cities essays In 1910 most blacks still lived in the south. However from 1910 onwards there was a great black migration to the north. Many blacks were getting fed up of the way they were treated in the south and decided to move to the lest racist north is search of jobs in the factories in the big cities. However when they arrived they could only get the lowest paid jobs and ended up working in the factories and living in the ghettos. Once they got into the ghettos it was almost impossible to get out. They got stuck in the poverty cycle and many turned to drugs and crime. However some blacks did get good jobs and nice houses although they were a small minority. Although blacks moved to the north to escape poverty in the south it was still a very real factor in the north and living in the ghettos was a dreadful reality. The ghettos were dirty as so many people lived in them and they didnt have the means to clear up after themselves so disease could spread very easily. There was very little medical care in the ghettos so once disease had established itself there was very little way of stopping it spreading. There was poor heating in the ghettos and water and toilet facilities were shared which also helped to increase the spread of illness among people living in the ghettos. The ghettos were extremely badly built as they were the worst housing in the cities and there were many accidents in the ghettos and in the streets around them as there were no facilities for children to play in so many played in the roads and there were often young children knocked down by reckless drivers. The main cause for accidents in peoples home was unstable flooring and poor electrical connections which resulted in electric shocks. Also blacks living in the ghettos were looked upon by most whites as lower class citizens and were treated very badly and had poor facilities, such as bad schools, poor playing areas and many youngsters were pushed into drugs...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
4 Ways Customer Feedback Determined Our Greatest Design Features
4 Ways Customer Feedback Determined Our Greatest Design Features Your feedback matters. Here at , we want to be the #1 marketing calendar for everything you need organized. And we know that it’s the little things that matter the most†¦ which is why we are constantly making improvements to your calendar, so you can focus on the big things. In the past six months (yep, just six short months), made a few AWESOME updates: Calendar Refresh: Updated the format of your calendar so you can easily track and manage your content from the master view. Custom Content: Added more content types (not just the ones we originally thought you needed), and now you can organize them to boot. New Content Editor: Eliminated distractions from your content editor by creating a simplified and clean interface. And starting today†¦.NEW custom color labels (keep reading)! All of these updates were because of YOUR feedback. Your ideas make even better, and let’s be honest, they help us get more organized, too. Which is why we are excited to announce the launch of our newest feature†¦
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Economics & Public Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Economics & Public Policies - Essay Example The paper tells that the production possibilities curve represents the total output of the combination of two products in an economy provided the inputs and technology are available. There are 3 basic assumptions underlying the production possibilities curve: quantity and quality of all resources as inputs fixed; unchanged technology and fully employed resources. If the federal state and local governments in the U.S. engage in increased health-related expenditure, they would require increasing taxes to meet the increased costs. Assuming the fixed quantity of resources, i.e. public taxes and technology over a given time period, the U.S. is capable of providing limited amount of public health care services. This also depends upon how much the taxpayers are willing to sacrifice other goods and services for increased public health service. The production possibilities curve shows that increase in health care services will lead to less of other government public services due to its limite d resources. Therefore, the production of other goods and services will be less. As the quantity of health care services is reduced, the government will be able to provide more of other goods and services. The probable production possibilities curve is provided in the study. When each member of the community makes a voluntary contribution towards per unit of a pure public good, that contribution equals to his/her marginal benefit derived from the public good at efficient level of output. This equilibrium contribution per unit is known as Lindahl price. The Lindahl prices are assigned in such a manner that no budget deficit or surplus arise at the efficient output of the good. Lindahl equilibrium requires that the total contribution by the community towards the public good is equal to the Marginal Social Benefit and total cost of producing that public good (Hyman, 2010, p.165). This means that ?Ti*Q = MC*Q = AC*Q Where Ti is the voluntary contribution by each individual; Q is the eff icient output; MC is the Marginal Cost of pure public good; AC is the Average Cost of pure public good; Therefore, the total contribution or revenue collected will be (?Ti*Q) and it should be equal to the total cost of the production, i.e. AC*Q. MC*Q equal to AC*Q implies there is no budget surplus or deficit. However, assuming that marginal cost of pure public good increases if more is purchased by the community, i.e. MC>AC then ?MBi>AC because MC = ?MBi. Therefore, the sum of per unit voluntary contribution becomes more than the average costs of production and so this will result in budget surplus at the efficient annual output. Answer 3: Pollution Abatement There are very few human activities that do not pollute the environment, and it has become imperative to address the global concerns over the environmental degradation. The objective of a hundred percent pollution abatement cannot be achieved because the regulators do not have the information of the pollution’s marginal external costs and marginal costs of abatement (Grafton, 2004, p.63). Therefore, most of the pollution abatement policies aim to ensure that the pollution control methods are cost-effective. The costs of pollution abatement not only consider the marginal social costs, but also the opportunity costs associated with cleaner environment.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysis of artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of artworks - Essay Example The choice of the two paintings was inspired by their stunning looks, and because of my passion for landscape and realism artwork (Alpers 12). The analysis will include description of the painting, technical analysis, aesthetic evaluation, and interpretation of their meaning. The last part will include comparison of the two paintings and the conclusion. Adoration (1985) This art oil on canvas artwork was done by Paul Peel in 1885. It was issued as a gift to Mrs. Robert Wood in 1940, in Memory of her husband. Its overall size is 129.5 x 165.1 cm. It is currently displayed at Art Gallery of Ontario. Adoration (1885) is a real artwork, which looks incredibly stunning. The artist has used an impressionist style, which is really successful because the viewers can hardly distinguish the artwork from the real photography. The woman’s dress is made of layers of cleaves, accented by dark shades that demonstrates the source of light as well as their baggy size. The grass, which is lo osely scattered all over the place, looks like a casual splash of paint when viewed from a close distance. However, from a distance, the grass looks so organized with lively colors that make the whole atmosphere look hot and semi-arid (Davis 220). From a closer look, the background looks like a meaningless brushstroke until the viewer takes a few steps back to recognize the long distance perspective of a hilly background with a building somewhere at a closer distance. In other words, the artist has successfully used lighter colors for the background horizon to create distance. It seems as if the hilly background is very many miles from the foreground, an aspect that is really interesting for the viewer to experience (Roskill 145). This artwork is asymmetrical, with the woman and her kid on the right, leaving the left side for the allure of nature to be featured perfectly and without distraction. The woman appears to be busy undertaking her daily activity, with the baby appearing ver y comfortable with what is going on, possibly implying that the activity is a daily routine. The bright colors express a warm mood. The manner in which the woman is doing her work together with her baby reminds me of my early days when my mum used to walk with me everywhere she went, including the garden. I think the artist is trying to portly the idea of working hard in what one does (Frye 112). The colors used on the woman are closely related to the ones applied on the rest of the composition, but blending of these colors must have been done proficiently because use of closely related colors do not make any image to look obscure. For example, despite the fact that the color used to paint the wheelbarrow is almost the same as that used to paint grass, the viewer can easily mark out the outline of the wheelbarrow, an aspect that shows that the artist must have been extremely skillful (Fuchs 45). From the analysis of this artwork, I have realized that the use of colors that are relat ed is really important, and that good-blending of such colors can make a composition look awesome. I have also learnt that I can also make a good artwork if I am careful with the way I chose and mix colors, because this is an aspect I was not really good in doing. Certainly, I have liked this artwork and it has really inspired me, not only in respect to art but also in my daily life, because I have felt more attracted to the allure of nature and working hard to get daily bread (Lemert and Branaman 16). Figure 1: Adoration (1985) The Young Gleaner or the Butterflies The Butterflies is an oil on canvas artwork that measures124.2 x 93.2 cm. It is currently displayed at the Thomson Collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario. The paining is vertical in orientation, which perfectly
A Report of European Central Bank Bond-Buying Program Essay
A Report of European Central Bank Bond-Buying Program - Essay Example 850). This report brings out a clear picture of the issues pointed out as relevant to the European central bank bond-buying program. These aspects are appointment, inflation, growth, financial stability, fiscal policy and politics. Each of them plays a significant role in this context and influences the program from different angles. The program is strongly advocating for the protection of the euro, this is according to ECBs president Mario Draghi well this has received a lot of backing from euro-zone governments (De, P. 849). The ECB bond-buying program is entirely an economic program, but it has faced political interruptions influencing its performance. The program is toiling to ensure that Europe remains relevant economically a midst the looming economic crisis in the world. There is a balance between inflation, growth, financial stability, creation of fiscal policy and politics. If we look at politics first of all the euro-zone governments back the ECB bond buying program to the extent of out voting the Bundesbank by the other 22 members. The case after being heard by a German court on allegations that the program went beyond its mandate clearly brought out the skeptism. On the other hand after the case was forwarded to the European court the judgment was in favor of the program. The levels of inflation raise concern across the European economy as it is questionably low. According to comments from Janet Yellen (Fed chair) that the central bank could raise its rates has sparked worries across the region. The members prefer that another method is used to improve on the economy other than the former the speculation is that ECB is moving to quantitative easing. Economies are recovering and growing at the same time, but the process is as slow to the extent of insignificance. At the moment the euro zone has concentrated on deflation other than allowing the ECB to establish a stimulus for the recovery of the European economy (De, P. 845). In
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Outline the stages of specimen reception and initial processing, Essay
Outline the stages of specimen reception and initial processing, highlighting particular safety issues - Essay Example Once the primary specimen is received in the laboratory, a quick assessment is carried out regarding any clinical risk. Such risks include damage, leakage, missing request form, inadequate labeling, wrong sample sent for requested test or the clinical information does not match the blood sample. However, if a risk has been flagged, it will fall under the Clinical Risk Management guidelines. If there is no clinical risk to be dealt with, the specimen will proceed to the next stage. The sample and the request form have to show the patient demographics. Patient demographics refers to the information that identifies the patient and provides other data that is important to the clinician in coming up with a diagnosis. Demographics consists of the patient’s name, hospital number, and date of birth. Missing demographic data makes the specimen a clinical risk, and a request for a new sample is sent to the requestor. Other instances where the sample can be classified as inadequately labeled include those samples that are not accompanied by supporting paperwork, and those that are labeled differently from the request form in such cases, a request for a new sample is sent to the requestor If the details match the sample, the specimen will be taken for further assessment in the laboratory. Some exceptions can be made in certain situations, especially if there is a need to protect the identity of the one from whom the sample has been obtained. An example of such a s ituation is in the case of an unrelated bone marrow donor whose identity has been protected using an international code for identification based on the Patient International Data Protection. After the clinician has verified that the specimen identification matches the request form, the anticoagulant tube is then checked to ascertain that the correct sample has been sent to the laboratory. For HLA genotyping, an EDTA anticoagulant
General statistic Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
General statistic - Statistics Project Example Formula used for cumulative frequency calculations is Relative Frequency The relative frequency of the distribution shows the largest share of frequencies lies in the age groups of 21-22 and 22-23. The relative frequency also depicts that the majority share of the students lie in the middle age groups Class Boundaries The class boundaries are calculated to be .05 from the class limits. The Mean, Median and Mode The class boundaries and data for the calculations of mean, median and mode have been represented in the table below No. of students F Student ages Class boundaries X (F)*(X) 1 17-17.9 16.95-17.95 17.45 17.45 5 18-18.9 17.95-18.95 18.45 92.25 15 19-19.9 18.95-19.95 19.45 291.75 19 20-20.9 19.95-20.95 20.45 388.55 22 21-21.9 20.95-21.95 21.45 471.9 21 22-22.9 21.95-22.95 22.45 471.45 14 23-23.9 22.95-23.95 23.45 328.3 3 24-24.9 23.95-24.95 24.45 73.35 ?F = 100 2135 Figure ii Mean The mean is calculated from the table to be Mean = = 21.35 The mean suggests that the average of th e data lies at the age of 21.35. Median Here, the number of observations ?F= n=100 This is an even number, so the median is average of (n / 2) th and (n / 2 + 1)th Observations I.e. average of ( 100 / 2 )th and [(100 / 2) + 1]th observation. I.e. average of 50th and 51st observations. Where l = lower limit of median class C.F = cumulative frequency of class prior to median class. f = frequency of median class. h = class size. Median= = 21.4 Mode The mode of a data is the value that has maximum number of frequency. Where: l = lower limit of modal class f1 = frequency of modal class fm = frequency of class preceding the modal class. f2 = frequency of class succeeding the modal class h=class size Here the modal class is of age groups 21-22. Hence,... The mean, median and mode are close to each other, this represents a normal frequency distribution. The close values of mean and median depict the data to be a normal distribution, if the median and mean were far apart that would have meant that the data with the higher value of F*X is dominating the average. But since the median and mean are close together this shows neither the higher nor lower frequencies are affecting the data nor the data average is independent of the extreme end values of the distribution. The graph that shows the frequency distribution is shown below. The graph clearly predicts a normal distribution of frequency that is the age groups of Middle Ages 20-23 have the highest frequencies, and the frequencies fall at either side of the midpoint. The trend line follows a normal bell curve shape. The conclusion can be deduced from looking at the results is that most of the students in a university starting their university at the ages of 19. A few students who excel at school or high school level are granted leaps in their grades and start the university at an earlier age. That is why there are a small group of students in the age category of 17-18. In addition, the age group of 24 and above indicates students who have been relegated in semesters or have started their university at a later age. But looking at the relative frequency they only form 3% of the total specimen. So the majority of the students are normal students who start university at the age of 19 and end up at the age of 23.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Outline the stages of specimen reception and initial processing, Essay
Outline the stages of specimen reception and initial processing, highlighting particular safety issues - Essay Example Once the primary specimen is received in the laboratory, a quick assessment is carried out regarding any clinical risk. Such risks include damage, leakage, missing request form, inadequate labeling, wrong sample sent for requested test or the clinical information does not match the blood sample. However, if a risk has been flagged, it will fall under the Clinical Risk Management guidelines. If there is no clinical risk to be dealt with, the specimen will proceed to the next stage. The sample and the request form have to show the patient demographics. Patient demographics refers to the information that identifies the patient and provides other data that is important to the clinician in coming up with a diagnosis. Demographics consists of the patient’s name, hospital number, and date of birth. Missing demographic data makes the specimen a clinical risk, and a request for a new sample is sent to the requestor. Other instances where the sample can be classified as inadequately labeled include those samples that are not accompanied by supporting paperwork, and those that are labeled differently from the request form in such cases, a request for a new sample is sent to the requestor If the details match the sample, the specimen will be taken for further assessment in the laboratory. Some exceptions can be made in certain situations, especially if there is a need to protect the identity of the one from whom the sample has been obtained. An example of such a s ituation is in the case of an unrelated bone marrow donor whose identity has been protected using an international code for identification based on the Patient International Data Protection. After the clinician has verified that the specimen identification matches the request form, the anticoagulant tube is then checked to ascertain that the correct sample has been sent to the laboratory. For HLA genotyping, an EDTA anticoagulant
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Changing social and legal dimensions of race relations in The US from Essay
Changing social and legal dimensions of race relations in The US from 1920-1950 - Essay Example The feature of this essay is to bring about the existing concept in the treatment of the Africans and other immigrants in America and to focus on the point whether America is completely free of the racial discrimination towards the African community in their place. America is a vast country where immigrants could be seen in every state, this is due to the powerful revision of equality and pressure in education values and educational policies. Through out the world Education has started gaining a total significance and students travel to other non-native countries in order to improve their educational status. The out look of the Government is also in the immediate process of changing. So it accepts the students from other countries. It is a two way income to their country, in one path the Government earns a lot income from the arrival of foreign students and on the other side establishment is carried out in their educational departments. While analyzing the condition of the American society between the years 1920-1950 a considerable change could be seen, but still not a complete change is accepted. Meanwhile it is really interesting to find evidences of the situation regarding the race relations in the written works of Authors’ like Ralph Ellison. The â€Å"Invisible Man†by Ellison reflects the narrator as a key source to carry the message that how he finds himself as an invisible man among the people of America. The list of humiliations, the different way of response, the ignorance with which he had failed to recognize the irony and the treatment of the white higher officials towards the black people were all added to the causes of his out come of â€Å"Invisible Man†. The title has a deep significance in it; Ellison himself talks in the place of the narrator. It is a collection of his experience in America. It is better to go through the life of Ellison before he became a
Monday, October 14, 2019
Acid rain Essay Example for Free
Acid rain Essay Acid rain is a result of air pollution that is harmful to the environment, generally caused by fuels being burnt. When any type of fuel is burnt, many different chemicals are produced. These gases that are released react with the water in clouds, and the rain from these clouds is acid rain. This type of acid disposition can appear in many other forms besides just rain, such as sleet, snow, and fog (Editorial Board, 2013). There are several sources of pollution and many causes for acid rain. Though acid rain can be generated by volcanoes and decaying vegetation, it is mostly caused by man-made activities (Carper, 2012). The most polluting gases that cause acid rain are nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxides (Yedjou, 2015). Different industrial processes contribute greatly to producing these harmful gases, such as the production of iron and steel, factories, chemical industries, and power stations. The burning of fossil fuels by these power-production companies and industries release sulfur into the air that combines with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide (Carper, 2012). Basicily anything that burns fuel, produce these polluting gases, such as the fumes that come out of a vehicles exhaust, or the heat we use to warm our homes. Acid rain greatly impacts the natural environment by polluting water sources, such as lakes and streams. In return this kills plants and fish, which negatively affects other animals and entire ecosystems. This type of acid disposition also damages soil and trees, and accelerates the decay of buildings and structures (Yedjou, 2015). Acid rain also affects human health by being inhaled into people’s lungs which increases premature death from heart and lung disorders, such as bronchitis and asthma (Carper, 2012). Though acid rain is not a major issue today, there are still steps that can be taken to help eliminate this issue. Acid rain can be carried great distances by wind direction, and the countries that produce it may not always be the ones most affected by it (Yedjou, 2015). So if these countries would be more considerate of their neighbors and where the acid rain they produce actually falls, then it could help to decrease this pollution. Limiting the amount of sulfur and nitrogen oxides that are released into the atmosphere, cleaning up smokestacks and exhaust pipes, and using alternative energy sources can also help to mitigate the problem (Yedjou, 2015). Everyone can play their part in reducing acid rain by turning off appliances when not in use, turning off lights, reducing heating and air conditioner usage, and insulating their homes. Conserving resources is also extremely helpful, such as carpooling and using public transportation. References Carper, L. (2012). Fossil fuels: Environmental Effects. Retrieved from http://www.ems.psu. edu/~radovic/Chapter11.pdf Editorial Board. (2013). Environmental Science. Schaumburg: Words of Wisdom, LLC. Yedjou, C. (2015, March 09). Colorado Technical University. Live Chat. SCI201-11-213-6. Retrieved from fcsContent=truepbMode=normal
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Food Clustering For Diabetes Diet Health And Social Care Essay
Food Clustering For Diabetes Diet Health And Social Care Essay The common way for Diabetes Educators to inform diabetes patients of their nutrition therapy is by introducing food substitution. The existing categorization mechanism is not efficiently for classify the food for diabetic patient. Clustering Data Mining (DM) Techniques can be a very useful tool to collect food items with the same elements into groups. This paper looks at the use of K-mean to Cluster food dataset into groups based on food elements using RapidMiner tool .The output from the clustering algorithm will help other recommendation systems software to provide patient with a good recommendation for there diabetes diet. Keywords data mining; diabetes, data set ,K-meant. 1. Introduction Food and nutrition are a key to have good health. They are important for everyone to maintain a healthy diet especially for diabetic patients who have several limitations. Nutrition therapy is a major solution to prevent, manage and control diabetes by managing the nutrition based on the belief that food provides vital medicine and maintains a good health. Typically, diabetic patients need to avoid additional sugar and fat for finding the substitution from the same food group [4].The effective clustering from the various actual nutrients is needed to apply. The clustering will encourage diabetics to eat the widest possible variety of permitted food to ensure getting the full range of trace elements and other nutrients. This paper is set out as follows. Section 2, introduces some related work of data mining and diabetic diet. Section 3, describes the used data set and summarize the main features that it contains. Data preparation process is presented in Section 4. Section 5, describes the materials and methods used in this study. In Section 6, the conclusion is given. 2. Literature Review Li et al [1], this study proposed an automated food ontology constructed for diabetes diet care. The methods include generating an ontology skeleton with hierarchical clustering algorithms (HCA)also it is used intersection naming for class naming and instance ranking by granular ranking and positioning .This study based on dataset from food nutrition composition database of the Department Of Health the dataset. Phanich et al [2], proposed Food Recommendation System (FRS) by using food clustering analysis for diabetic patients. The system will recommend the proper substituted foods in the context of nutrition and food characteristic. They used Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and K-mean clustering for food clustering analysis which is based on the similarity of eight significant nutrients for diabetic patient. This study is based on the dataset à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Nutritive values for Thai foodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ provided by Nutrition Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health (Thailand). 3. Dataset Description This study is based on the dataset provided by The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR)[3].the Values in the database based on the results of laboratory analyses or calculated by using appropriate algorithms, factors, or recipes, as indicated by the source in the Nutrient Data file. Not every food item contains a complete nutrient profile. The used data set is an abbreviated file with fewer nutrients but all the food items was included. The Dataset contains all the food items with nutrients with 7540 records and 52 attributes. Table1, 2 and 3 show data set attributes and their description. In order to check for missing value I used Rapid Miner tool. Table 4 present sample of data set. 4. Data Preparation The quality of the results of the mining process is directly proportional to the quality of the data. I need first to prepare the data set by applying Data preprocessing strategies. Data preprocessing is an important and critical step in the data mining process, and it has a huge impact on the success of a data mining project. The purpose of data preprocessing is to cleanse the dirty/noise data. Fig. 1 shows the different strategies in the data preprocessing phase. In this study I focused on data cleaning and data reduction. Figure 1 strategies in data preprocessing Table 1 description of data set attributes from 1- 24Table 2 description of data set attributes from 25-48 Table 3 description of data set attributes from 49-52 Table 4 Sample of dataset Shrt_Desc Water Energ_Kcal Protein Lipid_Tot Ash Carbohydrt Sugar_Tot othersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ BUTTER,WITH SALT 15.87 717 0.85 81.11 2.11 0.06 0.06 BUTTER,WHIPPED,WITH SALT 15.87 717 0.85 81.11 2.11 0.06 0.06 BUTTER OIL,ANHYDROUS 0.24 876 0.28 99.48 0 0 0 CHEESE,BLUE 42.41 353 21.4 28.74 5.11 2.34 0.5 CHEESE,BRICK 41.11 371 23.24 29.68 3.18 2.79 0.51 Data Cleaning Data cleaning, also called data cleansing or scrubbing, deals with detecting and removing errors and Inconsistencies from data in order to improve the quality of data [6]. The aim of data cleaning is to raise the data quality to a level suitable for the clustering analyses. The Methods used for data cleaning are fill in missing values and eliminate data redundancy. Missing value: It is common for the dataset to have fields that contain unknown or missing values. There are a variety of legitimate reasons why this can happen. There are a number of methods for treating records that contain missing values [7]: 1. Omit the incorrect field(s) 2. Omit the entire record that contains the incorrect field(s) 3. Automatically enter/correct the data with default values e.g. select the mean from the range 4. Derive a model to enter/correct the data 5. Replace all values with a global constant Within this study both missing and unknown data have been set to zero. Duplicated Records Duplicate records do not share a common key and/or they contain errors that make duplicate matching a difficult task. Errors are introduced as the result of transcription errors, incomplete information, lack of standard formats, or any combination of these factors [7] . The data set used in this study include data objects that are duplicate. Using RapidMiner to removing duplication .As result from this process the 7540 records decreased to 7139 record. Data Reduction Data reduction can be achieved in many ways one way is by selecting features [5], The used data set contains many Irrelevant features that contain almost no useful information for data mining task As [2] I will focus only on eight attributes out of fifty two attributes, as they are important for diabetes diet. The eight nutrients include: Carbohydrate Energy Fat protein Fiber vitamin E Vitamin B1(also known as thiamine) Vitamin C Data Normalization Data normalization is one of the preprocessing procedures in data mining, where the attribute data are scaled so as to fall within a small specified range such as -1.0 to 1.0 or 0.0 to 1.0. Normalization before clustering is specially needed for distance metric, such as Euclidian distance, which are sensitive to differences in the magnitude or scales of the attributes. The K-Means typically uses Euclidean distance to measure the distortion between a data object and its cluster centroid .However, the clustering results can be greatly affected by differences in scale among the dimension from, which the distances are computed. Data normalization is the linear transformation of data to a specific range. Therefore, it is worthwhile to enhance clustering quality by normalizing the dynamic range of input data objects into specific range [8].in this study I will normalize data to the range of [0, 1] . Figure 2 show the result from the data preprocessing Figure 2 Result from Preprocessing(Data cleaning , Data Reduction , Data Normalization) 5. Data Analysis Methodology After data preparation, a second step is using a K-means to cluster food data set. In order to work with optimal k-value as [2] used the Davies-Bouldin index [9] to evaluate the optimal k-value. The k-value is optimal when the related index is smallest. For this study, I used K=19 since it gives the smallest value. The final result is the food clusters which foods in the same group provide the approximate amount of the eight nutrients. Data analysis solution RapidMiner was used to analysis the data set and cluster food item. The whole process sequence shown in figure 3.figure 4, 5, 6 shows the final result. Figure 3 data analysis process Figure4 food Items clustered into 19 clusters Figure4 distribution of 8 Nutrients into clusters from (0-12) Figure4 distribution of 8 Nutrients into clusters from (13-18) 5.1 K-mean Evaluation a performance based on the number of clusters. This operation builds a derived index from the number of clusters by using the formula 1 (k / n) with k number of clusters and n covered examples. It is used for optimizing the coverage of a cluster result in respect to the number of clusters. By applying the K-mean model to this data set the Cluster number index = 0.997 witch indicate a good coverage. 6. Conclusion Data mining has been widely used in many health care fields. The Diabetes Diet Care was one of the health problems that data mining play role on it .this experiment are conducted based on USDA National Nutrient dataset. The results demonstrate that K-mean is very effective and it can successfully create food groups that will help in many recommendations systems.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Exposure to Media Violence Essay -- Violence
The relationship between the viewing of violence in such forms as video games and television shows has been widely contested and thoroughly researched. Various conclusions can be drawn from multiply sources, though as of yet there has been no one final conclusion as to the nature of the relationship. Some research has studied how media violence can affect other aspects of behaviour, such as memory (Bushman 1988), or the long-term effects that it can have from early childhood, to adolescence (Huesmann, Eron, Klein, Brice & Fischer (1983). If it was proved that exposure to media violence increased the likelihood of aggressive behaviour, it may force a re-evaluation of what young children are exposed to during early childhood. Research done on the topic of media violence is widespread and variable, with many different approaches and theories. One example of such research focuses on the different effect violent video games have on aggressive behaviours in a controlled laboratory environment to those who are exposed to violence in video games in real life and the effect this has on aggressive traits, such as Ferguson et al. (2008). This experimental design focused on the direct link between viewing violent material in an animated game and then the aggressiveness of the response when told to deliver a loud noise to an opponent that has answered a question in a staged test incorrectly. The chosen participants were volunteers studying at an undergraduate level at university, this sample was 45.5% male and may not be representative of the population as the participants chose to participate and were not selected at random, thus possibly limiting the application of the findings. To prove the hypothesis that; â€Å"Exposure to video game vi... ...rough a search in Google Scholar of keywords â€Å"effect of media violence on aggression†and selected specifically because of the inclusion of other emotions such as fear, and anger, and the inclusion of the written word, rather than visually violent stimuli. 6. Corinne David-Ferdon, Marci Feldman Hertz, (2007) Electronic Media, Violence, and Adolescents: An Emerging Public Health Problem, Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 41, Issue 6, Pages S1-S5, ISSN 1054-139X, 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2007.08.020.) -This article was located through a Google Scholar search for keywords â€Å"media violence on aggression†. I chose this entry specifically because the research focused on adolescents and how the demographic is being effected not only by media violence, but the ease of which technology is aiding in the exposure of violence from the media, and from uploaded home videos.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Does Birth Order Have an Effect on Intelligence
In 1874 Francis Galton reported that firstborn children were overrepresented as high achievers in various scientific fields. There were flaws in Galton's methodology, for instance, he did not count female children in his results. Male subjects were counted as a first born even if they were the tenth child, but the nine older siblings were female (Esping, 2003). However, Galton’s conclusion that birth order correlates with intelligence and academic attainment remains popular. Even in the last decade, other researchers, in both Europe and North America, have confirmed and reasserted Galton’s conclusion. What studies have demonstrated that birth order influences intelligence and/or achievement? Research by Christensen and Bjerkedal concluded that birth order has a small impact on educational attainment (Christensen & Bjerkedal, 2010). That conclusion has also been reported by other related studies. Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) show that birth order has an effect on educational attainment and intelligence (Retherford & Sewell, 1991 and Rodgers, Cleveland, van den Oord & Rowe, 2000). Also, earlier research on Norwegian male military conscripts also demonstrated that birth order impacts on intelligence (Bjerkedal et al., 2007). The confluence model theorizes that first born children are raised in an adult oriented, highly intellectual environment. Also, when first born children interact with their younger they adopt the role of teacher. This is known as the tutor effect (Zajonc& Sullaway ,2007). Are studies that support birth order effect on intelligence and/educational attainment flawed? Wichman, Rodgers and MacCallum suggest a critical flaw in previous research that supports that birth order has an effect on intelligence and/or educational attainment They suggest that in larger families the first born is equally intelligent as the fourth-born child, but they are not as intelligent as children from a smaller family (Wichman et al,2006). The studies that demonstrate a link between educational attainment and/or intelligence and birth order have been criticized by other researchers. However, according to the confluence model it is only as children with younger siblings approach adulthood that they finally achieve maximum benefit from teaching their younger siblings, as it typically increases their efforts to do well scholastically (Zanjonc & Sulloway, 2007). What factors other than birth order influence intelligence and or achievement? Wichman, Rodgers and MacCallum argue that the findings were a result of differences between families, not within families. They suggest that the younger a mother is at the birth of her first child will result in lower intelligence scores within the family. Younger mothers tend to be less educated, have more children and lower income. When researchers controlled for mother’s age at first birth, the effect on birth order on intelligence was nearly eliminated. In their opinion birth order appears to have an effect on intelligence, but that’s only because larger families don’t have the advantages of smaller families. Family environment and genetic influences are the most important factors and they may override birth order (Wichman et al., 2006).
Thursday, October 10, 2019
An Educational Workplace Challenge Essay
â€Å"It is our deep faith that God is compassionate and merciful, and mercy is what he bestows upon His subjects. He is generous and beautiful, and beauty is what he gives. That is how we should see the world, beautiful, with all its resources and contents, known to us or unknown. Qatar, our beloved, is also rich in natural resources. Be it human buds or wild flowers. All are blossoms, all are natural, all are beautiful bearing Qatar’s name. Let us all work together, caring for our little buds. Lets us plant them deep in the consciousness of our land. Let us nurture them with love and care to help them blossom into flowers filled with beautiful scents and filling their surroundings with beauty. †Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser Bin Abdullah Al-Missned. (Shafallah 2007) â€Å"A picture says more than a thousand words. †For an educational institution, the vision statement shows the picture of what the school will be at its best. On the one hand, the vision is the very basis for everything that the school, the management, the teachers, the students, their parents and the community, all work for. On the other hand, the mission is the means to achieve this vision. The mission determines the strategies that will be implemented by the school management to achieve its goals and vision. Leadership takes a significant role in the achievement of this mission. This paper discusses workplace challenges and the influence of leadership in the achievement of successful school reforms. The Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs and its efforts to solve its major problems and improve the implementation of its educational programs will be discussed using the concepts on leadership. Specifically, the paper will focus on the concept of parallel leadership and the roles of the school management and teaching professionals as leaders in influencing the school’s needed reforms. The Workplace The School The Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs is a non-profit private school located in Doha City, Qatar, providing comprehensive services and care to individuals with departmental learning challenges, their families and the community. It was established in 1998 through the efforts of community leaders who believe in the vitality and importance of the family and the child’s role in the society particularly those children with special needs. They want to provide the children with the best care, services and educational facilities that will enable them to adapt to the surrounding environment in order to live among others in the community, and eventually secure their future. The center provides diagnosis, evaluation, school programs, training and development services for all children with all forms of disabilities from ages three to twenty-one years old. The goals and objectives of the school are: To provide comprehensive educational, instructional, rehabilitation, social, vocational and recreational services for children with special needs. To provide support and family counseling services to families of children with special needs, including individual and group therapy. To provide community awareness on dealing with children with special needs, as well as fostering acceptance and understanding of the nature of disabilities. To provide training opportunities through Shafallah Center and establishing an international entity specializing in this field. To serve as an advocate for public policy and legislative support of appropriate educational and vocational programs for children with special needs. (Shafallah 2007) School funds are generated from local and international grants and from regular tuition and matriculation of the students. The school offers five (5) programs aligned for students depending on age and learning concentration. These are the Pre-school and kindergarten which enrolls students ages 3-5. The school unit 2 is for students aging 6-21 with mild and moderate challenges, its coursework are in pre-academic, academic and pre-vocational and emphasizes on social and daily life skills. Unit 3 caters to students with mild and severe intellectual and developmental disabilities from ages 6-21; its programs are aimed to increase independence and activities are centered on daily living, self care and basic communication including socialization and leisure education. Unit 4 is designed for those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, ages ranging from 6-21. The program uses the model TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic Related Communication Handicapped Children) and other models tailored for these children.
Family Photo Albums
J Lee Matt Schwisow ENGL 101 16 July 2012 Family Photo Albums Every summer on our family vacation my mother would say â€Å"One, two, three, cheese†and snap a photograph. My brother and I always hated being in the pictures and wondered why she still made us be in the picture. So why did my mother insist on making us be in the picture? She wanted us to be able to remember every place we have traveled together and capture the memory. The fact we take photographs is a sign we want to preserve our memories.Memories with family and friends can be remembered by taking photographs. Photographs aren’t just for the sake of taking but they also have great personal meaning and are essential to how we may view our own lives. Naturally a human’s memory does not have the ability to recall all events from the past. Therefore, photographs are representations we use to capture the past and recollect those days. Family albums have played a significant role as a directory of famil y ideology. It is a remembrance of our family history and it holds sentimental ties within us.Viewing photographs of deceased loved ones enables to document their lives as they happened and to remember all the memories they had made. I believe that family photographs are form of cultural and personal artifacts expressing unity or coherence. The unity of my family’s photo album has so much significance clustered into one book. Despite the fact this album may be insignificant to others, it carries so much meaning to myself personally. It is a visual of my past and present life. It shows a way of communication and indicated how my family interacts within each other and our relationship among us.It highlights the most important days of each one of us' lives such as birthdays, family gathering, graduation, wedding photos, and more. Family photo albums represent times of happiness and sadness, but as a whole they are one item that can inform us of our family history in such a signi ficant way. For instance, one can represent something so happy and excited in my life such as birthday party and other one can bring sadness from looking at a photo of past loved ones I lost. One photo that is particularly special to me is a group family shot that was taken at our yearly family gathering back inKorea. Every year we used to go camping in the woods or at least have a big barbeque party for about twenty people gathered up including my aunts, uncles, and cousins. This particular photo symbolizes my family sticking together as one. Although the moments passed me by, these photographs keep the memory alive. I know that whenever I am feeling sad or depressed, I can just look back and remember the good times I had with my family who lives so far away. Nowadays, most people keep their photographs online such as on their personal webpage or Facebook.However, having the photographs printed and keeping them inside our actual real photo albums seems more meaningful and heart tou ching. I believe photographs represent the record of a time offering eyewitness version of history that reflects relationships among people, objects, and events. For instance, before I was born my paternal grandparents passed away and I was never given the opportunity to get to know them in person. I was pleased to see the photos of them in our family photo album that my dad showed me when I was young. Photographs offer proof of past lives and they sustain their power of a personal expression of a time.Family photographs are signifiers of a collective life and it is a constant reminder of a connectedness like kinship or friendship. For instance, in times of disrupted or disconnected relations among people, including times of war, when isolation and displacement become the regulation. At that time the family photograph provides reassurance or encouragement and it reconnects individuals and addresses the lost balance. Personal images, like family photographs, offer an emotional and ev en ideological foundation for memory to remind us of these differences in order to understand the present.I definitely want to share this pleased experience to my own children later in life because I feel that I truly have benefited from knowing about my youth even those events that I do not remember. Even that one particular photo could bring back the memories and that one particular photo could remind us to never forget that event, person, and place and be in my mind and heart forever. Family photo albums may take time and energy to complete but it is worthy and it presents a reward of a book full of memories of your own family. All the events that took place throughout the history of my life are all kept together collectively.It highlights the most important events that have happened to my life so far. Lastly, I believe family photographs are perishable commodities that need to be preserved. After all, you don’t make memories but you live them. A family album is almost a t reasured heritage or legacy that speaks volume about my cherished times and keeping up the unforgettable and valuable memories of a family reunion, a picnic, birthday, get together or any other family celebrations and good times with a well kept family album. Family memoirs, vintage or new, are priceless and cannot be bartered or exchanged for anything.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Eurognosi in European Crisis Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Eurognosi in European Crisis - Literature review Example From the report it is clear that education is a type of learning where the skills, habits, and knowledge of people or a society are transferred to immediate generation through research, training, and teaching. Professionals usually conduct education. Most nations divided their education into preschool, primary school, secondary school, and University, apprenticeship, or college. Preschools give education to children aged between three to seven years. Preschool education is imperative to a child as it gives him/her a competitive age in an education climate and the world. Children who did not go through a preschool are usually behind when compared to who passed through the system.According to the essay findings primary or elementary education takes about six to eight years of structured and formal education. Most children start the primary education while aged 5 or 6 years. However, differences exist between countries. Most countries have committed themselves to achieve universal en rollment in elementary education, by 2015 due to the Education for All Program advocated by UNESCO. The separation of elementary and secondary education usually happens at about 11 or 12 years of age. Higher education also known as the third stage, post-secondary education or tertiary, is a non-compulsory education stage, which follows the completion of a secondary school. Tertiary education includes undergraduate, postgraduate, and vocational and training education. Universities and colleges offer tertiary education.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Health care information and resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health care information and resources - Essay Example Besides, her mother who is in her mid-forties is so slim that her figure could be that of those in their twenties. While Cynthia and her family eat the three regular meals a day, she goes further by snacking on sweets and pastries when watching the television or especially when she is upset and stressed out. The need to loose weight became even more fervent for Cynthia in the past days because her best friend has invited her to attend her birthday bash next month that was going to be a formal event. It would require everybody who is present to wear a gown or a formal dress. And there is no way that Cynthia will attend the occasion wearing a loose dress or gown. In her anxious move to become thinner in just a few short weeks, she sought the following sources on how she could take off the unwanted pounds: 1) websites – official and unofficial; 2) informal contacts: local therapist (Acupuncturist) and friends; 3) books. answers. One advised that she should not starve herself because force starvation slows down the body’s metabolism, which will result to not losing any weight at all (yahoo.answers, 2008). Another responded that she must eat five to six small meals spread over the day instead of three main big ones; and the choices of food must consist of fruits, vegetables and whole grains (yahoo.answers, 2008); while another counselled that she should not go on a diet due to the fact that she is still growing (yahoo.answers, 2008). She also read an article from a well-known weight lost website, and was able to gather more informative facts such as getting a doctor’s approval before plunging into weight loss programs and not setting her â€Å"sights too high†since small aims and objectives are more easier to attain (Scot, 2008). This is likewise supported by Pillinger 2007), who states in a website article that the best way to lose weight is to have measured alterations in term s of food and exercise.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Cultural Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cultural Studies - Essay Example The basic understanding has been brought forward by the rationale as provided by Geert Hofstede as well as a number of other thinkers, researchers of current times as well as of the past. The fact that cultural studies and its attainment is significant lies in the rationale that comes from the discussion of value, authority, power and its linked associations. This is because cultural studies are inter-twined with such elements which require understanding of pertinent issues within the related domains of culture and not only that but also the whole paradigm under which a society operates in entirety. Issues of structuralism, where an attempt at studying the human sciences is of utmost significance, are raised ever more so often. What this does is to establish a need for connecting the very basis of mythological and other fields with the complex systems comprised within the inter-related parts of the structural domains. (Hawkes, 2003) The inter-disciplinary tangents within the cultural studies make it all the more interesting, more so due to the fact that there is a cultural harmony amongst the different regimes which bring about the association of the varied disciplines in the first place. The inter-disciplinary issues could focus a little towards the anthropological, literary theory and/or psychoanalysis aspects so that the relation within the cultural studies is one of a significant one all this while. Similarly, post-structuralism is also an important ingredient of this debate as it brings to light the quintessential domains of intellectual developments related with different philosophers and critical theorists who have written meticulous tendencies with respect to different eras. Cultural understandings become even more essential when one comprehends the fact that the same phenomenon is in close alliance with postmodernism and its sub-forms. (Waterbury, 1993) Thus theory and practice play alongside each other towards the betterment of the
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Linguistics and Reading Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Linguistics and Reading - Research Paper Example Hence, discourse analysis is a useful way of understanding the relationship between power and discourse. A common setting where these forces apply includes the classroom particularly during classroom discussions. A classroom is a learning place which heavily relies on communication in a socio-cultural, educational setting and thus discourse. Additionally, the classroom involves major teacher-student power relationships that underlie the learning process as both entities engage in meaningful discussions. In addition there are some other factors, such as class size, communication channels, technology, et cetera, that also affect discourse within the bounds of the classroom. According to a research conducted by Shepherd (2010), the role of discourse in balancing the power relationships inside the classroom in terms of teacher control over lessons and classroom dominance has changed over the years. However classroom discussions still remain a prevalent way to communicate and learn within the class. As such, discourse analysis provides a useful way of understanding classroom teacher-student interactions, most importantly classroom discussions, as they occur in the classroom setting. The classroom is a crucial space for learning however the setting is heavily impacted by the way communication occurs and is understood. Class discussions are a common way to think and learn by communicating collaboratively in a socio-cultural environment. The presence of two main individuals – the teacher and the student – in a learning context (class discussion) together with the role played by communication and discourse consolidates the importance of discourse analysis when studying classroom interactions, particularly during a class discussion. The two concepts of discourse analysis and class discussions are heavily related to each other; discourse analysis provides a methodology to understand the role of language and
Friday, October 4, 2019
The Relative Effects Motivation and Performance Essay
The Relative Effects Motivation and Performance - Essay Example The performance bonus is defined as the form of additional compensation which is paid to an employee in the organization or a reward for the accomplishment of specific performance targets. It is an additional compensation to his regular salaries or wages and is awarded based on his performance ratings during his performance appraisals or analysis of the projects conducted by the employee. On the other hand performance of an employee can be measured both as per quantitative as well as qualitative aspects. Performance of his work can be measured in terms of the quantity of work he has delivered within a stipulated time and also the quality or standard of that work. The research seeks to bring about a relationship between the performance or productivity of the employee and the bonus paid to that employee. A positive relationship would reflect positive impacts of bonus payments on an employees’ performance and productivity at the workplace, and vice versa. Brief Summary of the Org anization or IndustryThe project analyses the HR aspects of AMZ Limited, which is a manufacturing organization in UK. It is the producer of household appliances in the country. The company provides annual bonuses to its employees based on the performance ratings of employees declared through their systematic performance appraisal structure in the organization. Ratings are provided according to the accomplishment of monthly targets set by the employees. Bonuses are directly linked with the monthly targets of employees.... The research question is as follows: Can performance bonuses in organizations bring about positive impact on the motivation level of employees and their performance and productivity in the organization, AMZ Limited? (Draper, 2004, p.4-5). Hypothesis A statistical testing of hypothesis would be conducted for the research. The null and alternative hypothesis that would be chosen for the study are provided below: H0- Implementing performance bonus in AMZ Limited enhances and improves performance, productivity and motivation level of employees. H1- Implementing performance bonus in AMZ Limited does not bring about any enhancement or improvement in the performance, productivity and motivation level of employees in the organization. Background Theory Performance bonus is defined as the form of additional compensation which is paid to an employee in the organization or a reward for the accomplishment of specific performance targets. It is an additional compensation to his regular salaries o r wages and is awarded based on his performance ratings during his performance appraisals or analysis of the projects conducted by the employee. On the other hand performance of an employee can be measured both as per quantitative as well as qualitative aspects. Performance of his work can be measured in terms of the quantity of work he has delivered within a stipulated time and also the quality or standard of that work. The research seeks to bring about a relationship between the performance or productivity of the employee and the bonus paid to that employee. A positive relationship would reflect positive impacts of bonus payments on an employees’
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Poetry and Strong Human Spirit Essay Example for Free
Poetry and Strong Human Spirit Essay Success is the journey not the destination. â€Å"A strong human spirit essential for an imaginative journey. †Imaginative journeys take us from the reality now to unreal existences that can exist in our minds. A strong human spirit is essential for an imaginative journey to flow through our mind. The success is the journey that is being taken not the destination. This can be expressed through the poems â€Å"Frost at Midnight and Kubla Khan,†by Sammuel Taylor Coleridge and â€Å"Still I Rise†by Maya Angelou that see the journey as the success not the outcome and that their strong human spirit allowed them to go on the journey. In the poem â€Å"Still I Rise†by Maya Angelou the poet expresses her journey through being discriminated in America because of her race. Her journey is much more successful then the destination because as she went on the journey and experienced heartfelt times, along the way she taught the discriminators she can still get back up even if they hurt her many times. The poet uses repetition to do this. â€Å"Still I’ll Rise. She also uses similes to convey her connection with nature along this journey as she uses the concept of natural resources and by using oil, gold and diamond to show contradictions that people think she is wealthy but really they are the spoilt ones. â€Å"Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells pumping in our living room. †She uses rhetorical questions to intensify the poem and to touch the responders. This portrays how she is successful in trying to express what she believes in to others while on the journey. In the poem â€Å"still I’ll rise†the poet has a strong human spirit that is essential for her journey. For her to write this poem as a form of protest it needed a strong human spirit. Her whole poem is based on freedom which is expressed every time she gets hurt and then rises again. Her use of metaphors empathise how strong her spirit is when she gets discriminated but still has hope to keep going. â€Å"Just like hopes springing high†and â€Å"you may shoot me with your words. †Her use of rhetorical questions and repetition allow people to think about it and understand it properly through her words and her strong spirit. â€Å"Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? †Her strong human spirit allowed her to achieve the freedom that she wanted. In the poem â€Å"Kubla Khan†by Samuel Taylor Coleridge the poet takes us through his mind on an imaginative journey. His journey had no destination at all but the success was there all along through his connection and love with nature. The poet uses a lot of alliteration to describe this place and assonance to describe how beautiful this image of nature is and how the success of the journey is created through the beauty of nature. Measureless to man†and â€Å"twice five miles of fertile ground. †The use of a simile describes the place as being old but still in good condition ‘Forests as ancient as hills’ and the river as being scary and holy. He does this through the use of an oxymoron as he puts two of these words together and they contradict â€Å"A savage place? As holy and enchanted†. This is the success of the journey as it is still alive but really old. He describes a women’s music with alliteration â€Å"A Damsel with a dulcimer†â€Å"Loud and Long†â€Å"Deep Delight. By including this he has achieved success all through the journey as he celebrates. In the poem â€Å"Kubla khan†by Samuel Taylor Coleridge a strong human spirit was essential for this imaginative journey. His use of assonance and alliteration to describe how beautiful the image of nature is and how the strong human spirit can take us on an imaginative journey. â€Å"Sunless Sea. †By the poet using his imagination he has made this place that feels like paradise with his strong spirit. He needed a strong human spirit to imagine a place that feels like paradise. All through the journey he describes his strong connections with the natural environment and because of his strong human spirit he was able to imagine the nature and environment using metaphors as extraordinary with the river springing up viciously to become a fountain. â€Å"As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing. †The poem â€Å"Frost at midnight†by Samuel Taylor Coleridge his imaginative journey is the success not the destination. As the poet goes on this journey into his past and then he goes into another dream as well this expresses that imaginative journey is a success because his not reaching no destination. The poet begins with a metaphor which connects with nature and God, â€Å"The frost performs its secret ministry,†so the success of the journey has already started with the nature and God. This concept relates to the journey of the poet back into his childhood as he in the quiet cottage and looks at the film in the blue flame which fluttered on the grate is contrasted with him in the past looking at the bars at school to watch a fluttering stranger. This is the success of the start of his imaginative journey and that there is no destination. He then while sitting at school goes into another dream about his birth place and the church tower where the bell would ring so sweetly expresses the success of his journey when he was younger in the country side he was more connected to nature where in the city the only connection was the â€Å"lovely star and sky†. The poem â€Å"Frost at midnight†by Samuel Taylor Coleridge expresses a strong human spirit that is essential for an imaginative journey. The use of the simile â€Å"inaudible as dreams†which describes the quietness which gives him the strong human spirit to the imaginative journey. He also uses assonance to describe how the solitude or quietness his inmates have left him is disturbing him. â€Å"Have left me to solitude to suit abtruser musings†. The looking at the blue flame gave him the strong human spirit to begin his imaginative journey. The relationship between father and son is also giving the poet the strong human spirit because he doesn’t want his son to grow up like him in the city but to be raised in the country so his is more connected to nature.
Tourism Impact On Bali
Tourism Impact On Bali Tourism has long being considered as one of the biggest incomes for Indonesia. Rich cultural diversity and the natural beauty of the lands is the main tourism attraction. The country realize their potential and try to promote it internationally, especially to neighboring countries such as; Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Other than the natural and cultural attraction, Indonesia is considered have a strategic location for business development. With millions of natural resources available in the country. Indonesia can attract business tourists to come and visit the country. However the Bali bombing in 2002 makes the international tourist to be alerted and therefore damaging to the Indonesia tourist industry. Since then, the trauma of the Bali bombing continues to haunt the visitors. The heavy drugs laws and death penalty as the worst punishment will also frighten and deter the visitors that come to Indonesia. The report below will explain the impact of Bali tourism on Indonesia econ omic and demographic factors. Furthermore it will analyze how the Bali bombing and harsh law will affect tourist decision when visiting Indonesia. Historical account of Tourism and Bali Rich local culture, great food, shopping, arts and craft and pulsating nightlife is some of the factor that makes Bali an interesting destination for Australian tourist (Bayes, 2007). Other than several reasons mentioned above, great surfing spot also have a significant role in luring the tourist to come to Bali. In addition; cheap prices of accommodation and services in Indonesia also supporting the tourist decision when visiting the island. Large amount of tourist that arrives in Bali will increase the economic growth in the island even before they arrive in Bali; by paying the tax. The development of tourism sector will also affect the development of the infrastructure in Bali. The tourism and hospitality facility will absorb numerous workforces and will create a number of available jobs in Bali. Furthermore, Bali GDP has increased by 10% from 2010 to 2011 and its recorded as 6.49% growth in regional GDP. Amongst the increase; service, trading, hotel and restaurant is up by 18.62% (Balivillaholydays, 2012). Statistical information Total foreign tourist arrivals to Bali in May 2012 hit 215,868 indicating a farther rise than May 2011 (204,489). On a cumulative basis, Bali foreign tourist arrivals for January through May 2012 1,131,462 demonstrating growth of 9.71% over the same period last year with 1,031,316 foreign tourists. Now five months into the year, Bali can now project more than 3 million foreign tourists for all of 2012. Bali should maintains its current year-to-date of growth at 9.71% through to the end of the year. The performance from major source markets that arrived in Bali on January-May 2008-2012 showed the biggest amount of tourists is from Australia. Australian tourists continue to visit Bali with month-on-month arrivals up 9.3% at 61,266 for the month of May 2012. While this is a respectable growth, Australias ability to generate double digit improvement in arrivals month after month maybe ending. From 2011 to 2012, Australian arrivals for the first five month of the year changed by 10.37%. If the rate of growth is sustained, the numbers of Australian tourist will stay up for the entire year. There are two big issue in Bali that affected Australian people greatly; The Bali bombing and Schapelle Corby cases. The Bali bombing happened on 12th October 2002 and its categorized as an international incident; as the death toll is effected many nationalities. The incident destroyed 400 buildings and injured 300 people, the final death toll was 202 bodies and most of them from Australia (Henderson, 2003). deaths by nation Moreover, the incident leave deep trauma to any tourist at the time, and greatly reduces the quantity of tourist coming to Bali. bali numbers The graph shows the demand of tourists arrivals to Bali slumped dramatically following Bali bombing. In September 2002 the foreign arrivals to Bali stood at 15,747. In November, it dropped down to 31,498 arrivals. Indonesias Center Statistics Agency spokesperson, Sudarti Surbakti observed that The decline is a continued impact of various shock of occurring in late 2002 and early-to-mid 2003 (Russell Darnley, 2011). Schapelle Corby is an Australian citizen that has been convicted and imprisoned for 20 years because of drug smuggling. The case is biased because Corby claimed that she knows nothing about the drugs that were kept in her possession. The effect of Corby being in custody; include the sentiment of the Australian to Bali, which lead to a boycott threat. The boycott has labeled Indonesian Justice as corrupt and it will leave a bad impression any visitors to Bali or any other destination in Indonesia (Lindstrom, 2005). Account of the current situation Even terrorism death penalty or Australians imprisoned make the images of Bali turn negative. Australians still spend money to visit this island and the amount of tourist year by year are still growing, giving a clear understanding of the question why Bali remains a good choice of Australians holiday destination in this current time. Firstly, the landscape of natural scenery and uniqueness of culture still attract Australian tourists and also give plenty of activities for them to do on their holiday such as swimming, surfing and snorkeling are the most preferred actions in Bali. Enjoying nature and tropical climate are the next preferred attractions. Interestingly, religious ceremonies sites and Balinese villages are also considered attractive by Australian tourists than before. Secondly, Bali Island offers affordable and acceptable prices to foreign tourists all over the world including Australians of all ages. The good value for money becomes a second reason for tourists to decide to travel in Bali. This also maybe because of a big difference of exchange currency rate of Australian dollars to Rupiah makes Bali an affordable and cheap holiday destination for Australians. On the other hand, the fear of terrorism is the biggest factor that makes Australians feel insecure and avoid visiting Bali. This also may become an important consideration for Australians before making a decision to travel to Bali. Anyway, the rate of Australians travelling to Bali increase year by year and this fact was supported by the graph above (Bali major source markets January-May 2012). Conclusion As the result, Bali is the most attractive destination for tourists and especially for Australian tourists. The main attractions; including natural beauty, traditional culture and affordable prices emphasize the reason why Bali is the most popular destination in the world. Even though the terrorism has affected the image of Bali in a negative way, the tourists still interested in travelling to Bali as the positive out way the negative reason. Dr. Hill said Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors globally and Bali has already established itself on the map (Dr. Hal Hill, 2012). This fact has confirmed the status of Bali which continues to grow in relation to a perfect destination.
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