Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Try to pick something thats not boring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Try to pick something thats not boring - try on ExampleEvery parent of every American child is responsible for the health and well being of their child so they need to be actively inculcating and encouraging a momentum towards a respectable lifestyle and healthy eating habits within and outside the home.Doctors, scientists and health promoters expound advice telling us that although corpulency can sometimes be caused by physiological factors, such as genetics, hormonal problems or slack metabolism, it is more commonly caused by poor diet. We are told that obesity is the result of eating more calories than infallible and indulging in a diet high in saturated fats and sugars, or leading an motionless life, or both it increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and strokes, as well as early(a) emotional and psychological problems. Without doubt however, obesity is growing rapidly in the United States in adults and children.The First Ladys Move to Schools campaign is a step in the right direction, and the project is a small slice of the big picture (Sweet, 2010) hardly the problem of obesity is multifaceted and the solution cannot rest on giving medication campaigns, Acts or Legislations the problem requires cooperation and action from everybody, including schools, health providers, food industries and most importantly the American public themselves. Governments and other stakeholders can advise, promote and assist in promoting healthy lifestyles but the reality is that it is up to the individual to manipulate choices and it is up to the parents to make the right choices for their children.Obesity may be caused by wrong diet but we also need to consider other factors that impact on the issue factors like the environment which in itself promotes a more sedentary lifestyle than in the past with more public transport options, more convenience stores, inadequate security in parks, unsafe walking areas and poor
Monday, April 29, 2019
National Revival in Wales between 1880 and 1914 Essay
National Revival in Wales between 1880 and 1914 - Essay Example205).Perhaps Keir Hardies greatest contribution, however, was in the genesis of the Labour Party in Britain. Hardie had been an ardent member of the well-favoured Party, but he felt that the policies put in place by William Gladstone fell far short of representing the interests of the working classes. While the Liberal Party would make larger promises in exchange for the votes of workers, it would never carry out meaningful policy changes that would help the workers condition, and so in April 1888, Hardie ran as an independent labour candidate in West Lanark. While he came in last, he was encouraged about the future. In August of that year, the Scottish Labour Party was formed. Hardie won a tush in Parliament in 1892. Interestingly, for his first session, he did not wear the selfsame(prenominal) outfit that early(a) working-class MPs wore instead, he wore only a plain tweed suit, red tie, and deerstalker hat. He was in favor of such progressive policies as free education, pensions, the abolition of the House of Lords, suffrage for women, and a progressive income task (Wrigley 2002, p. 203).In 1893, Hardie was one of the founding members of the Independent Labour Party. However, two years later, Hardie found himself out of Parliament. An enlargement at a Pontypridd colliery had killed 251 miners, and Hardie asked that a message of condolence be added to a Parliamentary turn to giving congratulations for the birth of a royal heir (the future King Edward VIII). After this was refused, Hardie do a speech attacking the monarchy and lost his seat in 1895 (Wrigley 2002, p. 205).However, Hardie was not out of politics for long. He spent the next five years making speeches and, in 1900, put together a impact of trade unions and socialist groups, which agreed to form the Labour Representation Committee, which was the precursor of the Labour Party. In that same year, Hardie was elected as the junior MP for Merthyr Tydfil and Aberdare in the South Wales Valleys, and he would represent this region until his expiry in 1915 (Wrigley 2002, p. 207).The election in which Hardie returned to Parliament became notorious in history for another reason as well. The British military was involved in the Second Boer War, and this war became the primary issue in the 1900 British general election. The Conservative government of Lord Salisbury was reelected, with an enlarged majority over the Liberal Party. on that point were a couple of reasons for this enlarged majority not only did the British public want to put one over behind its government and support the war effort, but the emergence of the Labour Party created the possibility of vote-splitting among the opposition, as some might vote Liberal and others Labour, which would assist the Conservative cause. Because of this, and because of some funding shortages encountered by the Liberal Party, over 100 races did not have a Liberal Party o pposition candidate. The election became cognize as the khaki election, because of the new khaki uniforms that the British Army was wearing at war. This became a commonplace term in British politics for an election that is decisively influenced by wartime or postwar emotion. new(prenominal) elections in British
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Analysing research literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Analysing look into literature - Essay ExampleIt is also identified to be associated with different issues which include health problems, obesity and hearing problems among others. In this regard, the research training conducted in this ledger is conducted with the objective of ascertaining the importance of physical activity (PA) for the children along with young deal having DS. The journal implies that PA is an essential element for the management and for the prevention of chronic diseases in children. Moreover, PA aids in reviving health conditions of individuals so that children and young pile flip better physical fitness and proboscis mass. Consequently, the children and young people will be facilitated with the opportunity of having an independent breeding. In this respect, the memorize in the journal article has provided adequate fellowship to different researchers about the importance of PA in children and young people about the influence of DS. Respectively, the s tudy in the journal has provided big schooling in copulation to research methodologies along with intervention design that are appropriate for the people suffering from DS. Thus, the study has been effective in briefing the importance of PA in the early life of children and young people affected with DS for its better intervention along with assisting them to develop with a better health and body growth (Downs & et. al., 2013). in that location is a procedure on the basis of which journals are to be critically reviewed which includes introduction, literature review, discussion and finishing (Shon, 2012). Consequently, a mixed response can be depicted for the article. Critical Analysis PA is an important element assisting children and young people to grow and develop with greater independence as it can be recognised from the study of various researchers. Additionally, it is critically argued that children and young people with DS should be provided with adequate knowledge in rel ation to PA so that they are able to develop physically along with in terms of body mass (Kasser, 2005). PA which includes swimming, walking along with other exercises have assisted people with DS by a significant extent to retain healthy body and to prevent illness. PA has been an efficient measure for minimising health issues associated with DS which include obesity and cardiorespiratory problems. In this regard, it has been identified that deprivation of PA is one the major causes of DS. Additionally, a lack of PA amid individuals with DS tends to enhance the risks in relation to health problems (Urbano, 2010). The study has also been effective in ascertaining the facilitators and the barriers in relation to PA. Contextually, the article has provided adequate information about the various aspects of DS and the importance of PA in minimising risks associated with DS. In a similar context, Stanish & Frey (2007) have stated that there are several facilitators and barriers to PA. In this context, the most important facilitator is the parents and on the other hand, the barriers follow transportation cost and social interaction among others (Stanish & Frey, 2007). These are the several strengths that can be derived from the research study in this journal (Downs & et. al., 2013). According to Jobling (1994), PA plays an effective role in the life of people having DS. PA assists them to grow and develop independent skills so that they are able to retain a healthy life in future (Shields & et. al., 2009 Jobling, 1994). Similarly, Buckley (2007) has stated that PA
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Financial Reporting in New Zealand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial Reporting in New Zealand - Essay ExampleTherefore, fiscal reporting provides breeding that assist investors, creditors, and others assess the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of prospective net cash inflows to the related enterprise. Decision makers uses information in the pecuniary report on how to base investment, credit and other decisions underlies the objectives of financial reporting. A critical valuation is done in relation to the usefulness of the financial reporting and the purpose it serves. This paper discusses if the provision of a true and fair view of an entitys financial position and performance is required by law. It shows the importance of abstract framework and why we use regulations that argon part of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) to predominate financial reporting in New Zealand.Companies, issuers and all public sector entities in New Zealand are required under legislation to act with accordance with General Accounting Acceptable Pri nciples (GAAP) when presenting their external financial reports. According to New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, they ensure that those involved in preparation of financial reports of entities to accord with General Accounting Acceptable Principles (GAAP) and any nonconformity should be reported. (New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, 2006) Generally certain accounting principles (GAAP) are accounting rules that are used to prepare financial statements for publicly traded companies and private companies as well as non profit making organisations. The generally accepted accounting principles operate under a antithetic set of preconditions, principles, and constraints. GAAP ensures that the financial statements are useful to relevant users as they have the by-line essential qualities. Relevancy A relevant information assist users of the financial statements to predict the future showcase in relation to the present and the past. This information must be ava ilable before the decision is made, so for this case they make a difference in decision making.Reliability The information presented in the financial statement should be reliable i.e. if an independent auditor verifies it using the same method he should be able to get the same result.Comparable The financial reported should also be able to be reported in the same manner for a different organisation hence one burn compare financial results of different companies. Consistent This means that the same accounting method applied should be the same from period to period should be well explained and justified. This allows comparison of financial statements of the same company of different periods. For GAAP to achieve its objectives, it is usually guided by basic assumptions, principles and constrains.The Assumptions includes Economic Entity Assumption There is an assumption that the business is
Friday, April 26, 2019
Response to the Summary Article entitled Nurturing Giftedness in Young Assignment
response to the Summary Article entitled Nurturing Giftedness in four-year-old Children and Preschoolers Too Young for Gifted Programs - Assignment ExampleYes, I agree that developments among children are varied and various. Yes, I also agree that other children are fast learners while others are not. I could quote any line in Roedells article and say, Yes, I agree with every of my heart. It seems to me that Roedell merely states the facts but fails to put out any critical analysis. If Roedell made a critical analysis engrossing what it means, or what are the ways, to treat a child as an individual, then Roedell could begin from there in offering a fresh perspective. Response to the Summary Article entitled Are Preschoolers Too Young for Gifted Programs? I agree that all G/T programs offered in schools for gifted children should be promoted and fostered. However, I think that the childs season before enrolling him or her into a G/T program should be a special concern for pare nts and the academe. An age of three, I believe, is not a good measure for allowing, or worst forcing, gifted children to consider in a G/T program. Thats a very young age for a young child, gifted or not, to go to school. A gifted child needs more than vindicatory intellectual stuff. He or she needs, among others, a social, physically-active, and emotional life. It also interests me why few schools offer G/T program to affluent urban families. It implies, at least to my understanding, that G/T program is a money-making business for the learning institution. Moreover, it fascinates me why parents enroll their children in G/T program. It sounds like they are doing it for the pursuit of prestige namely, that their child is a smart kid. My Answer to Question Number One. I think that tiered instruction is better than the traditional way of teaching. Tiered instruction is premised on the idea that individuals have different levels of learning ability and therefore requires diverse te aching strategies. Different students are taught differently.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Personal Philosophy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personal Philosophy penning - Essay Examplethe difficulties that they atomic number 18 going through in life, and also by giving advice to the counselee on how to overcome the difficulties that they be going through in life.Question 4 Appropriate and Inappropriate goals of hash out. I view the following twain gaols of counselling as appropriate,(a) assisting the counselling to discover themselves more so as to be able to overcome the difficulties that they are going through, (b) giving advice to the counselee on how to overcome and to adapt to the difficulties that they are going through in life (Goals of Counselling, web.). The two inappropriate goals of counselling are, (a) expecting the counselee to immediately overcome the difficulties that they are going through, (b) expecting the counselling to view the difficulties that they are going through as you view them.Question 5. The two important functions of a therapist are (a) helping the counselee to discover themselves more s o as to be able to handle, in a better way, and to overcome the difficulties that they are going through in life, (b) to guide counselees pieces of professional and practical advice on how to overcome the difficulties that they are going through in life.Question 6. necessary characteristics of an effective client/therapist relationship. The three main characteristics of an effective client/therapist are, (a) the relationship is found on trust (b) the relationship is open, in that the client and the therapist are open to each other(a) (d) the relationship is cordial and friendly. The relationship between client and therapist is quit important in counselling because it determines the effectiveness of counselling.Question 7. The following are the three main set that I live by, (a) honesty, (b) respect, (c) confidentiality. These values will influence me as a counsellor because counselling requires that the counsellor or the therapist should be honest in his/her dealings with the c ounselee, the counsellor also should respect the counselee,
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Writing reports and proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Writing reports and proposal - Assignment ExampleThe overall outlook of this cheat profile is very lucrative for both the callee and the employer. Thus, it becomes imperative to understand the value of the trade music director in the problem settings.The principal responsibility of a marketing manager is associated with managing the business operations of a smart set. The rail line requires managing the resources available to the company effectively in order to create effective marketing policies and strategies. The marketing manager is often given the responsibility to give care the issues related to a single increase, in case the product is of vital importance and when marketing of such products is very complicated. There can be circumstances when the marketing manager will be viewed as a general manager and given the responsibility to handle a wide range of products and services. Organizations which operate in a large scale can thus, employ and appoint several marketing m anagers for handling different products. Small firms on the other hand do not engage more than one marketing managers because of its limited business operations. The marketing manager should be highly creative and he should always keep on developing innovative ideas. He should be articulate and ache an ability of communicating ideas effectively to his subordinates. The marketing manager should intensively promote the products of the company and work in an organized way (Brownlie and Saren, 147-161).The job duties vary with the structure and functions of the organization. It also differs with the sector of business operations. The duty of the marketing manager may involve a range of activities. The foremost responsibility of a marketing manager is to analyze and conduct research about the major trends prevailing in the market. They should have the skills to identify the potential target markets. It is the responsibility of the marketing managers to cater to those markets with innova tive
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Evaluation of the Long-term Strategy of Starbucks Company in China Essay
Evaluation of the Long-term Strategy of Starbucks Company in china - Essay ExampleThis essay delivers critical assessment of the plans of Starbucks company to strengthen its China operations with the abet of the PESTEL analysis utilization.Globalisation of production and investment in recent years has led to a power where long-term capital inflows from advanced economies to developing economies is taking place at a rapid pace. No doubt this has contributed immensely to the economic growth and development of these nations. In this process while on the nonpareil hand global knowledge is being used locally, at the same time local societies likewise are moving towards a knowledge society with an increased level of locally produced knowledge. It is still wide believed about the developing globe that most of the knowledge and the transition societies are produced outside the region. The later half of the 20th Century saw dramatic growth in industrial production and in the hatful co nsumption in developing nations.The Starbucks company was found in 1971 in Seattles Pike tush Market today it has its presence in 36 countries outside United States. It is offering more than 30 blends and single origin coffees, hand-crafted espresso and blended beverages. Companys mission statement says, Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. Having established itself as the world leading brand, the company now wants to strengthen its market in China, a big consumer market, the land of billions and Brobdingnagian opportunities.... Growth of industrial output in countries like China and India during this period was robust and to some extremity the process of catching-up also began in the technological field (Linsu Kim, 1997). The process is thus called imitation to innovation approach. head Starbucks, the coffee can only be enjoyed in the cool company of a friend, while reposeful after a days work, or while preparing iodinself for the day full of assignments. Its not like any different product or service, which we can order on its e-business web come out. But nonetheless, the company has an attractive presence on the net with http//www.starbucks.com/ which informs the coffee lovers about the varieties and processes available with Starbucks. The website basically has the following sectionsOur Coffees This section tells about the range of Starbucks coffees and companys expertness on the subject. With a details menu of its varieties available in Latin America, Africa, Arabia, Asia and some multi regional blends, the site encourages the visitor to at least have a look at it in any one of its locations.Our Stores This tab spills the beans about different locations where the patrons of coffee can have a go at it.Starbucks circuit board The Company also issues Starbucks card to its customers, which serves as a means of rewarding the loyal customer. This is a co -branded card with indorse and calls on the consumers to earn more and more Starbucks Duetto Dollars with every Visa purchase through this card.At topographic point Here the site gives us information about how we can enjoy Starbucks at home with teensy help from our nearby store.For Business This section calls for business opportunities with other corporate clients and how one can able a Starbucks coffee outlet with the
A Rose for Emily Critical Analisis Research Paper
A Rose for Emily Critical Analisis - search Paper ExampleEven though Emily commits the gruesome murder of Homer Baron, her lover, she must be excuse on account of her powerlessness to rid herself of the imposed personality. In sum, Emilys character and actions are born(p) out of external influences over which she has no control. Outline I Nature of Emilys relationship with her commence II Character traits of Mr. Grierson Class consciousness Patriarchal nature III Griersons influence on Emilys personality IV Murder of Homer Baron V Conclusion Analysis Emily spends more or less of her adult life by her fathers side. Her father objects to all endeavors by eligible suitors to unite Emily partly due to the pride of class. The Griersons had considered themselves as occupying a privileged position in the society (Ruth human beingsn 56). They did not wish to make any kind of acquaintances with the townspeople because of the divide on matters of class. As a egress of this, Emily had lea rnt to accept her father as the only relevant companion in her life. After her fathers death, and later after the disappearance of Homer, she remained in solitude, After her fathers death she went out precise little after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all (Faulkner 12). It might be necessary to examine Mr. Griersons character in light of its possible influences on Emily. Grierson is portrayed as a domineering father with a strong character and irreconcilable aversion to common people. He is a man who could not compromise his social status and perspectives for ordinary things. As the only man in Emilys world, he imparted these lopsided views on the young woman thus converting her into an antisocial individual. Mr. Grierson created a private mental universe in which he could live out his fantasies of class supremacy and olden prejudices. He forced his daughter to share in this world and the two adopted a poultrys eye view on the society, which they regarding i n particularly demeaning terms. Mr. Grierson desired to convert her daughter into a super-human individual that could exist beyond the touch of all that was ordinary. It was precisely because of these delusions of grandeur that he disallowed Emily to attach the many suitors that came her way, None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such (Faulkner 34). This would be the beginning of the unnatural feelings of necrophilia that would later demolish the citadel of grandeur in which she had been forced into by a patronizing Grierson. Emily shares a single mind with her father and appears ready to continue this union to the visible level. Her refusal to admit the reality of her fathers death and the three days reluctance to release the the Great Compromiser for burial offers strong hints at the kind of physical bond, which she had nurtured towards her father. Her father was the singular point of reference in her life of social exclusion and represented the only es sence of affection and company, which she could truly relate to. With his demise, Emilys life lost all meaning. Naturally, Emily might have fought off her genuine feelings of love and compassion in an effort to stay the course on which her father had placed her. She sacrificed her individuality and sense of self with the role of walking the straight and narrow established by her overbearing father. The force of patriarchy, which her father so brazenly embodied, would later fend off all forms
Monday, April 22, 2019
Nurses in Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nurses in Politics - Essay ExamplePublic health care institutions are funded by the government that also formulate policies to govern them. Lois Capps plays a crucial contribution in policy setting and determination of budget in the health care sector. She understands the sector and sight convince her colleagues on issues pertaining health to care. Having adequate knowledge in the health sector allows her to give a strong opinion in communities that require a professional in the matter. Her experience in the field also allows her to give specific encounters that will help the other legislators understand the challenges patients and healthcare providers face in the facilities (Feldman, & Lewenson, 2000).Her contribution to successful sours can be summed up into two major bills. The Nurse-managed Health Clinic Investment Act of 2009 and The School-Based Health Clinic Establishment Act of 2009. The two bills were cosponsored by Lois Capps and are meant to ensure that clinics run by introduce practice nurses and school-based clinics to get funding from the government. Lois Capps was also a vocal supporter of the health care mend bill, which ensured Americans get access yet affordable health care (Mason, Leavitt, & Chaffee,
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Produce an annotated bibliography based on the identification and Essay
Produce an annotated bibliography based on the identification and exact review of web sites on Dutch housing, - Essay Exampletry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the milieu delivers messages to viewers with information connect to how mass in the Netherlands could maintain the welfare of the society in scathe of the need for nature, space and raw materials or the use of land for local government project and mystical housing including areas or building projects that will be designed for business purposes.Considering that the main goal of VROM is to rush policy that will promote peace and harmony with its current social, technological and political developments (VROM International, 2008a), the website offers information related to most recent issues on Dutch Spatial Planning such as (1) the 21st vitamin C Dutch housing policies and (2) the 5th National Policy Document on spatial planning 2000/2020 as well as the English version of the Housing policy document entitled What volum e Want, Where People Live which was published back on April 2001. (VROM International, 2008b)Aside from providing information related to spatial planning, housing, topical, integration of people belonging to different social groups, and communities, VROM International website also offers useful information on environmental defense related to climate change acidification eutrophication toxic and hazardous substances contaminated land waste disposal frill and groundwater depletion. (VROM International, 2008c)Available in Dutch and English language, the website of Waterland provides the viewers with information related to water management. Aside from providing qualified data related to the importance of water engineering such as dredging, flood control, coastal partition off engineering, engineering in river basins, and offshore civil engineering the website discuss issues on new policy concerning the Dutch water management particularly on integrated river basin, urban water manage ment, coastal zone management, and groundwater. (Waterland, 2008a) early(a) water related information that has
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The first written homework assignment for this course is posted at the Essay
The first written homework assignment for this course is posted at the Content link. You should substance abuse the posted sources to ans - Essay Example capitulum 2 Whitaker (2) says that in June 1973 cod blocks were going for 65 cents per pound, compared to around 22 cents in the same period in 1969. A graph has been provided that shows the worldwide landings and in large quantities prices of cod blocks betwixt 1960 and 1972, and the price is clearly 21 cents in 1968 (Whitaker 3). In April 2010, The Fish Site print an article titled US ground tip Market Report. In the article, a graph was included that showed sell prices for cod and other groundfish. According to the graph, the wholesale price of cod blocks in 2008 was US$ 2.50 per pound (US Groundfish Market Report 1). interrogatory 3 Supply (in metric tons) Price 1968 4.2 cardinal 21 cents 2008 1.6 million $2.50 The conclusions I can draw from this table is that between 1968 and 2008, supply has been reducing, demand has remained high, and prices have continued to rise. Question 4 Generally, cod tunnage has been in steady decline (with the exception of a few old age) between 1968 and 2008. This is how the demand curve also looks like, showing steady reduction and few increments. This is based on the sources provided. Question 5 The demand curve for cod shifted upwards from 1969-1972, compared to the years between 1960 and 1968. ... The market failure in this case is an inability to plan for the future by using existing stocks efficiently. Question 8 The Canadian regimen banned cod fishing in its Northeast fishing beds in 1993. The Canadian government did not follow an optimal policy in the regulation of the fishing beds, and that is why cod tonnage declined sharply and rapidly from 1968. Politics greatly affected the governments decisions because it took almost 20 years for the ban to be effected (Waters 1). Without political interference it could have been done earlier since the issue at hand was very critical. Question 9 Although the ban came late, it was nonetheless effective. Slow cod recovery was brought closely by a depression in the population of forage fish (necessitated by a virtual(prenominal) decimation of zooplanktons) and the ban. In the article, evidence is presented that there were sufficient haddock, cod and redfish to lay enough eggs and larvae to back down recovery, therefore the ecosystem was lucky in a way (Waters 1). Question 10 In my opinion, and based on research sources, the events in the cod market during the period 1968-2008 are expected to open up unfermented markets for other fish species that were previously playing second fiddle to cod. The reality is that this time period has been punctuated by two things a steady decline and worrying fluctuation in the tonnage of cod worldwide, and a rapid increase in the prices of cod products (particularly cod blocks). Since it has been established that reliance on cod altogether will not sustain existin g demand, the alternative has been to push people towards embracing other fish species. These alternatives include pollock and
Friday, April 19, 2019
PGCE- Primary Teaching Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PGCE- Primary Teaching - Personal Statement Example gain to my vocational qualifications in advertising, PR and Media, I would make to the position a proven ability to finagle successfully and tactfully with children and colleagues.Although my course does non involve a subject in the national curriculum, I still possess a basis for primary teaching. Throughout my course, I have had to write advertisements and go into in field practical that have enhanced my communication skills. I can replicate this planning in a classroom setting to capture childrens attention and have them respond appropriately.The spirit of my advertising, PR and Media degree course has prepared me adequately for this position as there are areas that tutelage my understanding peoples thought processes when presented with information. Media training and advertisement has helped me understand the mechanics of communicating with colossal and varied age groups. The learned PR skills will come handy in understan ding children and puzzle strategies to aid learning.In addition to my strong theoretical basis for the course, I obtained practical experience for teaching. speckle on a three-week placement abroad, I observed that a teachers approach to the class has a outlying(prenominal) reaching effect on the learners ability. For example, a teacher often changed the ways he taught a class to maintain the interest of the children in those activities. She encouraged and celebrated children who were experiencing difficulties in certain activities. The motive spurred them to try harder, and they succeeded in many cases. Her positive attitude reflected in children, giving them confidence in themselves indeed an active learning environment.I had the opportunity to guide the class in story telling which preceded an ICT lesson that would accept class discussions. It was evident that some children are happy to participate in this environment while others were not quite as keen. It is, therefore, i mperative that teaching practitioners design strategies that would
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Racial Profiling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
racial Profiling - interrogation Paper ExampleIt should be noned that in that respect atomic number 18 many organizations which advocate for human rights and alone individuals must be respected whether they come from a minority group or a predominate group. The idea that an arrest is made found race or ethnicity is only an indication that those countries or hoi polloi in that nation still practice racial discrimination which is a bad concept. When the fair playfulness is world implemented it must be implemented equally on all people in the club and should not be seen to lie on one side. People or different races have rights and when their rights argon violated it becomes not only an issue in that country but also raises international concerns. Racial profiling as a problem It has been seen that racial profiling is any action initiated by the law enforcement agencies whether the police or any other group that is mandated with the authority to enforce the law that is based on race or ethnicity or even the nationality of an individual rather than by looking at the doings of that individual or any other information that may lead to the suspect who committed a offensive or offence. The idea that because a apt(p) race is present in a given abode means that they are the ones busy in criminal natural action is rather absurd and should not be tolerated (Tomaskovic-devey, 2009). ... George Bush once said in 2001 in his address that racial profiling is a bad idea and America will work to ensure that it is stopped. He noted that though there are many good police officers out there are a few who are still practicing the vice and they will not be tolerated and measures will be put in place to stop these abuses (Ryberg, 2011). Racial profiling is still a huge problem in the United States law enforcement agencies and especially the police. The police have said that racial profiling is a good concept. That it is both effectual and necessary. They say that cri me is higher in some communities and not in others especially those that have a minority population existing among them. They argue that the minority population is the one that engages in crimes and that to ignore that detail just because of the moral implications behind it is unprofessional and morally wrong. (Glover, 2007) Many other scholars have argued against this saying that the heading of a minority group in the population does not necessarily mean that they are the ones engaged in the criminal activity. The dominant group may also be responsible for the criminal activity and because they know that the minority group will be accused they hide and only perfect their plans qualification it even harder to recognize them. The causes of racial profiling are very clear. Scholars argue that the prevalence of this issue is based on poor reasoning from the police officer. They argue that because the cock crows every morning and we see the sunlight rise does not mean that there is a correlation between the two. Thus because there is crime in a given area and there is the presence of a minority group does not
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Education and Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
preparation and Freedom - evidence ExampleDe-monopolizing public educational institutions would ensure that standards are raised, students and teachers are better motivated, greater innovation would be allowed, costs would be brought down and specific needs of children would be met (Ayse, 2012).Public education is not uniform with responsibility and cleardom. Public education in fact wears away personal freedom and that is why it should be replaced with market solutions, competition, and parental choice. Since parents are charged with their childrens education, then it means families would be best suit in a free market to decide which educational institutions are best suited for their children. Education being an economic commodity should be bought in the marketplace dictated by valuation and preferences of consumers. hence in an education market that is free, students and parents would be at liberty to make a decision on the basis of perceived benefits and costs of each availa ble option. Essentially, education procurement does not vary from getting any other private commodity. Schools that are market-based have got incentives that provide quality education at a price that is competitive. Thus the separation of education and state would reinstate academic integrity, intellectual freedom as well as individual accomplishment. The free market can best furnish the public with graduate(prenominal) quality education services. The finest school choice plan therefore is the one based on free market (Harry, 2013).Colleges should prepare people to be good citizens. The purpose of education has been debated world over by teachers, scholars, statesmen and several considerate men and women. There has always been one predictable answer knowledge acquisition. raze more complete is the utterance made by the Archbishop of York that the true purpose of education is to produce citizens. This didactics sounds true not only the day it was uttered but also today. However i n the modern font day society, its a main
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
A Woman’s Place Essay Example for Free
A womanhoods Place EssayDont read so much, he express, dont study get yourself good and tired out with homework, take exercise. He believes that her troubles would clear up if she got married. He believes this in spite of the fact that most of his nerve medicine is prescribed for married women. The primary opus of Meneseteung by Alice Munro is the role of women in times of Victorian traditions and standards. The fibber, who is never identified, explains tasks and qualities that differentiate a real, marriageable woman from an outcast from society. The main character in this baloney is Almeda Joynt Roth, a obeisanceable woman who has give out famous in her small town for her poetry book. She has earned respect and admiration amongst others in the town for her works, solely has also been criticized as a womans literary ambitions were thought to be hobby rather than vocation. Roth yearns to marry Jarvis Poulter, an idea that the rest of the town supports. Even Roths desex ualise, who prescribes nerve medicine to help Roth with her sleeplessness, says she would be much happier if she were married.However, Poulter does non find Roth to be a suitable wife and does not pursue her as much(prenominal) because she does not demonstrate the qualities that defined a marriageable woman of the times. The account, then, is not just or so the role of women in the society but also about a lonely woman, an outcast of handed-down society, and her search for companionship. Roth suffers from insomnia and goes to the doctor to get medication to help with her sleeplessness. The doctor suggests that Roth busies herself with things that are not considered womanly such as studying and writing.Her writing is considered an asset to the community, but not totally accepted as a woman is expected to marry and have a family. The town paper, the Vidette, which contains articles that would often be considered libelous by modern standards considers her young and fit enough to b ear children, physically speaking she is marriageable material. The doctor suggests that she wear herself out by performing housewife tasks such as cleaning and exercising so that she may sleep.He also discourages her from reading and writing, as it is not required of her to do these things to ulfill her position in society. He suggests that marriage would solve most of her problems, though the medication he prescribes her is primarily prescribed to married women. The doctor is prescribing a remedy to her problems by get a housewife, while also prescribing medication that is given to housewives to airiness the very condition she, as a single woman, had come to ameliorate. In the society portrayed in Meneseteung marriage is considered to be a cure-all for many of womens problems.Why, asks the narrator, has Roth remained unmarried for so long? The narrator suspects that it is partly down to her desolate disposition. A caliginous personality is not one that is considered attractive and community tend to avoid developing social ties to her. Weighed down by burdens such as the loss of her family Roth is a loner with reading, writing, and the hopeless pursuit of Jarvis Poulter as her only aspirations in life and generally just does as she pleases.She dreams of marrying Poulter, an idea that the whole town supports, but he never showed an interest in her as she did not fit the imagine of a marriageable woman of the times. Despite this the narrator portrays Roth to be less of the wise hedonist and more wish a tormented artist, suffering as a result of her art. It is her peculiarity that makes her an eminent writer, but also not considered suitable to be taken as a wife. Women in this story are portrayed as weak and in direct of men.One night, Roth is awoken by a drunk, abused woman at her fence. She is frightened and rushes to Poulter for help, and this is shown as being the first time in the story that she behaves like a typical woman of her time. She is no longer the poised, confident woman that Poulter has come to fill out her as and is attracted to her desperate vulnerability. Poulter was not attracted to her when she was poised and confident but once he had seen that she was weak, helpless, and in collect of him he felt drawn to her as she finally fit the stereotypical image of a woman.Poulter deals with the drunken woman in a cruelly and insensitively and upon seeing this Roth loses interest in him. Poulter asks her to church and she declines and the ii never pursue a relationship. Despite being portrayed as weak and in need of men, women are not powerless in marriage. One of a womans primary roles is to realize their husbands by ascribing preferences to them. This way, bewildered, sidelong-looking men are made over, made into husbands, heads of households. Roth cannot see herself doing this, which urther separates her from the society in which she lives. After her rejection of Poulters interests Roth retreats into the vivid aberration brought upon her by the doctors nerve medicine and meets her death after becoming the target of menacing youths malevolent tormenting. This quote from the doctor, which I have chosen as the most deep meaningful, shows the thinking of the times. Women were to marry to solve their own problems as well as to solve the problems of their husband.This short story is about a woman who is different from the social norm and her search for companionship and stability in her own life, as well as how breaking the norm had its own consequences. Her obsession with reading and writing, which was said to be more suitable as a hobby than profession, set her aside and earned her respect within her community while at the same time driving a wedge surrounded by her and a universal life because she did not spend her life marrying, becoming a wife, becoming a mother, and spending her days cleaning and caring for her family like a typical woman of the time.When Roth became vulnerable she be came like every other woman and Poulter finally saw her as a possibility for marriage but his actions revolted Roth. The incident with the drunken woman disgusted her into a solitary existence with just her and her hallucinations brought on by the nerve medication prescribed by the doctor. The doctor suggested that by marrying, Roth would not require this medicine in spite of it being most commonly prescribed for married women. So, then, Almeda Roth could not live with herself as a normal woman yet not being a typical woman is what eventually led to her demise.
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